Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

Without you?

My mind warred with the growing sense that something was very wrong, but I brushed it away. If Cal was gone, he had a good reason.

I rose from the bed, not caring that I was naked as I strode to the bathroom. The pains from the day before were gone. My body felt rejuvenated, powerful. I glanced quickly into the mirror and checked myself for any bruises from Jimmy’s violent touch. Nothing. I was healed—better than healed, I was bonded, and I finally understood why that was such a big deal.

I quickly hopped into the shower, my sense of urgency to find Cal propelling me to hurry. During my sleep, I had dreamt many things, like a flood of information that confirmed what I had already learned about being a Huntress. The history, the legacy and a profound understanding of my duty. I would kill the beast, even if it meant my own death was the price.

I understood my powers, my gift from Cal—the ability to etch magic symbols. I felt it running through me like a hum of electricity as I glided my hands over my slick body, which in itself was another marvel. My muscles, slack over the past few months of inactivity, were back. I was toned all over. My hands skimmed over the definition of my abs and the cut of my arms. I had bulked up too, but not in a gross way. I ran my fingers over my breasts, which were still plump and heavy, maybe a little perkier than before, and my hips, which were still shapely. I would still appeal to my Hunter.

I smiled at that, remembering Cal’s touch from the night before. I craved him as I circled my nipples with my fingers, pinching as the water cascaded over my sensitive flesh. My sex throbbed for him. It was disappointing that he had left before I woke. I could think of a million things I wanted to do that would satisfy both of our needs.

The thought of him leaving me quelled my desire, and I hurried to rinse the conditioner from my hair. Just seeing him would help alleviate some of my anxiety.

I toweled off and quickly threw on some comfortable clothes. With the battle against Lazarus approaching, I assumed that some hardcore training needed to happen. Even though I understood the magic and I was physically stronger, I had no idea how to wield a weapon or how to use my body to defend and attack. Cal would have to train me. It was his duty and it would mean hours of being together.

That thought warmed me. I hadn’t expected to love him, not immediately, but I was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming need to just be with him. As much as it was driving me to near insanity now, I knew he must be feeling the same thing. The bond couldn’t work just one way.

Could it?

Doubt crashed through me once again.

Why would he leave me alone after what we did last night? How could he bear to be apart from me when I’m craving him so badly that I can hardly think straight?

I pulled my brush through my hair and tied it up into a ponytail then left the room. He had something really important to take care of, that’s all. You’ll go down to breakfast and find him sitting in his seat, eating like a pig. My stomach yowled at the thought and I smiled. Food, it seemed, was something else I craved.

The kitchen was quiet when I entered and there were no smells of delicious breakfast foods being enjoyed. I peered into the dining room, but no one was there either. I caught sight of the clock. Ten, shit. I’d slept all morning. No wonder no one was around. I’d missed my run with Candy as well. Double shit.

My stomach growled again, and I glanced around the countertop, my gaze landing on the loaf of bread that lay next to the toaster. Perfect. I quickly popped two pieces in, then busied myself by searching the cupboards for something to put on the toast. A few minutes later, and I had two nicely gobbed-up pieces of toast and peanut butter in front of me, as well as a tall glass of milk. Delicious. I licked my lips, then took a bite, savoring the flavors of an old favorite.

“There you are.” Candy peeked in from the kitchen’s side door. “I thought you’d sleep all day.”

I smiled then took another bite. “I slept in,” I said through the chunk of food.

Candy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, you missed the run and you’re due for your training session.” She plopped down on the other side of the island and snagged the second piece of my toast. “Lance is downstairs waiting for you.”

I choked down the food in my mouth and frowned. “Lance? Isn’t Cal down there too?”

Candy licked some peanut butter off her finger. “Why would Cal be down there?”

My frown deepened. “Well, because, we…um…we…” I laid my piece of toast on the plate. “Never mind, I’ll go down and talk to Lance.”

Candy mumbled something unintelligible as she shoved the last of my breakfast into her mouth.