After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Walk home while it is getting dark with a creepy feeling or call Noah. That’s a no-brainer.

Trying to calm herself, she dialed the cell phone number he had given her. Noah answered after two rings, sounding out of breath. “Ahhh, sweet Lexi. I didn’t think you wanted to do the whole phone-call-bestie-thing.” Lexi closed her eyes in relief that he’d answered. Just hearing his voice, brought some of her anxiety down a notch.

With a small laugh she said, “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” She tried to keep her voice from trembling.

“Nah, I’m just about to get back in from a run. Oh, and fair warning, I’m still plotting how to get you to kiss me.”

Closing her eyes, she tried not to think about what he looked like covered in sweat, his muscles quivering from the run. She needed to focus and the fear of someone watching her was getting stronger. “Sorry, but my car broke down and the tow truck can’t be here for over an hour. Can you come get me?”

“Of course, where are you?”

“I’m a couple of miles up the main road.” She tried to keep her voice from shaking.

He’s on his way, he’ll be here soon. Keep calm. Breathe.

“Are you okay? You sound strange.” Lexi could hear the concern in his voice.

“Just my imagination getting away from me.” She laughed nervously, hoping they would get off of the phone and he would get here soon.

“I’ll be there in a few. I’m almost back to the house. Are you afraid of motorcycles?”

“No, but I’ve never ridden one.” She shivered, thinking of riding on the bike with her body pressed up against his, arms wrapped around him.

“Cool. I’ll be right there.”

“Noah…” Lexi sighed at the silence on the line. I guess I’m going to be riding on a motorcycle. Great. She dropped her head on the steering wheel.

Lexi counted the seconds to keep the fear from overtaking her while the darkness closed around her car. Just her luck, the night her car broke down would have to happen while a storm approached.

She barely stifled a scream as a twig snapped near the passenger side of the car and as she stared into the woods, her breath stopped. Every nerve on her body tingled and her heart raced in her chest. Someone was standing there, watching her. Squinting, she tried to get a better look but it was too dark to make anything out. A sense of dread washed over her. There was something sinister about how he stood there, not moving.

She wanted to get away from him so she backed up until her back was pressed against the car door but made no move to get out of the vehicle. Her breathing grew too rapid, making it difficult to get enough air into her lungs. Her vision narrowed and she was afraid that she was going to pass out, which scared her even more. She would be helpless.

The armrest on the door pressed hard enough into her back that briefly she wondered if it might leave a bruise. She wanted to get out and run as fast as she could to get away, but then she’d be out there with him, unprotected and vulnerable.

Transfixed, she watched as he slowly started to back away, going deeper into the forest. That scared her more, not knowing where he was going. When he was gone, she scanned the road, scared that he would somehow double back and come at her from a different direction. She held up her phone and with shaking fingers tried Noah again. It took a few attempts before she was able to dial his number correctly. He should have been here by now.

Lexi wiped at the tears that ran down her face. She didn’t want her vision blurred with tears as she continued to search for the stranger but as the clouds rolled in and it grew darker, she could see less and less.

Her head whipped around when a single headlight came racing around the corner and the unmistakable sound of a Harley filled her ears. Noah skidded to a stop near her car and she flung the door open and raced into his arms. Noah could barely hold onto her and keep the motorcycle balanced.

With her head buried against his chest he stood up with the bike still between his legs and kept a protective arm around her. “Lexi, what’s going on?”

“I saw someone staring at me from the woods,” she mumbled into his chest. She could feel every muscle in his body tense. She shivered and he held her tighter.

“I’m going to see if I can find him.” He started to let go of her.

She grabbed his arm tightly. “No, Noah, you can’t. Please don’t leave me. It’s getting too dark. You wouldn’t be able to see anything anyway. I just want to get out of here.”

“Fine, we’ll come back tomorrow. Are you sure you can’t start it to get it home?” When she nodded he continued, “Do you need anything from your car?”

“Just my purse and keys.” It took everything Lexi had to let him go. He was her rock right now.

M. Stratton's books