Tales from a Not-So-Glam TV Star




OMG! Saturday night was a complete NIGHTMARE!! How bad was it? SO bad I’m breaking into a cold sweat and having traumatic flashbacks just writing about it.


AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! That was me screaming!! Sorry!! Must. Stop. Screaming! Anyway . . .


I can hardly believe the KA-RAY-ZEE mess I got myself into THIS time!


I wondered if they allowed diaries in JAIL! Because that’s exactly where I was headed. No JOKE!! The authorities were about to place me under arrest ! But girlfriend wasn’t going down without a fight!


And by fight, I mean trying to figure out whether I could sneak out of a nearby window, crawl onto a six-inch ledge, dangle by my fingertips over a railing, and then jump five floors to the ground below . . . without SPLATTERING myself all over the parking lot!!




Hmm . . . ?!


Probably . . . NOT !!


But it gets worse! My BFFs, Chloe and Zoey, were getting arrested too. And it was all MY fault!


I was such a HORRIBLE person! I TOTALLY deserved it if they UNFRIENDED me on Facebook!


If only I HADN’T dragged them into this MESS!


I was just minding my own business and writing in my diary when I got that call Saturday morning. . . .


“Hello, Nikki! Great news! I’m in town today with my new group, the BAD BOYZ! I’d love to meet with you to discuss recording your band’s song ‘Dorks Rule!’ The only problem is that we’ll be leaving soon to go on a world tour. So I can only meet with you TONIGHT. Otherwise, it’ll be about seven months before my schedule clears up again. Do you think you can make it to the Bad Boyz concert tonight?”


“OMG! Mr. Chase?! Yes, I’d love to! But that concert sold out months ago in, like, ten minutes. My two BFFs camped out in line overnight and STILL couldn’t get any tickets.”


“No problem! I’ll give you three backstage passes so you can bring a couple of your band members. Just pick them up at the reserved-tickets window, okay?”


That was when I completely FAINTED! Well, actually, ALMOST completely fainted.


“Backstage passes?! That’s AWESOME! Thank you, Mr. Chase! I’ll see you TONIGHT!”


I could NOT believe this was happening! My band, Actually, I’m Not Really Sure Yet, might get a record deal! I hung up the phone and immediately called Chloe and Zoey to see if they wanted to go to the concert.


They answered with one word: “SQUEEEEE!” !!


We all agreed it was going to be the MOST fun we’d had together since, um . . . yesterday!


When we arrived at the arena, we waited in line with THOUSANDS of excited fans. But you’d NEVER guess who we just happened to run into on our way to the ticket window. . . .






And of course she was surprised to see US, too!


“OMG! What are YOU losers doing here?” she said, turning up her nose at us in disgust like we were . . . a bunch of lowly . . . maggots . . . suffering from a terminal case of . . . diarrhea or something.


“We’re here to see the show! What else?” I answered, like it wasn’t a big deal at all.


“Well, have fun way up there in the cheap, nosebleed section. I managed to snag FRONT-ROW SEATS! If the Bad Boyz come down onto the main floor, I’ll tell them you guys said hello. NOT!!” MacKenzie taunted.


Then she waved her tickets right under our noses really sloooowly like they were freshly baked red velvet cupcakes with extra sprinkles or something.


But I just stared right into her beady little eyes.


“Well, girlfriend! I hope you have fun in the front row, because WE’RE going to be BACKSTAGE!!” I said. Then I waved OUR tickets right under HER nose really slooooooooowly.


“Yeah!” Chloe added, doing jazz hands. “We have VIP, special access, BACKSTAGE PASSES! While WE meet and greet, YOU can weep!”


“And if WE run into the Bad Boyz backstage, we’ll tell ’em YOU said hello,” Zoey said, batting her eyes all sweetly. “NOT!!”


MacKenzie just stood there in shock, staring at us with her mouth dangling wide open.


The thought of us dorks hanging out with the celebs backstage must have given MacKenzie a mini nervous breakdown or something. Because she accidentally knocked over her bottled water and completely drenched Chloe!


Thank goodness Zoey had a pack of tissues in her purse.


We tried our best to calm Chloe down and dry her off.




Russell, Rachel Renée's books