Half Bad

I wait on the grass.


I don’t have to wait long.


Gabriel and Annalise appear, holding hands. Gabriel drops hers as if she is plagued. Annalise is sprawled across the roof, her eyes closed.


Gabriel calls to Rose and she appears, comes to me, kisses me on the cheek, steps on to the roof, over the body of Annalise and into Gabriel’s arms, but Gabriel’s eyes are on mine all the time. I hear Rose giggle as they disappear through the cut.









Annalise and I are sitting together. Close. She always seemed so much more mature than me but now she seems much younger. Her face has changed, become longer and thinner, even more stunning. She is dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and pale blue jumper but her feet are bare.


I wonder when Mercury will come. She is letting me have some time with Annalise. There will be a motive behind it.


I take Annalise’s hand in mine and ask her what happened.


She blinks and tears run down her cheeks.


‘I’m in such trouble, Nathan.’


I wipe the tears with my fingertips, hardly touching her skin.


‘After Kieran attacked you, he told my father about us. My father was angry but he said I wouldn’t be punished. I just had to regain their trust. I had to do as I was told in every little detail. And I didn’t have any other options, so I tried to be good. But they never trusted me, however good I was. My father or one of my brothers was always with me if I left the house. I wasn’t allowed to see any of my old friends. I was lonely but it was bearable. But then, after my Giving, the Council asked to see me. They questioned me about you. My Uncle Soul was there. He treated me like I was a traitor. I didn’t answer their questions about you, I said I’d forgotten. But it was frightening. I was summoned again that day I saw you in the Council building. Then a few nights later my uncle came to our house and I overheard him telling my father that you had escaped and that I would have to go back for more questioning. I wasn’t sure what to do but I knew I couldn’t face any more of it. I thought that if you’d escaped then maybe it was possible for me too. So I ran away.’


She looks into my eyes and the silver in hers twists slowly. ‘I thought that if I could find you … Well, I didn’t think much beyond that. But I wanted to find you. I’ve always wanted that. And I heard that Mercury helped White Witches for a price. The only thing I did have was money. I can’t believe that I’ve found you … that you really are here.’


I wipe her tears away again, this time tracing my fingers over her cheek, feeling the smoothness of her skin. She tries to smile and reaches over to brush my hair back from my face.


‘Your eyes are how I remembered them. They haven’t changed.’ And her fingers are on my cheek now and before I can think about it I turn to kiss them and then I press her hand to my mouth and kiss her palm.


She strokes her fingers over the tattoo on my hand and looks at my neck and strokes that tattoo as well. But she doesn’t ask about them. And the silver in her eyes tumbles and catches the moonlight and more tears come into her eyes.


We sit together and still Mercury doesn’t come.


‘I’ll help you, Annalise. But they think you’re a spy. They don’t trust you.’


‘But you do?’


‘Of course.’ And I hold her; she’s so fragile and shaking. ‘I’ll speak to Mercury … convince her.’


Annalise nods.


‘We have to wait for her here on the roof. You mustn’t step off the roof unless you are touching Mercury.’


‘Or else?’


‘Gabriel told me that you fall into a death-like sleep.’


‘Gabriel doesn’t trust me. He doesn’t like me.’


‘You’re a White Witch, he’s a Black –’


‘Pilot wouldn’t have me in her house.’


‘Mercury is more … business-minded.’


Annalise nods. ‘I heard Pilot say that Clay is in Geneva.’


And with that a warm breeze blows over us.


I wait for Mercury to appear but she doesn’t. I think she’s hinting that she wants to know more.


‘Do you know anything about a special knife called the Fairborn?’ I ask her. ‘I think Clay may have it.’


Annalise frowns. ‘Yes, I’ve heard my father talking about it with Kieran. It’s important, but I don’t know why. Different people take turns to look after it. Only those most trusted by the Council. My father had it for a time last year. My uncle has had it too and Clay is also one of the ones who guard it.’


Annalise grips my hand; hers is damp now. ‘You’re not thinking of trying to get the knife, are you?’ She turns to look at my face.


I shrug.


‘It would be madness. There will be Hunters everywhere.’


‘If someone was … invisible, say, and could sneak into Clay’s headquarters.’


Annalise shakes her head. ‘There will be trespass spells to protect the building.’