Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

Morgan’s bottom lip quivered before she sucked in a deep breath, stealing herself it seemed, halting any sign of weakness. So strong. His Huntress.

He moved in again and kissed her, plunging his tongue into her mouth with such force that she gasped when he suddenly pulled away. Cal greedily raked her body with his gaze, loving her proportions, everything just the right size for him. He gripped her waist then ran his hands up her sides, coming under her breasts to stroke them. They were large but not too large, a perfect fit for his hands, her nipples small little pebbles that begged to be kissed. He leaned forward and did just that. Rolling his tongue along one, clasping his lips together so that he could suck and nip before moving to administer the same attention to the other. Morgan clenched his shoulders as she rolled her head back and moaned.

“Cal,” she breathed. “It’s been too long. Please don’t tease me.”

He chuckled against her breast as he gave one last lick then moved up to capture her lips once again. With a hand on her ass, he guided her down to lie on her back. She stared up at him with those perfect brown eyes, the ones that sparkled just right. The ones that were looking at him like he was a god to her. With a groan, he quickly discarded his own clothes. His mind wanted to take it slowly, to savor the moment with her, but his body demanded other things.

She lifted her arms to him, letting her legs fall open to show him just how ready she was. He stared down at her *, glistening already with moisture, wanting him as much as he wanted her, despite all he had done to her. For that, he was truly grateful. With another groan, he slid over her, pressing his cock into her cleft and rubbing along her entrance.

She ran her hands through his hair and down his back, urging him into her as she writhed. “Please, Cal, I need this.”

His body was shaking with want as he closed his eyes, savoring the moment. He eased himself into her tight little *, his body spasming as he slid deeper and deeper, filling and stretching her deliciously. She sighed when he encased himself to the hilt, wrapping her legs around him as she arched up. The subtle movement had him withdrawing slowly, then slamming back into her, his body relishing the feeling of her as he lost control over his senses and over his heart.

I sighed with contentment as I nuzzled closer to Cal’s warm body. The sun was out. Through my closed lids, I could see the brightness of the day and for the first time in a long time I felt good. More than good, I felt complete. Part of me had feared he would be gone again when I woke. After our multiple rounds of lovemaking, I had resisted the urge to fall asleep, paranoid that he would slip out again and leave me. But I was so exhausted that I did finally succumb to sleep. And now, waking to find Cal’s heavy arm still draped protectively around me, I buzzed with joy.

I snagged his hand and pulled it up to kiss. He had such big hands, I marveled as I traced my fingers along his. So callused in places, scarred in others, testaments to his hard training. I felt his penis harden behind me as he curled ever closer to my back, his face buried in my hair, nestled into the nape of my neck. We’d made love three or four times the night before—I’d lost count after a while. It had all spun into one blissfully orgasmic experience, my need for him driving me to climax again and again. I just couldn’t get enough and it seemed neither could he. I was sore but in a well-used, pleasant way.

He groaned as he woke, pulling his hand from my grasp to slide up under the sheets and latch onto my breast, holding me in a possessive gesture that I really loved. He groaned again as my nipple hardened for him.

“It feels good,” he murmured into my hair.

I giggled. “What does?”

“Waking up with you in my arms.”

I melted, fresh tears bubbling as I lost all control over my heart, feeling triumphant as the bond overwhelmed me with his tenderness. Just as I’d suspected, his asshole behavior was nothing more than a front. I’d been right all along. This was the real Cal, a sweet, caring, tender man. He had me. I was vulnerable to him and even though it had only been a couple of weeks, most of which had been hell on Earth, I knew for sure I’d fallen in love.

Chapter Thirty-One


“So, you’re back.” Andrew’s clipped tone suggested he had known for a while that Cal had returned.

“Yep.” Cal took another sip of his coffee. He was leaning against the kitchen island, waiting for Morgan to make her way downstairs. She’d been in the shower the last he saw her. He’d needed to get out of the room for fear of ravishing her body once again. Although Cal would have loved to hop in there with her, they had training to do. Long overdue training between Hunter and Huntress.

Andrew moved past Cal to the other side of the kitchen and busied himself with getting his own coffee. “I take it that you didn’t succeed at your goal?”