Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

“Hello, little lamb… you gave us quite the show.”

She turned her head, spying him coming around to her side and pressing a kiss to her shoulder. Prescott wasted no time leaning lower and covering her nipple with his mouth. She let out a moan as West came up behind her and pressed her back against him. I leant over, picked up the lube and chucked it over to him. He caught it before popping the cap open and giving me a wink. Drake shifted up to sit next to me, allowing Prescott to come around to her front and continue playing with her tits.

Prescott left her nipples a moment later to adjust the chains to give her more slack. Then he lowered her into his lap, forcing her to slide down on his cock. She didn’t have time to say anything as he kissed her, cupping the back of her head to angle her face. Scarlett let out a sharp gasp in Prescott’s mouth as West prepared her for what would happen next.

“You’ve been such a good little slut for Drake and Frankie,” West told her. “You’re going to be one for us too.”

Prescott released her mouth, his hands on her hips to move them at the pace he wanted to set.

“Yes, I want to be good for you… be your good little slut too,” she panted.

West wrapped his hand around her neck, turning her face to him with his thumb. Her mouth was claimed a moment later in a bruising kiss that was West all over. He never did anything by halves. It was all or nothing.

When he let go, he grinned at her.

“Are you ready to take my cock too? I can feel how much you want it. My dirty bitch is in heat, isn’t she?”

“Yes, yes, please. Fuck, please, West.”

“Good girl.”

He shifted back to coat his cock, leaving Prescott to kiss her again, his hands running over her body whilst she took over and rode him the best she could with her hands chained above her head. West gripped her hip and pressed inside her. She whined but didn’t tell him to stop as he slowly worked his way up into her tight little hole. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. The raw passion between those three was enough to make my dick twitch. Getting hard again wasn’t the goal here, but fuck, anything to do with Scarlett had me rising to the occasion. Especially hearing the neediness in her voice. The way she moaned as they fucked her. I couldn’t get enough.

“I never thought I would understand Pres’ fascination with watching… until her,” Drake murmured low enough so only I could hear.

“Could it be because you’re in… luurrve?”

Drake gave me a dark look.

“Fuck off.”

I poked his side.

“Go on, you can admit it. I won’t give you a hard time.”

“You literally just did.”

“You do love her though.”


I grinned. He was just being stubborn for the sake of it.

“We’re all glad you got with the fucking program.”

He rolled his eyes, but I could see him trying not to smile.

“She’s hard to say no to.”

“Or perhaps you just don’t want to.”

He shrugged.

“That too.”

I turned my attention back to the others. I couldn’t help it. They were a sight I didn’t want to miss a second of. Scarlett was in the midst of being bitten on the shoulder by Prescott whilst West held her neck and pounded into her from behind.

“That’s it, slut, take it… let him claim you.”

“Please, harder.”

Prescott responded by shifting lower and biting her right underneath her war scar. She cried out with a mix of pleasure and pain. Just as I liked to see her skin covered in indents from ropes, Prescott liked to leave bite marks and bruises all over her. For him, it was a primal instinct. For me, the patterns of the ropes were my form of art, a painting on her body of my claim over her.

“You ready for tomorrow night?” I asked, hesitant to bring it up, but knowing all of us were a little on edge because of it.

“Yes, and no.” Drake sighed and rubbed his face. “We’re relying on things going to plan. Nothing ever does.”

I slapped his arm before shifting onto my knees, wanting to get closer to the threesome in front of us. Drawn to the sexual energy radiating off them.

“Pres always tells us to take risks.”

Drake raised an eyebrow.

“Since when did you gain a devil may care attitude?”

I moved closer to Prescott, West and Scarlett.

“Since I realised we’re stronger together than apart and we have a bigger incentive than Stuart does.” Reaching for Scarlett, I stroked her face as she turned it to me. “Her.”

I looked back at Drake. The contemplation on his face had me grinning. I pressed a kiss to Scarlett’s mouth, wanting to get lost in her and leave Drake to his own thoughts. Much to my surprise, he arrived on her other side and stole her mouth from me. I put my hands on her instead, pressing one between her and Prescott to seek out her clit. She bucked against him and West, jerking in their hold and moaning in Drake’s mouth.

“You’re going to come all over them, aren’t you, little whore?”

She moaned again. I moved my fingers faster, circling her clit the way I knew she liked. It was the catalyst. She released Drake’s mouth and threw her head back on West’s shoulder, crying out with her release. It had Prescott gripping her hips and slamming her down on them until he was grunting. That was shortly followed by West, who couldn’t contain himself either.

I sat back, watching the three of them come down from their highs. When West and Prescott let her go, I sat up again. My fingers went to her cuffs, getting them undone so she could lower her arms. Drake was there, catching her and cradling her against his chest. Prescott took one of her wrists and rubbed down her arm before doing the other. Then Drake took her up to the top of the bed and stroked her skin until she’d fully recovered.

“That was… unexpected,” she said, looking around at us.

“In a good way?” I asked.

“In the best possible way.”

She gave me a smile and reached out her hand. I placed mine in it, letting her squeeze my fingers. Then I let go to get wipes for Drake to clean her up with. The five of us sorted ourselves out. Prescott and West each kissed Scarlett goodnight before retreating to their rooms, leaving me with Drake and Scarlett.

I put my hand out to her as I stood next to the bed. She crawled out of Drake’s lap and took it, letting me help her up. Her eyes went back to Drake as if she didn’t want to leave him. I leant closer, brushing her hair over her shoulder and kissing one of the bite marks Prescott had left on there.

“Do you want us both tonight?”

Her attention came back to me.

“I already had you both.”

“I meant to sleep in between.”

She chewed on her lip. I straightened, then my eyes went to Drake.

“Your room or mine?”

He rubbed his cheek.

Sarah Bailey's books