Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

“I missed you today,” she said, her voice wistful and quiet, her fingers trailing along his skin.

His heart clenched at her words, and he had to bite his tongue from automatically replying with assurances that he’d missed her as well. That kind of talk would only get him in deeper trouble than he was already in with her. “Um hum,” he murmured as he nuzzled her hair once again.

“Are you going to be around tomorrow?”

Her tone was killing him. Not angry, not depressed, not suspicious, but hopeful—like all she wanted to hear was that he would stay with her. And he wanted to. With every part of his being, he wanted to. But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

“How much of the legacy have you remembered so far?” Cal interrupted her next words, not wanting to hear what fresh hell she was going to put him through.

She paused for a moment, her hands halted from their roving touch. “Oh, um, the legacy? You mean like the story you told me the other night?” She rolled over, pushing him to his back as she did so that she could rest her head on his chest.

Cal nodded, closing his eyes as a feeling of total bliss washed over him. God, how he loved having her there, on top of him, using him for comfort. He moved his arm to drape along her ass.

“Yeah.” His voice was gruff. “Yes, that’s what I mean.”

“Well, it’s strange really. I don’t realize that I know things until I’m introduced to them. Like today, learning all of those submission moves was great, how to get someone into the right position so I can keep them down, and after a few tries I just seemed to get them, as if I’d been doing these submission moves my whole life. And Lance showed me the weapons…”

He stiffened at the mention of Lance’s name, his mind battling his body’s need to claim her once again.

This is stupid, you can’t screw her every time she talks about another man.

As though sensing his agitation, Morgan began her lazy strokes along his abdomen, instantly calming his anger as well as igniting his passion once more.

“So when he showed me the weapons it seemed like I knew what each would feel like in my hands.”

He nodded, his eyes closed as her fingers skimmed across his flesh. “Everything that I know, you know. It will all come to you in waves, over time so as to not overwhelm you. Anything else?” He was referring to his powers, the magic that he wielded through his touch. She should have knowledge of all of the spells and symbols he’d created and used over the years. In fact, her power should be greater than his.

Cal was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice her fingers had taken on a more purposeful motion across his stomach. Her voice came to him like a whisper, a teasing edge to her words.

“Anything else? Oh, yeah, lots.”

A familiar wave of power cascaded through him, his limbs growing heavy, his eyelids feeling as if they had sealed shut. In a dizzy wash of understanding, Cal tumbled into a deep pit of sleep, his conscious mind blinking out like a lightbulb turning off.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Serves you right.” I laughed as I raised my head to look at Cal. He was snoring like a madman, so deeply asleep that I hesitated to wake him. But I had only wanted to prove a point, not knock him out for the night. I had other plans for him.

I sat up and straddled him, amazed at how hard he was even in such a deep slumber. I could only guess what he was dreaming about, but I hoped it was me. I lowered myself onto his penis, loving how well he fit inside me, stretching me out and making me feel full and complete. His eyes fluttered and his heartbeat kicked up. I could feel him struggling to wake, but the spell I had on him was too strong—stronger than any of the ones he had put on me.

It was strange really, how easily I’d adapted to these new powers—an ability to cast spells just downloaded into me because of our bonding. Knowledge and skill that he had gained over the years, transferred into me with no effort at all. I was eager to discuss the nuances of building spells, explore the power I now had. I was excited by a lot of things and all of them included Cal by my side.

Or in this case, under me.

I traced another symbol over his stomach, knowing instinctively which one would send him deeper into dreamland and which would have him fully awake. And I wanted him awake right now. Very awake.

His eyes slid open, then grew wide as I slowly began to ride him.

“Hey,” he murmured, his dazed and confused look clouding over with desire.