Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

“You have my word I will not interfere in your plans for Stuart.” He paused and fidgeted for a moment. “What did you do with the rest of my son?”

“Who said we did anything with him.”

“We both know I cannot tie any of you back to it.”

I leant forward.

“Your son took her with the intention of keeping her locked away for the rest of her life. Not to mention he murdered her mother on behalf of Stuart, something else you covered up. And yet we still did nothing to him.”

I wasn’t going to admit it was Scarlett who’d murdered his son in an act of revenge, but if Garrett read between the lines, he would see the truth.

His eyes narrowed.

“I see.”

Garrett took a moment to look at all of us before he nodded.

“Keep to your word and I keep to mine, not that I trust any of you, but this doesn’t come out in the open.” He pointed to the papers. “Are we clear?”



Then he strode from the room, leaving the four of us staring after him. West got up and walked to the door. He stayed there for a long moment as if he was making sure Garrett didn’t go looking for Scarlett. Then he turned to us.

“Well, that was easier than expected.”

“I don’t trust him,” Prescott said, leaning back and scowling.

“We shouldn’t,” I replied. “But that’s one hurdle we’ve overcome for now. Next… we go after Stuart head-on.”

“We should sit down with Scarlett later to discuss what we’re going to do,” Francis said.

I nodded and stood. I’d speak to her now and make sure she was okay. No doubt I didn’t trust Garrett Jones as far as I could throw him, but we’d given him and Stuart more reason to fear us. Perhaps our greatest enemy would finally understand we were not to be messed with. Nor were we ever going to back down.



It had been several days since the Police Commissioner had visited Fortuity. We’d not heard a peep from either him or Stuart, something that had put all of us on edge. The boys were in the midst of coming up with a plan for what they were going to do going forward about Stuart with my help. We knew we wanted to go after him directly. We all wanted him dead. The only problem was the how of it. We didn’t want to get caught. Killing a man with a profile as high as Stuart Carver required careful planning and precision. Drake didn’t want to go off half-cocked. I was inclined to agree with him. If we were going to rid the world of Stuart Carver, it had to be done as cleanly as possible.

Today, as it was the weekend, I’d persuaded the boys to let me go see my mother’s grave. I’d asked them about where she was buried a few days ago. Drake had insisted on taking me since he didn’t trust I would be safe on my own. After being kidnapped by Mason, I agreed with him and didn’t complain about it. I was sure Prescott wanted to accompany me, but if anyone was going to go with me, the stoic one was my choice, anyway. Drake would keep silent whilst I said goodbye to my mother. He wouldn’t interfere or offer me platitudes and comfort. I didn’t want those. All I wanted was a space to tell her everything I never got to when she was alive.

The cemetery was on the outskirts of London. For a city of millions, it was a quiet, peaceful place with trees planted amongst the graves. Drake parked the car in the car park next to the crematorium in the middle of the cemetery and took my hand.

He’d become more affectionate towards me after I’d told him I needed him, not hesitating to give me casual touches and kisses. Every morning when I brought his coffee into his office, he’d make me come around his desk so he could kiss me before he got on with his day. I didn’t know where this side of him had come from, but I wasn’t about to start complaining. He’d made the effort to give me what I’d asked for. And every time he smiled at me, it made my heart go all funny in my chest.

“Why do you look happy?” he asked after we’d been walking for a couple of minutes along the road running through the cemetery.

I glanced up at him. His dark hair was a little messy like he hadn’t bothered brushing it this morning. I admired his casual attire of black jeans, a dark jumper and a black coat, along with a pair of trainers. It was the first time I’d seen him be so careless with his appearance. It was really fucking hot. Whilst I probably should not be thinking about how much I wanted to jump his bones when I was visiting my mother’s grave, I needed a distraction. The thought of saying goodbye was making me anxious.

“I’m with you.”

“Being with me makes you… happy?”

“Um, I hate to break it to you, Drake, but you make me happy even when you’re being all domineering and shit. I’d be kind of worried if you didn’t, considering you’re my boyfriend.”

I smiled more when I noticed a slight blush appear on his cheeks as he looked away.

“So you’re definitely set on calling me that then.”

“Do you have a problem with being my boyfriend? Or is it because I have four and you don’t feel special enough?”

He gave me a reproachful look.

“No, I don’t have a problem with it, nor you being with the others. You know that.”

“Do I though?”

He pulled me to a halt and took my chin between the fingers of his free hand, making me meet his eyes.

“Are you mine, little wisp?”


“And am I yours?”


“Then don’t ask stupid questions.”

He let me go and took off again, his long legs eating up the road and making it difficult for me to keep up with him.

“How is that a stupid question?”

“I have never given you any indication I have an issue with you having a relationship with West, Prescott, and Francis. I don’t know why you would ever think that about me.”

I tried not to laugh even as I had to jog to keep up with him.

“I don’t.”

He stopped abruptly, making me almost crash into him.

“Then what are you playing at, Scarlett?”

“It’s fun to see you get worked up.”

He huffed and gave me a disapproving stare.

“Are you capable of going one day without being a brat? Not that I’ll complain about fucking the attitude out of you later, but is this really the time? We’re about to get to Lylah’s grave.”

I bit my lip and looked away.

“Maybe I was deflecting.”

The next thing I knew, I was gathered up against Drake’s chest and he was pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

“I know this must be difficult for you, little wisp, but you asked to come here today. I’m just trying to give you the space you need to say goodbye, okay?”

“Are you really going to fuck the attitude out of me?”


“I’m just asking.”


“Okay. I’d like that.”

I heard him chuckling whilst he held me tighter.

“You are a reckless little troublemaker.”

“That’s what you lo… like about me.”

Sarah Bailey's books