After the Storm (Storm, #1)

He swung his leg over the bike and put his fingers under her chin to raise her face to his, “Do not move from here. I will get your things.”

“Hurry.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. She kept imaging someone coming up behind her. She whipped her head around and let out a breath when no one was there. She turned back and focused on Noah getting her things from the car, trying to block everything else out.

Watching him as he walked to her car she noticed him scanning the woods. Grabbing her things, he locked the door and when he turned back around, he crossed quickly back to her he handed the purse to her. “Come on, let’s go home.” He showed her where to put her feet after securing the helmet on her head and climbed onto the bike in front of her.

She put her purse across her shoulder and leaned into him, wrapping her arms tightly around his middle. She breathed in his scent and calmed down as they got further away from the woods. What had happened to her car? And why was someone watching her? Were the two events somehow related?

It couldn’t be him.

She didn’t let her mind go any further down that track. If she did, she might lose it in front of Noah.


He drove slower going home, with her on the bike, than he had getting there. He couldn’t get the sound of her voice on the phone out of his head and couldn’t get to her quick enough. The thought of someone hiding in the woods staring at her didn’t sit right with him. He was curious to see what the mechanic said about her car and if he could find anything in the woods.

Noah pulled into his garage and closed the door. When it was down, she still didn’t move. He took her hands and gave them a tap to let her know she could let go now. When she didn’t respond, he separated them from around his waist, got off the bike, and took his helmet off. She sat there staring at the seat. He gently undid the strap and lifted her helmet off. “Lexi, talk to me. Are you okay?” Noah kept his voice soft and calm, completely opposite of what he felt inside.

She slowly looked up at him and gave the barest of nods. He couldn’t take it anymore. He grabbed her by the upper arms and pulled her off of the bike and into his arms, holding her tight. “Come on Lexi, say something. Tell me everything.”

She pulled slightly away and looked up at him. “I…” that was all she could get out. Their eyes locked together.

Seeing her at such a loss he couldn’t control it any longer. He, ever so slowly, closed the distance, stopping just before his lips touched hers.

“Tell me to stop now,” he whispered. “I’m used to getting what I want. You mean something different to me, so tell me now because I can’t—I won’t—stop on my own.”

It felt like waves of electricity flowed between them, as if the air was vibrating with it, with their need for each other. He didn’t want her to deny either of them. Showing him her decision, she closed the space between their lips.

Everything disappeared at the exact moment their lips touched. They started off gently, and slowly, learned each other’s lips. She darted her tongue out to taste his. He sighed when his came out to meet hers. He leaned up against the wall. Lexi’s hands roamed all over his body. She touched everywhere she could get to, wherever she wanted to. He grabbed her ass and squeezed it, pulling her in closer to his hardening length. A soft mewing escaped her lips. Her fingers grabbed his shoulders trying to pull him closer. They couldn’t catch her breath as their tongues and bodies waged war against each other, each wanting more.

“Break it up you two, dinner is ready,” Sam said as he peeked his head out the door from the house.

Noah slowly pulled his mouth away from Lexi’s, giving Sam a look that could kill. “Your timing could be better.”

“By the looks of things, I’ve got perfect timing. Food’s getting cold.” He let the door close loudly behind him.

They stood staring, at each other trying to catch their breath for a moment. “I’m sorry, Lexi.” He leaned his head down so their foreheads were touching. “I shouldn’t have done that. I took advantage of your emotional state. I just couldn’t stand to see you look so scared.”

She stared at him, disbelieving. “So, you’re saying the only reason you kissed me was because I looked scared? Well, gee thanks Noah, you’re a prince.” She pulled away, giving him a shove to his chest and turned to walk away.

Noah grabbed her and turned her back around to him, “Damn it, no, I am saying that we haven’t known each other that long. I’m trying to do this whole friendship thing because I can tell you aren’t ready for anything else and I don’t want to fuck it up. So this won’t happen again.”

M. Stratton's books