After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Lexi stood there looking at Noah then down at his hand that grasped her arm, then back up at him. Looking him straight in the eye she said, “Fine. But if that is how you kiss a friend, imagine what it would be like if we were lovers.” She turned and walked through the door Sam had just been standing in.

Noah closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and let it slam into the wall. He really didn’t need the image of them as lovers going through his head after that spectacular make-out session. His body still throbbed with need. Damn it. He knew he wanted to make some changes, but the ones she made him think of were too radical. A completely different direction than he was originally thinking. He didn’t need the complication of Lexi. Oh, but what a sweet complication she was.


Noah invited Sam and Martha to join them for dinner in the kitchen. All of them together had a nice family feeling that Lexi had missed.

“How did the talent show rehearsals go today, Lexi?” Martha asked as she passed a plate of chicken.

Lexi sighed and shook her head, “Typical first time through. Slow going, but it should be a wonderful show. We’ve got some really talented people. I’m really proud of how prepared everyone was for a first run.”

“How much trouble did those old crazy ladies cause?” Sam asked, shaking his head.

“Samuel, you know that is no way to talk about them,” Martha scolded as she held back the bowl of mashed potatoes.

“Oh, come on, Martha, hand over the potatoes. Besides, their stories are legendary, so spill, Lexi—what did they do?”

Lexi laughed, “What didn’t they do would be more like it. First, they decided today would be the best day to clog the toilets, then every time the plumber cleared the line, they would clog it again. We started an hour late. Then Evelyne and Leigh gave the old guys, Statler and Waldorf, from The Muppet Show a run for their money. There were a few moments I thought I might have to break up a fight. It would appear some people don’t think Evelyne and Leigh are as funny as they think they are. Then they refused to run through their act. They sat up there for five minutes not doing a thing. It was a long day. I am glad we don’t have too many of these run-throughs planned.”

“Do you know what they are going to do?” Noah asked around shoveling food into his mouth.

Lexi shrugged. “I have no idea which scares me like there is no tomorrow. When I asked them, they wouldn’t tell me a thing. I guess they are rehearsing at one of their houses because they aren’t doing it at the senior center like everyone else.”

“Are you going to do anything for the show, Lexi?” wondered Martha.

Lexi sighed. “Yes, but not because I signed up. It appears that the three lovely ladies decided I should. I’m thankful they’re allowing me to, at least, pick what I do. If it were up to them I’d end up having to sing ‘I Touch Myself’ by the Divinyls.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized what she’d said and with wide eyes looked into Noah’s. She could tell by the look on his face, he was picturing her taking those lyrics literally.

She cleared her throat. “So anyway, I haven’t decided exactly what I am doing. I have a few ideas. Speaking of that, I really should get going so I can get some work done.”

“I’ll walk you home,” he said, “Don’t argue, Lexi.”

“What do you mean, argue? I wouldn’t dream of it.” Lexi batted her eyelashes at him. “The meal was wonderful as always Martha, thank you.”

“Hey Lex, when’s the next time you’re going to have those old bats over?” Sam asked as he dodged his wife’s punch. “I just want to know so I can make sure I have plans to be somewhere else.”

Laughing, Lexi said, “Don’t worry, Sam. I’ll give you plenty of warning. I remember last time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone blush that much in the span of ten minutes as you did that day.”

Martha laughed, too. “It was funny, Sam honey, and you do have a nice ass.”

Noah shook his head, “Come on, they can’t be that bad.” He frowned when they all laughed at him.

After excusing themselves from the table, Noah and Lexi were quiet while walking to her house. Lexi was trying not to think about what happened on the road and being alone in her home. She knew that she couldn’t be weak, but she didn’t want to be stupid either. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing.

“Hello? Oh, hi Rob, what did you find out?” She covered the mouthpiece of the phone and mouthed, “The garage,” to Noah. “Really? Well, how can that happen?” Her eyebrows furrowed in concern. She started to shake and tried to hide it from Noah.

“Tell me,” Noah demanded. She held up a finger to tell him he would have to wait a minute and started to walk away with her back to him. He just followed her and sped up so that he was in front of her and held his hand out for the phone.

She turned her back to him, “Sorry Rob, I’ve got a man here who seems to think that because I’m a woman there’s no possible way I could know anything about that mysterious contraption called a car.” Lexi rolled her eyes.

M. Stratton's books