Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race

electronic computer training, 141

Engineering, Science, and War Management Training programs, 46, 142, 283

Engineering for Women, 16, 39, 95

“Hampton Idea,” 95

John Glenn hero’s welcome, 225

Marian Anderson performances, 68

Mary Peake “founding,” 16

Phenix High School, 94, 95, 142, 186

Rosa Parks as hostess, 202

Stability Analysis gatherings, 88

war effort participation, 45–46

Hampton Roads (VA)

anti-Semitism, 102

East End segregation, 29–30, 61–62

John Glenn hero’s welcome, 224–225

racial tensions, 31, 47–48

V-J Day, 64–65

war towns, 27–29, 64, 79–80

Hannah, Margery (East & West Computing) authoring study with Katzoff, xvii, 88

Katherine Johnson on, 250

outer planet tour, 246, 314

West Area women as equals, 47

West Computing section head, xvii, 40, 49, 58, 81, 87, 250

wind tunnel air flows, 110

Harris, Ruth Bates, xiii

Head Girls, 91–92

Height, Dorothy, 228, 312

Hill, Oliver, 140

Hillside Inn (PA), 237–238, 313

Hinson, Shirley Hunt (math aide), 210

Holt, Harry, 38

Hoover, Dorothy (mathematician; scientist) aeronautical research scientist, 112, 218

GS-13 achieved, 255

West Computer supervisor, 81

working for Robert T. Jones, xvii, 87–88, 112

House, Rufus, 90, 92

Housing Rights Act (1968), 241

Houston, Alice Jackson, 24

Houston, Charles Hamilton

Du Bois as guide, 229

graduate school admission policies, 24

military service, 32

teacher salaries, 70, 74–75

Howard University

female engineering graduates, 144

inaugural master’s in math, 13, 23, 24, 73, 74

Hughes, Howard, 53

Hughes, Langston, 251

Human Computer Project, 267, 268

Hunter, Lessie (West Computer), 40, 264

Huntington, Collis, 38

Huss, Carl, 122, 164, 176, 177, 189, 190, 210

IBM computers

604 and 650 for trajectories, 138

704 FORTRAN, 205–206

709 in Bermuda, 206

7090s at Goddard, 206, 215, 218, 221–222

CO3E software program, 207

Katherine Johnson versus, 220, 223

“Indian” use in book, ix, 45

integration. See desegregation International Geophysical Year (1957–1958), 162, 175

international view of discrimination, 103–104, 150, 170

Introduction to Celestial Mechanics (Moulton; 1914), 176, 191

Introduction to Outer Space (President’s Advisory Committee on Science; 1958), 175, 305

J. S. Darling and Son, 38, 93

Jackson, Levi, Sr., 260

Jackson, Mahalia, 228, 229

Jackson, Mary Winston (West Computer; engineer) Apollo capsule testing, 219

Apollo Team Achievement Award, 219

background, 94–98, 112–113, 186

Becker reusable launch vehicle, 163–164

black engineer recruitment, 230, 254

defending her numbers, xvii, 114–115

East Computing assignment, 108–110

electronic computer programming, 254

engineer barrier breaking, 196–199, 200, 219, 255–257

engineering training, 143–145

epilogue, 251, 253–257

Federal Women’s Program Manager, 256–257

Girl Scout leader, 95, 97–98, 108, 109, 198, 256

Gloria Champine and, 257, 258–261

Hampton return, 93–94

Kazimierz Czarnecki hiring, 109–110, 142–143, 254–255

security clearance, 98

son’s soap box derby, 193–195, 199–200

Volunteer of the Year, 254

West Computing, 99, 101, 105, 107–108

Jackson, Wanda, 260

Jacobs, Eastman, 53, 82, 88, 101

Johns, Altona Trent, 20, 33–34

Johns, Barbara, 140–141

Johns, Vernon, 33–34, 140

Johnson, James A., 186–187, 188, 192

Johnson, Janice, 198

Johnson, Katherine Coleman Goble (West Computer; scientist) Alpha Kappa Alpha conclave, 236–239

