A Chance for Us (Willow Creek Valley, #4)

He enters, tears filling his green eyes as he comes to a stop in front of me. “My darling, you are so beautiful.” The words come out as a whisper, and he nearly chokes on them. “Just like your mother.”

My heart aches as the tear falls down his cheek. Very rarely does he mention my mother anymore. In the beginning, he spoke of her often, told me stories of their lives together and the joy of having me. But as the years went by, Linda got more and more upset when he brought up my mom. It was as though she worked hard to create a division in his life so there was a line between his life before her and his life now. His life, career, children, and first wife were no longer relevant. Only she is. So, to see him emotional as he remembers her touches me deeply.

“Daddy,” I say, fighting back my own tears.

“She would’ve loved seeing you like this.” He takes a step back, admiring my gown.

It has a sweetheart neckline with a lace overlay that covers the length of the dress. The bodice is fitted, and the back is lined with buttons. It’s stunning, and I felt beautiful in it the moment I tried it on.

The planning of my wedding seemed like kismet from the day one-point-oh proposed. Whatever I searched for, I found immediately. My dress was the second dress I picked up off the rack, and it was in my size with no alterations needed. The venue was booked so easily, and it didn’t cost a fortune since Oliver owns the place. The date we picked worked for everyone’s schedule.

I guess I should have known that something was going to go sideways. Nothing is ever that effortless.

“I wish she was here,” I tell my father.

“Me too, Princess. But I believe your mother is looking down on you. She has always been guiding you, making sure you have loving people in your life.”

I bite back a remark about how I wish it was the same for him. “I have you,” I say instead.

“Yes, you do, Maren.” He starts to cough, so I help him sit as he points to the bag he brought. His medicines. I go through it, lifting options until he nods at the inhaler. He immediately breathes it in and then the coughing slows.


“It’s . . . getting harder to do this.” The confession rocks me.

“What can I do?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing anymore. We just have to . . .” He coughs a few times. “Love. Because I don’t have long.”

I am not ready to lose him. The selfish part of me wants him to keep fighting, to keep holding on because I’m not strong enough to handle the loss. I need him, and I love him.

I wouldn’t be doing any of this if that weren’t the case.

Then the part of me that holds all my compassion reminds me that he’s in pain. Each day is a fight, a struggle that is sucking the life out of him.

“I wish . . .”

“I know,” Daddy offers. “But you have a wonderful man to be here for you.”

Not only am I about to start sobbing because of the fact that my father is dying but also because I’m a big fat liar.

He stands, and when he starts to weaken, I rise, catching his arm to steady him.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“There is nothing that will keep me from doing this. It’s my honor to walk with you today.”

“The honor is all mine, Daddy.”

He kisses my cheek and then tucks my hand in his arm.

Devney pops the door open right on time, a huge smile on her face. “You two ready? It’s time.”

As we stand in the line, ready to go into the ceremony, I feel so much all at once it’s hard to contain. There is sadness because it’s fake and this isn’t really my wedding. Happiness that I am able to give my father this moment, which is something I hope brings him great peace. Disappointment that I don’t actually have someone in my life like Oliver.

He’s going to stand beside me and give my family something they desperately need, and I don’t deserve someone as great as him.

The music begins, and his nieces go first, and then Oliver’s sister follows. She was a late add because it really didn’t make sense not to have Stella be a part of it when she’s his twin. Devney looks back at me with a smile before going through the door, letting it close behind her.

The music shifts, and it’s our turn.

The doors open, allowing me to see the inside for the first time. It’s absolutely stunning. White chairs line the silk runner in front of me. Huge, blush-colored flowers cap every row with long strands of greenery sweeping along the floor. The guests are all standing, but they all fall to the background when my eyes find Oliver.

“Ready, Princess?” Daddy asks when I don’t move.

I can’t look away from Oliver, and I’m unsure of why I suddenly feel so incredibly vulnerable.

He gives me a wide grin and then winks.

I smile, unable to stop myself. “I’m ready.”

Each step with my father holding my arm feels like a gift. I catalogue each step, every tightening of my hand on his arm, and commit it to memory. I glance up at my father who has tears streaming down his face and he smiles at me. That lift of his lips is all I needed to know I did the right thing.

I will never forget a single second of this walk with him.

All the dreams I had of being a little girl and getting married could never measure up to this.

We reach the end of the aisle way too soon. Oliver steps forward, his eyes a little glossy.

Daddy raises my veil and then kisses my cheek. “I love you so much.”

“I love you more.” My vision is blurry from all the unshed tears.

He turns to Oliver, placing my hand in his. “I give you the most valuable thing I have. I hope you know that.”

“I do,” Oliver says with a strength in his voice.

When my father steps back, Oliver and I release a sigh as we step up to where Mark stands.

“Dearly beloved,” he begins, “I am your faithful servant of all things weddings, and it is my great honor to be here today where I am able to send my blessings to everyone.”

“Oh, here we go,” Jackson mutters from his seat behind us.

“Love is something we can all celebrate. It is all around us each day, and these two, well, these two are something else. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know them. Maren is a wonderful woman, a little extreme at times, but you know . . . women.”

I glare at him, but he carries on, totally unfazed.

“Oliver is giving, loyal, and honorable. I know this because he’s willing to do just about anything for those who matter to him.”

I glance over at Ollie, who casts me a worried look. Mark is definitely not who I should’ve let lead this. My ex would have been less of a risk.

“The world is full of selfishness and greed, but when I look at this couple, I see the opposite. Here stand two people who are willing to give each other whatever they need, regardless of their own wants. Maren and Oliver, please face each other.”

We do, and I’m so nervous that I’m trembling. Oliver smiles reassuringly and rubs the top of my hand. “It’s okay,” he whispers.

“Maren, repeat after me,” Mark instructs.

I say each word, staring into Oliver’s blue eyes and wishing this could be a fraction of the truth. That we would love, honor, and cherish each other.

Oliver repeats the same vows without any outward nerves, and I envy him.