A Chance for Us (Willow Creek Valley, #4)

Jack laughs. “The one about protection and what happens on your wedding night.”

Fuck these two. “You are one to talk about protection. Either of you.” Gray and Jack knocked up their wives before marriage. At least I’m possibly legally married. Besides, I don’t need to worry about that shit anyway because I have zero plans to sleep with her.

“This is true, but we’re not virgins.”

“I’m not either.”

Grayson grips my shoulder. “It’s okay, Ollie. Some men like to wait—at least, that’s what we hear.”

“You’re both fucking stupid.” I drop my voice to a whisper. “And I’m not married, so . . .”

“Maybe she’ll blow you as a thank you,” Jack suggests.

I’m going to blow my gasket if these two don’t shut up. But then the image of Maren on her knees, my cock in her mouth with her blonde hair falling down her back, hits me, and I might blow something else.

Damn them.

I turn my head, knowing that this conversation isn’t going to get any better, and see her. She’s dancing with her uncle, smiling as though the world is perfect, and even though none of this is real, her smile is. The weight of the world that has rested on her shoulders seems to have lifted, and I can at least be happy for that.

“Look at her,” I say to them. “Regardless of what you both think, I helped her give her father something that matters.”

Jack clears his throat. “You did the right thing. No matter what the two of us are joking about.”

“It sucks, though,” Grayson adds.

“What does?”

“That it’s not real. I pretty much gave up on love and marriage after Jess and Yvette. I was fine with it too. Honestly, women are a lot of work.”

Jack nods. “Try being married to Stella.” Gray and I give him an icy glare. “Oh, please. Let’s remember that all you Parkerson brothers were praying for me when I asked for permission. Let’s not pretend like everyone in this room doesn’t know the woman I love is a lot of work.”

“True, but we can say that because we’re her brothers,” I inform him.

“Exactly,” Grayson says in support. “You’re not allowed to.”

“I’m married to her!”

“Your choice,” I say without apologies.

Grayson nods. “Yup.”

“You two are ridiculous.”

“No one is denying that, but back to Oliver being pathetic.”

I hate my brother. “I’m not pathetic.”

“You kind of are,” Jack agrees.

“Only because you’re pretending as if this doesn’t bother you,” Grayson finishes his original statement about it sucking.

I am so done with this conversation. “You’re the only thing bothering me.”

Jack turns to Grayson. “You’re not bothering me.”

“You’re not bothering me either.” Gray smiles.

“The only person bothered by this is the one who is denying his true heart’s dream.”

I blink a few times, wondering what alternate world I’m in. “True heart’s dream?” I ask slowly. “You’ve spent way too much time watching fairy tales with Amelia. Jesus.”

“We’ll get to that in a second, but he’s right.”

I let out a loud sigh, wishing there was some emergency at the resort that I was the only one capable of dealing with so I could leave. I catch Maren’s eyes, and lift my hand, hoping she’ll come rescue me from Dumb and Dumber. She smiles, sways from side to side, and sips her drink.

She is so goddamn beautiful.

Someone punches my arm, and my hand goes to the spot and starts to rub it. “Ouch, you fucker. What the hell was that for?”

“For staring at your fake wife and acting like you don’t like her.”

“I do like her,” I clarify. “I never said I didn’t. You two are the ones spouting shit about my heart and crap. I’m just here for the fun parts, okay. While you two are following your wives and kids around, trying to make them happy, I’ve already accomplished that, and now I get to enjoy a party and then spend time at the beach.”

“And you’ll see all the shit you won’t have,” Grayson says without any humor. “You’re going to remember all the things you wanted, Oliver. Whether you believe it or not, it’s not going to be so easy to walk away from it and go back to being alone. I guarantee it.”

I will not let him in my fucking head. I am well aware that I’ll be alone. I’m the only single one left other than Alex, but he’s in Egypt, living his best life. I’m here with all the happily married idiots. There’s nothing that I’m more aware of than the fact that I’m living at the resort because I have nothing else.

Even the RV I was staying in is gone.

No, now, I live in a small cabin on the property so I can always be on call.

I down the glass of whiskey in one gulp. “On that note, I’m going to do all the fun stuff I was talking about and dance with my fake wife.”

Fuck reality, I’m going to enjoy the fantasy for today.



“Did you have fun today?” Oliver asks as we dance in front of our family and friends for our last dance.

“I did. Your sister did an amazing job.”

“Spending other people’s money is my sister’s true calling in life.” The clinking of glasses starts again. “Fucking Christ. I’m going to kill my brothers.”

We lean in and kiss, my heart melting with how much I like this. How easy kissing him is, and a part of me aches because it’ll be over once we leave the reception. We’ll go on our vacation, hang out at the beach for five days, and then come back to our separate realities. When my father passes away, that’ll be it. Oliver and I can go back to just being friends.

And that makes me sad.

Our song ends, and the DJ calls everyone to the floor before starting the next song. At least we won’t be forced to kiss again. He holds me close, swaying in perfect rhythm. “What do we do about tonight?” I ask.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we have to stay in the suite together.”

Oliver smiles. “We do.”

“I just . . . I don’t know what . . . you . . .” Good grief, I sound ridiculous. We are thirty-one years old, not fifteen. We can sleep in the same room and not have it be a big deal.

It’s just that I’m wearing this dress and my emotions are a bit too close to the surface.

“We’ll be fine,” Oliver assures me. “I’m sure we can manage.”

“You’re right. I think my brain is exhausted from overthinking everything.”

“I’m sure. Are you at least feeling relieved we pulled it off?”

“I am,” I tell him honestly. “It’s hard, though, because I’m happy that we did this but I’m also a bit sad because I know this might be the last memory I have with my dad before he dies. I’m incredibly grateful to you, Oliver. You have no idea. I had the most perfect wedding. Truly. This was everything I could’ve dreamed of, but . . .”

“But it was with the wrong guy.” The way his voice cracks at the end causes me to jerk my head back.

“No. It’s not that.”