A Chance for Us (Willow Creek Valley, #4)

I sit on the bed, leaning on my knees. “Glad I’m not the only one.”

“Look, I called because I wanted to tell you that it’s okay if you don’t want to do this. You’ve given me and my father a weekend that is something I’ll cherish forever. While I know it won’t be easy to back out, I would never hold it against you. If you could just let him walk me down, we can object or have someone else object. I know it’s not giving him everything, but it’s something. I bet I could convince Devney to cause a scene and tell everyone she’s still in love with you. Sean wouldn’t mind . . . much.”

I huff. “No one would believe that.”

She already had her chance to marry me and didn’t take it.

“Maybe not,” she agrees. “Whether or not you want to end it, I will always appreciate you for agreeing to any of it. There would be no hard feelings, and I never should’ve asked you to do this in the first place.”

The words I wanted to hear just a few minutes ago somehow feel wrong now. I know how her father feels and there is no way Maren wouldn’t resent me if I took this away from them.

“Are you in your dress?” I ask, not sure why this matters more than anything.

“I am.”

“Hair done?”

“Yes?” Maren says it as a question.

“Well, I’m in my tux, and everyone is already heading to the venue. It would be a shame to waste a perfectly good reception.”

“Oliver,” she says softly, “Even though the vows we’ll speak aren’t real, and even though we’re just pretending, I imagine this is still hard.”

I’m doing this to help a friend and to give a man who is dying something to hold on to. I’m not like my father. I’m not using anyone around me to gain something. The only risk is to myself, and well, I’m fucking used to that pain.

“I’m vowing to be there for you, Maren. Yes, I have strong feelings on marriage and divorce, but . . . it won’t be legal, and it’ll make your father happy.”

It’ll make you happy.

That is really the driving force on why I’m doing this.

“I just want to say that you, Oliver Parkerson, are one of the most incredible men I’ve ever known, and it’s an honor to be your fake bride. I’ll see you soon?”

“I’ll see you soon.”

She laughs softly. “I’ll be the one in white.”

I hang up and stare at the phone, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. She just gave me an out, and I couldn’t take it.

“Quarter for your thoughts.” Stella’s voice is right beside me.

“It’s supposed to be a penny.”

She smiles. “Your thoughts are worth more.”

Only she could make me laugh. “How did you get in here?”

She lifts the key card. “I’m an owner, and that means I have a master card. The girls said you were having a meltdown.”

I shake my head. “More just . . . self-loathing.”

“Yeah, I imagine you would feel that way. I know Grayson already talked to you, so I won’t say the same shit he did. But I think what you’re scared of is that you actually like Maren. You maybe have some sort of vision that she could be that girl for you, the one who would walk down the aisle toward you for real.”

The denial is on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t want to lie to my sister. “But it is all fake.”

“It is, but when a man offers to do outlandish things to help a woman, sometimes he catches feelings along the way.”


“Just don’t beat yourself up too much, Ollie,” Stella says while reaching out her hand to help me up. “You’re doing something kind, and kindness is always worth it. Plus, you guys are heading to a private beach house for five days so . . . who knows what’ll happen then.”

My eyes snap up because we’re only supposed to be there for one day. “Did you say five?”

She nods. “I convinced her that you both deserved this vacation. You’ve had a hell of a few weeks and some rest and relaxation are what I think you both need.”

Fuck my life and save me from my meddling sister.



Deep breaths.

I can do this.

It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything will go just fine, and then, after the honeymoon, we’ll come back and figure out how we announce our separation.

Yeah. All of this is great.

Perfect really.

Not a single thing . . .

“Oh, God,” I say, starting to hyperventilate again.

Devney rubs my back. “Easy. You have a plan. Just stick to it.”

I look up at her, the pillar of strength and unwavering friendship. “Right. Just stick to the plan.”

She smiles, taking both of my arms and shaking me a little. “What’s your reason?”

“My father.”

“That’s right. Remember that. All of this has been to make him happy, so be happy for him.”

A tear falls down my cheek, and she curses before grabbing a tissue. “None of that,” she says as she dabs it away. “This is a happy day, and you’re stunning.”

I nod. “There’s that.”

Kinsley and Amelia come rushing around the corner in their navy-blue dresses that Stella somehow found. I couldn’t not have a junior bridesmaid and flower girl.

“You look like a princess!” Amelia beams. “I want to have a dress just like yours!”

“Someday, I’m sure you will.”

Kinsley smiles just as wide as her cousin. “Are you just as nervous as Uncle Oliver?”

“I’m trying to stay calm,” I say with a bit of a shake in my voice.

“Don’t worry,” she says with ease. “You both will do great, and it’s clear you like each other a lot.”

My heart falters for a second, and guilt threatens to overwhelm me. I hate that his nieces are going to be hurt by this. I turn to Devney, who grabs my shoulders again. “In and out, Mare. In and out. You have to breathe.” She turns to the girls. “Why don’t you guys go find the flowers that we put away.”

They walk off, but Kinsley looks back before she rounds the corner.

“I’m not going to make it through this.”

Dev focuses on me, eyes so intent that it’s almost scary. “You are going to walk down that aisle for your father. All of this has been for him. Got it?”

“I got it.”

She leads me through a few more deep breaths before I’m under control. She’s right, this will be fine. I used to love drama club, so I just need to think of this as a play that I’m starring in. Oliver and I won’t really be married, and we’ll go on a vacation as friends.

Charlie, Mark’s wife, peeks her head in the room. “Your dad is here.”

It’s time.

“Okay,” I say a little breathlessly.