First Debt

I have to get it back.


I didn’t know what I waited for. Someone to come and claim me? Jethro to ensnare me and cart me off to do whatever horrible things he planned next? But no one came to fetch me or demand I follow.


Staff, a mixture of men and women in smart black and white uniforms, entered the room to clear away breakfast.


They smiled kindly, going about their business as if life was normal. Completely fucking normal.


I deliberated staying in the dining room where it was moderately peaceful with the bustle of staff and gentle clinking of crockery, but I couldn’t look at the table without flushing and suffering a dreadfully unwanted spasm of lust at the memory of Jethro’s tongue.


My skin crawled to think that I found comfort in the very same room men had stripped me bare—not just my body, but my sanity, too—and delivered me into this new fate.


I have to leave.


Standing, I stumbled forward as the room went blank.


I groaned as I clutched frantically at the table, only just managing to stay on my feet as a heavy black wave of vertigo stole my vision and hijacked my limbs.


“Miss, are you okay?” a sweet maid asked. I couldn’t see her as my vision remained blocked.


“Yes, I’m fine. Just stood up too fast, that’s all.”


I began counting down from ten silently. By the time I hit three, my vision suddenly shed the blackness, splashing colour and images onto my retinas.


I sighed in relief.


Swallowing back the small wash of sickness, I smiled at the maid and made my way to the double doors. I pushed them open, heading into the corridor.


The attack had been the first one today.


I didn’t want to admit it, but the last two days of peace locked in my room had done me a world of good. I would never tell the truth to Jethro, but my episodes seemed to have relaxed their lunatic need to torture me. Either a mixture of my new strength or just the vacation from overworking…my body had found a sustainable equilibrium.


For now.


Looking around, I frowned.


No one.


The corridor was empty with only glittering polished weapons and immaculate tapestries for company.


Where is everyone?


Mr. Hawk did say I could roam free. Should I see if that was true?


Hesitantly, as if I expected someone to jump out from behind a suit of armour and attack me, I drifted left—the same direction where Jethro had dragged me toward the exit and given me my one and only chance for freedom.


Peculiarly, knowing that I’d had my shot and failed granted a sense of indulgent serenity. I lacked that drive to run, because I knew there would be no point. As much as I wanted to escape, it took away the obligation of trying to get free by knowing it was impossible.


I couldn’t get it balanced in my head. But there it was.


Another truth I’d been made to face—another facet of myself I had to come to terms with.


Deciding not to go outside, despite the pleasant sunlight, I turned right down another corridor. Following the ribbons of pathways, I moved toward the bowels of the house.


After a few minutes, the rumble of voices came from an ajar door.


I froze.


I didn’t want to get caught doing something I wasn’t supposed to, but I couldn’t stop my abhorrent curiosity.


Tiptoeing closer, I peeked inside.


There were two men in leather jackets, laughing as they packed guns into a satchel. I leaned forward for a better vantage. Guns?


The floorboards creaked beneath my toes, whipping their heads up.


My heart sank. Kestrel and Flaw.


“Nila,” Kes said, dropping the bag on a wingback chair. Striding quickly to the door, he dragged me into the room.


The décor was best described as old-world comfort. A saloon of sorts with glass cases full of antiquities and soaring shelves of leather-bound literature. The huge windows permitted sunshine to illuminate dust motes and drench the slightly faded geometric carpet.


My skin tingled beneath his touch.


I backpedalled, tugging on his hold. “Let me go.”


Kes grinned. His broad jaw, dimple in one cheek, and muscular frame was so different to Jethro. Jethro was sleek, refined—a true diamond. Kes was more of a diamond in the rough.


His fingers squeezed mine in welcome. “A pleasure to see you again.” He poked his head back into the corridor. “And wait…no brother to fight for your affections?”


I couldn’t untwist my tongue to reply; my mind was otherwise occupied with all things deception. Kite. Is he Kite?


When I didn’t reply, Kes let me go and moved deeper into the room. Smiling, he asked, “Exploring the place?”


My heart raced at the way he watched me. Eager, interested, and…inquisitively kind. The crude text messages and short temper of Kite all tripped and tangled in my mind. He was such an arrogant arse via text messaging, but he seemed open and…understanding in person.


Of course, he understands. He’s been talking to you for a month. Having phone sex with you. Masturbating to the messages you sent.


I shuddered in disgust and embarrassment.


It’d been fun when we’d had the power of anonymity. Now, faced with what I’d said, it was downright mortifying.


How can I get you to admit what I know? Correct that—what I think I know.


How could I be so sure that the tall, strong Hawk before me was Kite?


“Cat got your tongue?” Kes cocked his head.


“I think she’s bowled over by your welcoming charm,” Flaw chuckled.


My attention diverted to him. To the biker who ruptured my life by planting false photographs and standing by as I fell prey to a heartless hellion.


I wanted to tell them what I really thought. I wanted to ask why they were being so nice to me all of a sudden, but the only word I could catch hold of was Kite.








Get it together. Until you know for sure, don’t let on.


Straightening my shoulders, I inched forward. “No one has caught my tongue, and I wouldn’t kid yourself that I’m speechless thanks to a welcome from either of you.”