Fatal Felons (Saint View Prison #3)

I wanted it so bad.

“Please,” I begged. My nipples rested on the soft grass, my ass up in the air. I’d been taken like this a few times now, and my body remembered how good it felt. Without any deliberate thought, I ground back against him, pressing my ass down on the tip of his dick.

He hissed out a groan, his entire body locking up.

I had no such problems. I just wanted him inside me. I ground back slowly, adjusting to the thickness of him. He was the biggest of the three, though neither Heath nor Liam were far behind, all three of them nothing to complain about in the dick department. Heath had primed me well, and now Rowe reaped the benefits.

He hissed out a curse, fully seated inside me, before he slowly began to move.

“Yes!” I encouraged. “God, yes!”

It just got better and better every time I did it.

Rowe seemed to realize he didn’t need to be as careful with me as he’d thought. He picked up the pace, cautiously waiting for me to stop him, but he found nothing but encouragement from me. I rubbed my clit, occasionally dipping two fingers into my pussy when the need became too great. The arm I supported myself on trembled but held, though I knew I’d be aching tomorrow.

I didn’t care.

I kept up the torture, teasing myself while Rowe rode my ass.

It was sweet and sexy and mind-blowing. My third orgasm barreled down on me too quick, but there was no stopping it.

“Harder,” I moaned.

I wanted him to feel as good as I did. I wanted him to come with me.

He listened.

He slammed hard into my body, five deep thrusts all he could handle after I’d near drained him with my mouth, but that was all we both needed. A gush of arousal coated my fingers as Rowe spilled himself inside my ass. I fell over the edge with a shout that probably could have been heard for miles. But nobody would have mistaken it for anything other than a cry of ecstasy. The third orgasm just built on the first two, a culmination of tingles, and tremors, and shakes that had my arm giving way and my core pulsing.

Rowe slipped from my body, holding me up so I didn’t completely face-plant on the ground.

Heath picked himself up off the ground. I hadn’t even noticed him lie out beside us, but now he crawled over and kissed me. From across the campfire, Liam stood, too.

He hadn’t touched me, but it didn’t matter. The connection was still there. All three of us covered in the effects of hot sex, none of us giving a shit. Liam held a hand out, and I took it, helping me up from the ground.

I’d be stiff and sore tomorrow. There was no doubt about that. But for tonight, I was the happiest woman on Earth.

We left our clothes where they were, and I followed Liam back to our home, happier than I’d been in a long time.



I led Mae to the tiny cabin bathroom and got the water running in the shower. It took a minute for it to get warm, and I filled that time drinking in her swollen lips, her heavy breasts, and the sweet throbbing slit between her legs. I brushed a leaf from her hair, both of us watching as it fell to the floor. Heath’s and Rowe’s cum shined on her skin, evidence of amazing sex.

I leaned in and kissed her softly. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than you right now.”

I loved her. I loved her so fucking much. And watching her with Heath and Rowe had only cemented it further. The three of us together could bring her more pleasure than any one of us alone. And that was all I ached to do. All I could think about was giving her everything I could. Because she deserved it all, and more.

She deserved the best version of me.

There was only one way I could get him back.

But first, I needed to care for my girl.

I checked the warmth of the water, and finding it perfect, I let her in. I wasn’t sure where Heath and Rowe were, but they were giving me this time with her, and I appreciated it. I needed to wash her, touch her, remind myself of every curve of her body. Not wanting it to lead to sex, just to reassure myself she had everything she needed before I left.

The warm water cascaded over her, and she turned her face up to the spray, letting it run over her body in waves. Her nipples were still dark and hard, swollen from having Rowe’s mouth and Heath’s fingers on them. I had no idea how long we’d been out there for, but it felt like hours. The night outside was deep and dark.

I followed her into the shower even though there was barely room for both of us. She picked up a bottle of bodywash, but I took it from her hands. I squirted a generous amount across her tits, enjoying the way her eyes flared. They became hooded with desire as I cleaned her, massaging the soap over her nipples and cleavage. I roamed lower, removing the traces of the other men from her stomach, and then, turning her around, I did the same to her back. Her ass was so bitable, perfectly round in my hands. I slicked soap all over her cheeks, while she leaned against the glass shower door, tits pressed against it. She widened her stance a little, an unspoken invitation for me to move lower.

But I let the spray wash off the soap and twisted her back to face me. She gave me a happy, sated smile. “Still need cleaning in one more spot.”

I sucked in a breath when she took my hand and guided it to her snatch. I let her push my hand around, gliding my fingertips through her folds.

“I didn’t mean for this to turn into sex,” I murmured. “I just wanted to take care of you.”

She moved my hand more insistently. “You are.”

I touched her clit, and my dick hardened when she panted out my name. She was close to orgasm already, so oversensitive that it took nothing for me to draw her in and kiss her deep.

She hooked one leg around my waist, opening herself up to me and lining the tip of my dick up with her entrance. Quietly, I sank home, my eyes closing when I fell into her deep warmth.

Elle Thorpe's books