Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

“Your father ambushed you?”

He sighed and removed his hand from his pocket to place it on her shoulder.

“Fletcher decided to trick me into lunch with them. We walked out of the restaurant.”

May looked incensed.

“That man knows absolutely no bounds.”

“Why do you speak to him?”

“He’s still your father, Drake. It’s easier this way.”

“Easier for who? Him?”

She shook her head.

“No, for me. I will never forgive him for everything he put us through, but I have no wish for animosity between us.”

She let out a sigh. There were so many things written across her face, but she took a long minute to voice them.

“I want you to be happy, Drake. The fact you’re here and in a relationship… well, I may need some time to deal with my personal feelings on the matter, but it doesn’t mean I want you and Scarlett to leave. Please, sit and let me make you lunch.”

Drake nodded at his mother before returning to me, taking a seat by my side. May went back to preparing us lunch. I leant into him, wanting his warmth surrounding me. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me against his chest.

“Are you okay?” he murmured

“I’m with you, of course I’m okay.”


“It’s fine. I knew she would have a hard time with it. Besides, I’ve dealt with Eliza, Jasper and Rosie’s feelings on the matter. What makes you think I can’t cope with your mother?”

He cocked his head to the side as I stared up at him.

“It’s less about me thinking you can’t deal with it and more you shouldn’t have to. I don’t want anyone making you feel bad for choosing us.”

I stroked his chest, adoring the fact he felt that way.

“Hate to break it to you, but a lot of people aren’t going to be very receptive to this.”

“Does that bother you?”

I shook my head.

“Is it weird that I didn’t really question it when I ended up with all four of you? It was barely a fleeting thought about what it might mean. It has always felt right. Like we’re meant to be together. Fighting it seemed futile, you know… like what would be the point in denying ourselves what we need.”

It was the truth. I hadn’t thought much about it. Being with the four of them had been instinctual. A part of me recognised them as my four best friends. When I remembered them, it was far too fucking late. I’d gone and fallen in love. I couldn’t turn back. Couldn’t tear them out of my soul. They were too important to me.

“Denying fate is always futile.”

“Says the man who thought we were a curse.”

He gave me a dark look until I smiled at him.

“If you think I won’t punish you because we’re at my mother’s, you’re mistaken,” he whispered, leaning closer and nuzzling my hair. “I’ll tell her I’m taking you upstairs to see my old bedroom, push you down on my bed and lick your little pussy until you’re about to come, then bring you back down here all wet and unfulfilled. You can explain to my mother why you’re all flushed and embarrassed.”

I was under no illusions about Drake and his punishments. He would carry it out without a second thought if I pushed his buttons hard enough. The thought of sitting through lunch with May when all I’d want was for him to make me come was enough to bring me up short.

“What do I get if I’m good?”

He put his free hand on my thigh, stroking the bare skin.

“Then I’ll reward you when we get home, although, I’m quite partial to the idea of fucking you where I used to fantasise about doing so as a teenager.”

I buried my face in his shoulder to prevent May from seeing how hot my face was at his words. The thought of Drake touching himself over me was making me want to rub my thighs together.

“Please stop talking, you’re making me want things I shouldn’t.”

“Like what?”

“Watching you touch yourself over me.”

“Oh yeah? You want to watch me wrap my hand around my aching dick and stroke one out for you? Will you lick the cum from my stomach afterwards?”

I nodded against his shoulder, absolutely dying with need and embarrassment clashing inside of me. His mother was right there. We weren’t speaking loud enough for her to hear what was being said, but even so.

“I think I’m going to need to take you upstairs.”


He laughed. I lifted my head away from his shoulder in time to catch his mother staring at us. That made it all worse. I glared up at him and those blasted indigo eyes twinkling with amusement. Damn this man. Damn him for making me want him so much. And in front of his mother, of all people.

“You are on thin ice, mister,” I hissed, sitting up properly to regain my composure. “I do not need you making me wet in front of your mother.”

“Does that mean if I touch your pussy, I’ll find you wanting?”

He moved his hand higher up my thigh, pushing my dress up with his exploring. I grabbed hold of his fingers and subtly pulled them away, placing his hand back in his own lap. It was then I realised he was in a similar state of arousal to me. The smile playing on my lips at it couldn’t be helped. Especially when I looked into his eyes to find desire rippling and threatening to undo everything.



“I’ll sit in your lap at your desk and you can do whatever you want to me then.”


May came over with lunch a few minutes later, making Drake and I pull apart. She didn’t give me a look of disapproval, something I could only be thankful for. The three of us enjoyed a quiet, reminiscent lunch without any further drama. I imagined she didn’t want to alienate her son when he was being open with her.

When Drake and I left, May gave me a hug and told me to take care of her boy. I barely got a chance to tell her I would before my sir was whisking me out of the house. Someone was rather impatient to get me back to the office. And I couldn’t deny I was looking forward to being alone with him.

Thirty Two


My hands dropped as I finished securing Scarlett’s hands above her. Two metal cuffs were around her wrists, attached to chains suspending her from a ring on the ceiling of the playroom. Her knees rested on the bed, spread apart for my viewing pleasure. She couldn’t close them as I’d cuffed both of her ankles to a spreader bar.

“Okay?” I asked.

She gave me a nod, as she couldn’t talk. I’d given her a ball-gag. Her muffled protests about what was going to happen next would be so sweet.

“And how do you safe word out?”

She clicked her fingers twice.

“Good girl.”

Sarah Bailey's books