Present Perfect

You find out the true character of a person when they don’t take advantage of a sure thing.






I must have fallen asleep in the car, because the next thing I knew I was at Noah’s house in his bedroom, sitting on his bed. He was standing at his dresser with his back to me. My head was spinning and so was the room causing me to fall back on to the bed.


“Noah, you’re room is like a ride at Disney World.” I heard a slight chuckle coming from overhead. Barely lifting my head up off the bed, I slowly opened one eye, and saw him standing in front of me, holding a pair of green and white plaid boxer shorts and a white t-shirt. His anger had disappeared, replaced by sadness and guilt.


My face twisted in confusion. “You wear plaid underwear?” I asked, letting my head fall back and my eye close.


“Sometimes. Why?”


“I never pictured you wearing plaid boxers.”


I felt the material of the t-shirt and boxers brush across my arm as he sat them down on the bed beside me.


His voice was gravely and hoarse when he said, “Change into this. I’m going to get you some water and aspirin.”


“What am I going to do about my parents? I can’t go home like this,” I said.


“Both our parents went to Myrtle Beach this weekend. Remember?”


I heard his footsteps as he crossed the room, stopping when I whined, “Noah! I can’t sit up. Help me!” I shot both arms up in the air, pointing them straight towards the ceiling. I felt his warm hands glide over mine as he pulled me up to a sitting position. My head was swimming as I swayed from side to side a few times before steadying myself.


Fumbling, I tried to unbutton my jeans, but the button kept eluding my grasp. If memory served me correctly, there was only one button on my jeans before the party, but apparently it had babies, because now I saw four.


I looked up at him helplessly, batting my eyes a couple of times, and said, “I seem to be having difficulty locating the actual boot-ton and zip-pah,” I giggled and smiled at him.


Kneeling down in front of me, he smiled, and then whispered, “I’ll help you.”


Noah slipped my flip flops off and placed them to the side. Bringing his hands up, he unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. A shiver ran through me when his fingers grazed my skin.


He looked into my eyes, gulped and said, “I’ll go get your water and aspirin while you change.” He stood and turned away, heading toward the door.


I made one attempt to stand up. When I leaned forward slightly, the room started spinning rapidly. I flopped back on to the bed. “Noah, I can’t stand up. I need you.”


I heard him approach. “Tweet, are you okay?”


“Yes, but I need you. Don’t leave me,” I whispered.


He knelt back down in front of me and said, “I won’t ever leave you. Just hold on to my shoulders to steady yourself.”


Noah helped me sit back up. I placed my hands on his shoulders and leaned forward. As I stood my breasts came in direct contact with Noah’s face. A prickly sensation covered my skin when I felt his face lightly graze my torso as I stood. My head began to swim, but I was able to remain standing as long as I held on to his strong shoulders.


Noah placed his hands on either side of my hips, his fingers hooked around the top of my jeans, and he slid them down to my mid-thigh. I glanced down and noticed him trying not to look at my naked thighs or my lacy purple boy shorts. I could feel his hot breath over the front of my panties. We stilled for a few seconds before I heard him swallow a big gulp of air. He helped me sit back down, and then pulled my jeans off the rest of the way. It was so cute how uncomfortable he was.


Holding out his boxers, I put one leg followed by the other into them. I stood up, again steadying myself with his shoulders while he pulled the boxers up my legs. Clearing his throat Noah said in a low voice, “I’m sure you’ll be able to handle the rest on your own. I’ll go get the water and aspirin.”


The tequila was making me bold, forgetful, and horny. Memories of what happened between us just a few hours ago weren’t hurting as much now. I wanted to know what it felt like to have Noah’s hands on me. I wanted his lips on my skin. I wanted to know what it felt like to be Brittani.


While he was still kneeling in front of me, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head, tossing it to the side. Noah froze, gazing at me.


Grinning, I asked, “What are you looking at? I never struck you as a lacey bra kind of girl?” I sucked in my lower lip then slowly released it. “I have a black one, a red one, a white one, a pink one, a yellow one, and of course, you can see the purple one. They all have matching lace panties too.” I gave him a little smile.


Damn, what had gotten into me? I was no longer average and plain Amanda Kelly. I had become some type of tequila slut. I was a Sluquila. I’m telling Noah all about my underwear. Oh! My! God! I’m telling Noah all about my underwear! Rather, Senorita Sluquila is.


Noah never took his eyes off of me or my bra, as he reached for the t-shirt and handed it to me. He exhaled a shaky deep sigh and then said, “Put this on. Now!”


I took the t-shirt and pulled it over my head. Noah was trying hard not to look in my direction. I turned off my brain and let Senorita Sluquila take over. Raising my leg, I slowly rubbed my inner calf up and down Noah’s hip.