“America Is for Everybody” brochure, 227, 228

Apollo 13 crisis, 248–249

awards, 172, 249–250, 314

Azimuth Angle report, 191–192, 211, 220

background, 23–24, 70–72

celebrity, 225, 232, 249–250

Christine Darden welcomed, 231–232

colored bathrooms, 129

on Dorothy Vaughan, 173, 250

epilogue, 249–251

Eunice Smith friendship, 120, 186, 232

Flight Research Division, 122–124, 125–131

graduate studies and desegregation, 25, 75–76

homeowner, 132–133, 185–186

Jimmy Goble’s death, 133–134, 135–136, 186

John Glenn’s trajectory, xvii, 211, 216–217, 219–223, 225

on Margery Hannah, 250

marriage to Jim Johnson, 186, 192

marriage to Jimmy Goble, 74, 76

Mars shot, 246

mentor Claytor, 24, 73, 74

Moon shot, 234, 239, 244–246, 248, 249

NASA to Houston, 210

Piper vs. jet wake, 128

Presidential Medal of Freedom, 172, 250

spaceflight, 164–165, 176, 177–179

spaceflight editorial meetings, 179, 181–182

spaceflight trajectories, 190–191

Sputnik, 161, 162, 164

as teacher, 23–24, 69–70, 74, 119, 120

as Trekkie, 243–244

West Computer, 120–122, 172

Johnson, Kemble, 104–105

Johnson, Leonard “Kansas City,” 12, 276

Johnson, Lyndon, 162, 210, 227, 252

Johnson, Susie Peeler, 12

Jones, Robert “R. T.”

anti-prejudice jail time, 47, 82

Doris Cohen partner, 85, 88, 290

Dorothy Hoover employment, xvii, 87–88, 112

Langley to Ames lab, 112

as researcher, 53, 82–83, 84

Joyner, Kitty O’Brien (engineer), 144

Kantrowitz, Arthur, 47, 54, 88

Katzoff, Sam, xvii, 88, 110

Keating, Jean Clark (scientist), 179–180

Kennedy, John F., 207–208, 209, 227

Kennedy, Joseph and Rose, 71

Kennedy, Robert, 204

Kent, Elijah, xiii

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

bus boycott, 168, 202

March on Washington, 6, 228, 229

Poor People’s Campaign, 240

Trekkie, 243

Knox, Frank, 41–42

Korean War, 99, 104

Kraft, Chris, 164, 208

laminar flow airfoils, 55, 111

Land, Bonnie Kathaleen (mathematician), xi, xii, xv, 269

Landrum, Emma Jean (engineer), 197–198

Langley, Samuel, 55

Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory accomplishments, 111

aircraft manufacturers and, 3–4, 111

airfield relationship, 2–3, 37–38

anti-Semitism, 102

black women computer numbers, xviii

bombing of Japan, 59

description of, xii, 37, 38–39, 99

engineering training by, 54–55, 141

high-speed to spaceflight, 163–164

integration progress, 167–168, 169–170

land for, 38, 225

Langley Research Center from, 171, 183

NACA and, 2, 209–210. See also National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics research review process, 178, 305

Rosenberg trial repercussions, 101–102, 110

secrecy at, 52–53

secretary of navy visit, 41–42

staffing explosion, 1–2, 99

townsfolk reactions to, 38, 53

V-J Day, 64–65, 80

West Area, 7. See also West Area of Langley See also wind tunnels Langley Research Center aeronautics again, 253

black engineer recruitment, 230

Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory into, 171, 183

NASA open house on first anniversary, 184

Space Task Group, 183–184, 209. See also Space Task Group tracking stations, 206–207

language used in book, ix

laundry workers, 9–10, 11, 17

Lee, Dorothy (computer; scientist), 180, 188

Lee, Robert Benjamin, III, xi, xii, xiii–xiv, 260

Lewis, John, 228

Lindbergh, Charles, 53

Little Rock (AR), 150

Loeb, Charles H., 152

“Lost Generation,” 204

Lovell, Jim, 248–249

Lovely, Hester (West Computer), 171, 204

Loy, Myrna, 53

Luce, Henry, 71, 299

Lucy, Autherine, 152

Lucy, Frederick and Annie, 29, 44

MacLean, Malcolm, 45–47, 203, 283

Malvestuto, Frank, 112

Maneuver Loads Branch, 126, 127

Mann, Christine

background, 153–157

Hampton Institute, 157–159

Sputnik launches, 149–151, 153, 158

Mann, Isabelle (West Computer), 171, 204

Mann, Miriam (West Computer)

Colored Computers cafeteria sign, 44–45, 48

daughter’s wedding penny, 167

engineering group position, 165

Hampton Institute, 16, 45

rendezvous research, 219

secretary of navy visit, 42

West Computing friendships, 49, 67–68, 78

West Computing section, 39, 219

Mann, Noah and Desma, 154–155, 158

Manned Spacecraft Center (TX), 210

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963), 228–229

Marshall, Thurgood

Brown v. Board of Education, 140–141

Margot Lee Shetterly's books