Wicked Ride

“No.” Kell glanced from his brother to the king. “You two about to fight?”

“No.” Dage winced as something broke in the kitchen. “I hope Simone is insured. When those two start cooking, something usually blows up.”

Speaking of which . . . “When did a young demon soldier become your nephew?” Kell asked slowly. While Garrett really was Dage’s nephew, Logan was anything but.

Dage shrugged. “Logan’s brother married my niece, which makes him my nephew-in-law. So Logan might as well be a nephew, and it’s a simpler label.”

Plus, considering Logan’s older brother was the leader of the entire demon nation, why not make friends? Vampires and demons claiming each other for family. Where the hell had reality gone?

Kell lifted an eyebrow at Daire, who just matched his shrug.

“As I was saying,” Dage said, “I’d like to ask a favor from you. Basically for Logan and Garrett to work this case with you.”

Well, shit. Kell sighed. When the king of the Realm told you what to do, you hit him in the face and started throwing fire. But if the king nicely asked for a favor? Yeah. You gave the vampire king a fucking favor. “Shit.”

Dage smiled. “Yep.”

And when the king was actually the brother-in-law of two of your cousins, you did a good job with the favor.

“You’re an asshole,” Daire said without heat.

“I’ve been called worse.” Dage crossed over and dropped onto the couch, crossing one knee over black pants. “I do appreciate your assistance.”

Kell grinned and took a seat. “What did they do?”

Dage scowled. “Let’s just say that those two on their own, without a war going on, and too many human girls out there . . . cause problems.”

It always came down to girls, didn’t it? “You’re punishing them by making them work a case where they’re not needed?” Kell asked.

“Yes, and plus, it’s a case where they’ll be kept safe. I trust you to involve them, get them some undercover training, but keep them from getting their heads cut off.” Dage eyed Daire. “Surely there’s something they can do to help. As prospects.”

It would keep the king in the loop, where he always fucking wanted to be.

Daire loped over to sit in the overstuffed chair, instantly plopping his boots on the table. “Well . . . as prospects, they can get closer to the other prospects. Maybe get some info we can’t without appearing obvious.”

“Plus, they can party pretty hard in town.” Kell rubbed his chin. “If one or both of them can pretend to be on the lookout for drugs, especially if they’re not wearing their cuts, we might actually get a break.” The more he thought about it, the better he liked the idea. “This might actually work.” Of course, he’d have to make sure neither kid got hurt on his watch. Talk about a disaster.

Dage nodded. “I would certainly owe you one.” He stood and stretched his neck. “Thank you.”

Kell stood. “How is your mate?”

“Pregnant and beautiful and a bit cranky.” Dage’s face relaxed in a way it only did when speaking of Emma. “She’s four months along now, and the kid kicks. A lot.”

Sounded like Dage’s child. “Well, congrats,” Kell said. The Kayrs ruling family seemed to be multiplying exponentially now that the war had finally ended.

“Thanks.” Dage reached into his back pocket and drew out a thick, folded envelope. “About your cop. Everything.”

Kell took the envelope, his head lifting. “How . . .”

Dage rolled his eyes and moved toward the kitchen. “I’m the fucking king. Everybody seems to forget that.” He turned and smiled. “I’ll say good-bye to the boys and then be on my way. Good luck with them.”

Chapter 10

Lex spread the file out on her bed, looking at pictures of Titans of Fire, Grizzlies, and corpses. She knew it all fit together somehow, but she was missing the link. Glancing toward the clock, she sighed. Two in the morning.

When had sleep become impossible?

After returning home from work, she’d thrown away the demolished coffee table and repaired the rest of her crappy apartment. A stack of bills lay in a nice pile next to her dinosaur of a computer, and she tried to avoid those. How she was going to pay for the next few months of her mother’s care was beyond her. Even with her sister, Tori, chipping in, they didn’t have enough money. If she could just solve this case, she’d have more time to figure things out. To maybe work a second job and make some extra cash.

The smell from the Thai food place below gurgled up again, and she reached over to open the window so the scent of rain would banish the oily smell.

Her phone dinged.

Instantly, her heart leaped to life, forcing her to take several deep breaths to glance at the face. Bernie. Shit. “Yeah,” she answered.

“Duck’s dead.” A cacophony of action could be heard melding with the outside rain. “Happy Maple Subdivision, fifth house on the left from the entrance.”

She jerked her head. “How the hell is Duck out?”