Zodiac (Zodiac, #1)

Mathias looks at me long and hard before speaking. “At first, I couldn’t understand why they chose someone so young and . . . untrained.” He leans his broad chest against the railing, still absorbing me in his indigo gaze. “But those were the wrong things to focus on. Your talent is raw, but you have more discipline and determination than anyone I know.” His musical voice dips, like he’s embarrassed to be speaking so openly. “You’re an everlasting flame that can’t be put out.”

I used to wonder what he saw when he looked at me—a little girl or a grown woman. For too long, he made me feel like the former. And at best, something in between the two. But for the first time, Mathias’s words make me feel big instead of small.

“You’re also the bravest, kindest, and most selfless person I know,” he says, his expression lightening. When the lines fade from his face, he looks like he’s shed off years. “You’re pure Cancrian, through and through.”

Even as his words make my heart soar, the guilt eats away at my stomach. Just when I get Mathias’s respect, I’m no longer worthy of it. Hysan isn’t alone in keeping secrets anymore.

“Thank you, Mathias.” Guilt makes my gaze too heavy to meet his. “I hope that means you’re not going to fight me on going to find Ochus, or proof of his existence.”

When I sneak a glance, the lines on his face have resurfaced. “No one has ever come back from the Sufianic Clouds, Rho. The person behind all this—Ochus, as you call him—manipulates Psynergy in ways no Zodai ever has, or can even fathom. You’ve had less practice than most and don’t know your full strength yet.”

It’s the first time he’s said the name Ochus aloud, and even though it wasn’t an endorsement, at least he’s accepting the possibility. He’s showing me he’s trying. He wants me to meet him halfway.

Only I can’t. I’ve committed to this mission, and I have to see it through. “I’m going, Mathias. I’m just asking you not to try to stop me.”

“Then let’s at least consult Psy experts and learn as much as we can about how whoever’s doing this is doing this—how we can fight him before we act—”

“That’s a good idea,” I say, the pieces coming together in my mind to form a plan. “While Hysan and I get proof that Ochus is real, you and Sirna and the others can start gathering information on how we can use the Psy to defeat him. Then we can appeal to the other Guardians again, only this time we’ll have proof and a plan.”

He shakes his head and rubs his eyes, like I’m a hyperactive toddler who’s testing his patience. Like I’m once again small. “Rho, I don’t think you should travel there without more information. If you insist on going, we’ll need to consult the rest of your Advisors first.”

“If I’m an everlasting flame, why do you keep underestimating me?”

Hysan snickers behind us. “Classic.”

“What is?” growls Mathias.

“Prejudice of the old against the young.”

Mathias looks torn between expressing his anger verbally and using his fists. He takes an unsteady breath, then walks back inside without another word.

Alone with Hysan, I suddenly feel new to the Zodiac. We smile at each other as he edges closer, and side by side we look out at the city, our fingers lacing together on the railing.

Police sirens echo from far off, and in the distance we hear artillery fire. Thin gray light leaks through the fabric sky. “Happy birthday, my lady,” he says, handing me a small box. I open it to find a Crab-shaped pin made of turquoise cristobalite beads. The color of the Cancer Sea.

It’s my very own Psy shield.

“Thank you,” I say, clipping it on my sleeping shirt. The Crab shines like a reminder of home. “How’d you know it was today?”

“Saw it as the soldiers scanned our thumbprints when we got here.” He admires the pin on me, then says, “Neith convinced the ambassadors to extend their session so he can speak. He’s very persuasive. He learned from a master, you know.”

“A humble one.”

“And that’s just one of my many sterling qualities.” Hysan slides his thumb up and down my little finger.

“How long is the trip to the Sufianic Clouds?” I ask.

“Four days, maybe. We’ll need to stay invisible the whole time, since Ophiuchus could have eyes everywhere.”

I peer at the many windows overlooking our balcony and shiver. “Let’s go inside.”

In the living room, Mathias is standing rigid and white-faced, staring at the wallscreen. He turns to me, his expression blank.

For a moment, I think he overheard Hysan and me, or he saw us holding hands. Then I catch a glimpse of the bloodshed on the news.

“Gemini’s capital has just been obliterated.”


THE PLANET ARGYR HAS BEEN RAZED. Images on the wallscreen show devastation beyond understanding. The rainbow buildings flattened. The Imaginarium smashed. Small Geminin bodies burned to cinders.

Caasy didn’t come to the Plenum. Was he at the royal court where we first saw him? Did he survive?

Romina Russell's books