Fatal Felons (Saint View Prison #3)

I immediately lost the rhythm of the music and instead moved to the rhythm he controlled. I leaned against him, resting the back of my head on his chest and drawing one hand up to hold on to his neck. His other hand took an indecent grope of my breast, Rowe’s mouth still working the other.

My nipples sang out in pleasure, both tortured and teased in different ways, both so incredibly good. Tremors of pleasure spread through my body, heading south to my core. I ached to have them inside me. All of them. I was so empty and needy it was making me desperate.

I glanced over at Liam again.

His gaze was trained on me but flickering between the places the other two men touched me. One hand fisted the arm of the camp chair, the other locked tight on his pants.

He was holding back. Torturing himself with the sight of me naked between two huge men but refusing to touch himself.

I wanted to break him down. I wanted him to fall apart with me.

“Rowe,” I moaned.

“What do you need, baby?” His lips trailed up from my nipple, across my chest to my neck. He sucked hard on the sensitive spot below my ear before his tongue flickered over it. I would have collapsed in a puddle if Heath wasn’t supporting me.

“Fuck me,” I begged him, desperate to be filled.

“Not yet.”

I nearly cried at his refusal, but then his fingers were joining Heath’s, but dipping lower, slicking through the heat between my thighs. I was so wet; he met no resistance when two fingers were pushed up inside me.

I rocked on my heels, moving in the way that got pressure on my G-spot. I went harder and faster, grinding against them, all while watching Liam.

He couldn’t hold out. He lifted his ass, pushing his sweatpants and underwear down his legs. Sitting back down, he spread his legs wide, fisting his cock almost viciously, squeezing his balls with the other. He jerked himself in the same tempo that Rowe’s fingers thrust into me.

I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to walk over there and take the pain he was trying so hard to hide.

I saw it.

I saw him.

With a groan he yanked up his T-shirt, holding it with his chin, so his hands were free. He jerked himself hard and fast, his gaze never leaving mine. He let out a shudder of pleasure, a full-body tremor that sang of intense pleasure.

“Come with him,” Heath murmured in my ear.

Pleasure coiled deep within me, Rowe’s fingers fucking me hard and fast while Heath worked my clit until a shout of ecstasy bubbled up and exploded.

Hot, white spurts of cum shot from Liam’s tip, coating his fist and landing on his abs.

Rowe and Heath forced me over the edge at the same time.

I came so hard the night stars and the lights behind my eyes became one, pleasure taking over until nothing else remained.

I was almost sure I blanked out for a moment, because I barely remembered getting down on my knees, shoving Rowe’s shorts and underwear off and taking his cock deep in my mouth, rewarding him for the talent he’d shown me with his fingers.

He didn’t hold back.

He grabbed my head, fingers tight in my hair, and shallowly fucked my mouth hard and fast.

I loved it. I wanted more. His taste was all man, all him. My own arousal soaked the inside of my thighs, a perfect reminder of the way I wanted him to feel.

I made encouraging noises, gripping his perfect ass with my hands and urging him to go deeper.

I had the tip of him hitting the back of my throat and his shout of pleasure. “Fuck, Mae! I’ll come if you keep doing that, and I don’t want to come down your throat.”

I let him thrust deep into my mouth a few more times before I pulled off and stared up at him. “Where do you want to come?”

My voice was deep and throaty, not me, and all sex goddess.

They brought that out in me. This woman who wanted more than just vanilla sex. I wanted whipped cream and chocolate sauce. I wanted every freaking topping. I wanted the lot.

Rowe groaned. “You don’t want to know, baby.”

Heath slapped me on my ass. “He wants you here.”

I moaned at the thought of it.

Heath knelt behind me. “Suck his dick. Get him harder than he’s ever been. Don’t let him come.”

I did as I was told, loving when he talked like that. I took Rowe in my mouth again, this time going a little slower, knowing I couldn’t make him come. Not yet.

Heath’s face pressed between my legs, and I cried out when he opened his mouth over my still throbbing pussy.

“You taste so sweet, Mae. So fucking sweet. I could eat you out all day long.”

He tortured me with his mouth, while I did the same to Rowe. I supported myself with one hand on the grass, the other wrapped around the base of Rowe’s cock, alternating between gasping and moaning with my mouth full as Heath drove me straight toward another orgasm.

“I want it,” I begged. “Heath, please.”

His thick cock was inside my pussy a moment later. He pounded me hard, each thrust pushing me forward so Rowe’s dick slid a little more down my throat.

I’d never felt higher. I was so lost to sensation; I didn’t think I could feel anything more than I already did. The sex was hot, and hard, and yet at the same time, it held a quality of worship. That even when I was turning them on, sucking their dicks and welcoming them into my body, that it was all still about me. They fucked me harder because my body craved it. Their fingers stroked every inch of my skin because I cried out for more.

I spiraled into a mind-blowing orgasm, my body full of two men, with the knowledge the third watched. I reached for my clit, supporting myself on one hand while I added to the sweet torture.

Heath saw me out through my orgasm. I clenched down on him, over and over, and behind me, he cursed, fighting to hold on.

Why, I didn’t know.

Until when I was finally sated, he pulled out, coming all over my back and ass. The hot liquid seared me, and I dropped down onto my forearms, still weak from my orgasm and the force of his.

Rowe took up Heath’s spot behind me. His dick nudged against my asshole, slick with his arousal as well as Heath’s.

I was instantly ready for him, mewling out my need. My fingers found my clit again, working it up slowly in anticipation of having Rowe inside me.

“Do you want this?” he asked quietly. “We don’t have to if it’s too much.”

Elle Thorpe's books