“You want to see how talented I am?” I asked looking at him through my eyelashes.


“What are you talking about?” he said.


I could tell he was still slightly dazed from my underwear soliloquy.


“Watch and learn, buddy boy.” Keeping eye contact, Noah sat back on his heels ready for the show.


Moving one arm around to my back, I played with my bra hook for a few seconds, trying to unclasp it. Once it was undone I reached up into the sleeve of the shirt and pulled one strap down and out. I repeated the exact same move on the other side, this time I pulled the entire bra out from the sleeve, held it over my head, and loudly said, “Ta-dah!”


Noah started shaking his head and laughing, some of his nervousness disappearing. “You’re nuts.”


“And talented.” I gave him a wink.


“Yes, very talented,” he said, smiling at me.


The room got very quiet for a few seconds as we continued to maintain eye contact. I leaned back on the bed, propping myself up on my elbows. I tilted my head slightly to one side and shook it, letting my hair fall over my shoulder.


I’m not sure if I wanted him to be jealous or feel guilty because of Brittani, when I asked, “Do you want to know what Brad did to me?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “He ran his hands up and down my bare back, over my hips, and grabbed my ass.”


I could see the anger build up in Noah’s eyes. His face was becoming strained, his hands were already formed into fists, and his breaths were coming out deep, and heavy. I rubbed his hip again with my leg. Suddenly, I felt his hands behind my knees, pulling me to the edge of the bed, and against his chest. I gasped. My hands gripped the edge of the bed while his remained behind my knees. We were nose-to-nose. Our chests rising and falling quickly, as our breaths became heavy.


Gazing into his beautiful hypnotic light blue eyes, I whispered, “Do you want to touch me?”


Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and sighed, “F*ck, yes,” he whispered.


“Then do it,” I challenged.


He moved in closer. I felt his hands run over my hips and under my shirt. The sensation of them on my bare skin caused heat to radiate between my legs.


Our lips were almost touching when I whispered, “Touch me, Noah.”


He stared at me for several seconds. The look in his eyes was a combination of desire and conflict. I felt his hands start to travel down my back and out from under my shirt. He pulled away from me and sat back on his heels.


“F*ck. F*ck. F*ck,” he said under his breath.


I didn’t understand what had just happened. I felt embarrassed and confused. I had obviously done something wrong. Noah didn’t want me.


Somehow building up the courage, I asked, “What’s wrong with me?”


“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s just you’ve been drinking a lot and I don’t want anything to happen between us while you’re drunk.”


I could feel my tears getting ready to spill over my cheeks. He didn’t want me. I felt an all-consuming humiliation wash over me.


Looking down at my lap, I whispered, “I want to go home now.”


Wiping away my tears, he said in a low voice, “Don’t cry, Tweet. Talk to me.”


I couldn’t look at him. “It’s just that I could tell Brittani was drunk and you still…” I trailed off. “Please let me go home now.”


God, I was pathetic. If this was how I act when I’m drunk then I am never going to drink again.


Noah wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, and softly said, “I’m so sorry about tonight. I hate myself for hurting you,” he pulled back, resting his forehead on mine. “It didn’t matter if she was drunk. I don’t care about her and she knows that. She doesn’t care about me either. We were both using each other. You’re not just a warm body that a guy screws when he’s trying to numb himself. You mean everything to me.” He kissed my forehead gently, and then whispered against it, “Don’t go. Stay with me.” I nodded. I wanted to stay. He then left to get my water and aspirin.


Once the door had closed, I laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I felt completely drained. My head began to throb from the events of the night running around in it. I scooted up the bed and crawled under the covers, lying on my side.


I heard the door open and close quietly. Noah walked around to my side of the bed. Sitting up, I took the water and aspirin he brought me. Noah had already changed into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. I placed the glass on the nightstand and laid my head back down. The lights went out. I felt the bed dipped as he slipped under the covers behind me. Pressing his chest against my back, he let his arm drape around my waist and held me tight. I felt his warm breath flowing over the back of my neck. He calmed me.


I was ready for this night to be over, so it surprised me when I opened my big mouth and said, “Noah, can I ask you something?”


“You can ask me anything, Tweet,” he whispered against my neck.


“Even if it’s about Brittani?”


I felt his chest expand and contract as he took in a deep breath and then slowly let it out. “Yes.”


“Why didn’t you want to kiss her or hear her talk?”


The room fell quiet. Noah hugged me tight against him, and whispered, “Because she’s not you.”


That was all I needed to hear at that moment before drifting off to sleep with a smile of contentment on my face.






Alison Bailey's books