Wicked Ride

Temptation glimmered in her eyes. “I wish I could”—she looked at the man she’d knocked out and kicked him in the leg—“but I have to follow procedure.” She cranked her neck to check out Duck. “I take it you didn’t know your brother would be here?”

“That’s no brother of mine, club or no,” Kell ground out. He’d have to explain to Pyro why he’d knocked out Duck in a police detective’s home. Of course, at first glance, it appeared Duck had violated orders. “How long will you be at the station?”

She rocked back on her heels, her face thoughtful. “Dunno. Long enough to question these jerks.”

“I’ll come back later and help you put your home to rights.” Hell, he’d love to move her somewhere nicer.

“That’s all right. Unless you want to tell me all you know about Apollo and new guns, we’re done.” Her blue eyes were clear and way too serious. “Thank you for breakfast, however.”

Fire danced down his spine at her ultimatum. He’d never responded well to those. Almost without thought, his arm snaked out and tugged her against him. “Do you really think it’ll be that easy to forget me?”

“Yes,” she breathed, meeting his gaze.

Sirens sounded in the distance. He pressed a hard kiss against her lips, satisfied by her sharp intake of breath. His mouth twitched with the need to take her deeper, but he had to go. Releasing her, he headed for the door. “We’re nowhere near done here, Detective. I’ll see you soon.”

Chapter 9

Lex tossed the file on the scarred table and drew out a chair to sit across from Duck. The chilly air smelled of sweat and desperation, and even though the heater clunked somewhere in the building, the warmth failed to enter the interrogation room. She’d thrown on a sweater before entering, well accustomed to the shitty system.

After several hours in the tank, no doubt detoxing, the club member slouched. She studied him. At one time, he had probably been handsome with angular features and a nice build. Now, after what she suspected was years of alcohol and drugs, red lines colored not only the whites of his eyes but the skin along his neck. His nose was nearly bulbous, and youthful muscles had gone to fat.

She eyed the file. “You’re only thirty-two.”

“So?” He leaned back and patted a wide belly.

He looked over forty. “You’ve lived a hard life, Duck.”

“I like hard. Don’t you?”

Quick. Even burned out, the guy was quick.

She grinned. “It’s nice to see you haven’t killed all your brain cells.”

The door opened and Bernie stomped in to sit. “He gonna talk or what?”

“We hadn’t gotten to that part.” Lex settled back in her seat. While Duck hadn’t asked for a lawyer yet, she didn’t want to spook him. “You’re in deep shit, Duck.”

He shrugged. “Bullshit.”

Bernie snorted. “You broke into a cop’s apartment and committed a battery. Dumbass.”

Duck rubbed the unruly whiskers lining his weak chin. “Maybe I was waiting for my good buddy, Kellach, who I knew was dating a cop. He gave me the go-ahead to wait inside for him.”

Shit. Lex hadn’t had a chance to talk to Bernie and somehow explain how Kellach had ended up in her car and then outside her apartment door.

Her partner’s expression didn’t change. “You didn’t have an invite, and you know it, which makes it trespassing. And assault. And battery. And, oh, um . . . resisting arrest?” He lifted an eyebrow and turned toward Lex.

She nodded solemnly. “Yep. Definitely resisting arrest. Considering you’re a suspect in an ongoing investigation, it truly does mean you’re screwed.”

Duck’s smile flashed yellow teeth. “I’m not sure about that. You positive you want it officially on the record that you were coming home early morning with a known Fire club member, a possible suspect in your drug case, hot on your heels? To your apartment?” He patted his big belly again. “That might be a career breaker, you know? I can see the headline now. SLUT COP LOSES DRUG CASE.”

She had enough problems at work with Masterson and Bundt breathing down her damn neck, so she settled back into her seat. “I’ve been called worse, and who knows? Slut Cop has a good ring to it.”

Bernie snorted. “Could be one of them reality shows. Make you totally famous, you know?”

She smiled. “I do have a face for television, right?”

“Definitely.” Bernie tapped meaty fingers on the damaged table. “Stop fuckin’ around, Duck. Tell us why you were at the apartment, who the other two guys are, and where the hell you’re getting the drugs.”

Duck wiped off his lips. “I was in the apartment waiting for my club brother, and I’m sure he’ll testify to the same facts. The guy you’ve arrested is a new prospect named Rock, because he’s about as solid as one. As for the drugs? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Is that a fact?” Bernie shook his head. “So you’ll take the fall for these guys?”

“Nope, no fall.” Duck sighed and focused his gaze on Lex’s tits. “How long you been fuckin’ Kell?”