Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

Her moan of agreement made me slide my hand lower, delving between her legs and finding out for myself just how wet she was for us. Avoiding her clit, I pressed two fingers inside her. The aim wasn’t to let her come but to let her imagine we were both fucking her. One of us in her mouth and the other in her pussy.

Drake’s eyes were fixed on her, watching the way she moved against me, trying to gain more friction. My thrusts were shallow and slow as he stroked himself for her. She moaned around my fingers, clearly enjoying what I was doing and the little show she was getting.

“Pres told us how much you liked his surprise. We wanted to give you our own version.”

Her whimper around my fingers told me she wanted it too. She needed it.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. He’s going to make himself come for you. Then you’re going to clean his cum from his stomach whilst I fuck you. And if you’re really good for us, Drake’s going to suck your clit until you come all over my cock.”

I pulled my fingers from her mouth. She gasped for air for a moment before turning her head slightly.

“I want to be good for you.”

My hand wrapped around her throat.

“Watch him.”

I pressed kisses to her shoulder as her attention went back to Drake. He didn’t speak as he stroked his cock for her viewing pleasure. I kept up my pace, pressing my fingers deeper inside her wet pussy.

“Frankie, please,” she whimpered after a few minutes, shifting against me. “It isn’t enough.”

“You need my cock in you?”


I shifted behind her, removing my fingers from her pussy to grab hold of my cock. Pressing it between her lips, I rubbed it back and forth, making her moan as it knocked her clit.

“Shall I fuck you whilst he comes all over his stomach, little whore?”

“Yes, fuck, please.”

“You’ve been such a good girl.”

I lined myself up and pushed inside her, groaning at the way she fluttered around me. No doubt, I loved to tease the fuck out of Scarlett and deny her orgasms until she was fit to bursting, but it was pure fucking torture on my end too. All I wanted was to be wrapped up in her this way.

She moaned as I began to fuck her. I kept one hand around her throat as leverage and my other hand angled her body to give me better access.

“Tell him how much you want to see him come,” I whispered in her ear. “Give him an incentive to spray his cum all over himself for you to clean up.”

Scarlett ran her tongue over her bottom lip as if she was imagining how he’d taste on her lips.

“Sir… I want you to come for me. Show me how much you desire me,” she said a moment later, causing Drake’s eyes to darken further. “Paint yourself with it so I can clean it from your body. I want to run my tongue over your skin and taste every inch of you.”

Drake’s hand moved faster and his lips parted on a breath like he wanted to say something, but he had no idea what. As if the driving need to come for her had short-circuited his brain. To be honest, this entire situation was making mine a little fucking loopy too.

“That’s it, come, sir, please. I want to see you. Show me.”

And on her last word, Drake erupted all over himself, letting out a groan of satisfaction whilst ropes of cum splattered all over his stomach for Scarlett’s personal pleasure.

Thirty Three


Scarlett shifted against me, clearly wanting to go to Drake as he slowed his strokes and stared at her with lust-drunk eyes. As if he’d totally got off on her watching him. Guess we all had an exhibitionist streak. After all, our best friend was into voyeurism. You kind of had to be okay with being watched when Prescott was around.

“Sir, please… I want to taste you,” Scarlett panted out.

Drake was slow to rise, taking his time to stand up and walk across the bed to us. He stood in front of Scarlett. His head canted as he took her in as if assessing whether he was going to help her lick the cum from him or not. Then he put his hand out to her, offering the sticky liquid he’d got on it to her first. Scarlett didn’t hesitate to suck on his fingers, cleaning every last drop from his hand like it was her finest meal.

“Did you like that, little wisp?” he murmured, shifting closer. “Do you want some more?”


He wrapped his hand around the back of her head and directed her towards his stomach. With the way I’d chained her up, he was going to have to help her reach his body. He held onto the chains above her with his other hand and angled himself to allow her to lick the cum from him. Scarlett watched him as she did it. The way they stared at each other was almost mesmerising. The love and desire written all over their faces had me swallowing hard from the intensity of their feelings.

You’d think it would make me jealous to know how much she loved Drake and the others, but it didn’t. We were meant for each other. All four of us were hers, completely and irrevocably. We were each other’s too, forged in friendship and blood. Bound for life in a way few would understand.

When she’d cleaned up every part of him, he let her go to kneel in front of her. He cupped her face above my hand around her throat and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip.

“My good girl deserves her reward.”

She watched him lower himself further, his fingers sliding down her body until he circled her hips with his large hands. She shivered as he bent his head. There was no hesitation as his tongue sought out her clit. I continued to fuck her, groaning in her ear with each stroke.

“Oh god,” she cried out.

“That’s it, little whore, let him make you come.”

“Please, sir.”

Drake didn’t let up, licking her like a man fucking starving for a taste of his woman. And it pushed Scarlett over the edge. She shook with her climax, clenching down hard on my cock. I tightened my fingers around her throat, holding back from spilling my cum inside her. It was a heady experience having her come apart on me like this. The very best kind of ending.

Her head lolled when she was spent. Drake sat back on his hands, staring at her with a smug smile. I merely hammered into her harder until I was coming apart too, unable to help myself.

“Little whore,” I grunted, pressing my face into her hair.

I pulled away after placing a kiss on her shoulder, dropping down on the bed to catch my breath. She hung there, watching Drake, who was rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip. Reaching over to her ankles, I undid the cuffs and tossed away the bar, letting her close her legs even as my cum leaked from her pussy. I shifted up the bed to sit back against the headboard, leaving her there to wonder why I wasn’t letting her go.


The frown on her face made me want to wipe it away.

“Did you think it was just me and Drake?”


There was a reason I’d only turned the lights above the bed on. Scarlett had no idea all four of us had been in the room the entire time. West and Prescott emerged from the shadows and knelt on the bed behind her.

Sarah Bailey's books