Wicked Ride

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly. Give us the info we need, and we’ll get you a deal, Duck. A good one.”

“Don’t need a deal. It’s my first arrest, and you got nothin’, especially after your boyfriend backs up my story.” Duck’s beady eyes gleamed. “You might be a nice piece of ass, but he’s a brother now, and he’ll have my back.”

Bernie stiffened at the insult and jumped to his feet.

Lex quickly pressed both hands on the table. “Who was the third guy at the apartment?”

“I figured another one of your boyfriends,” Duck sneered.

Lex sighed. “You know, I think it’s time to book you.” The bastard wasn’t going to break, and he wasn’t going to tell them anything about the drugs. Yet. Maybe some time in a cell would help.

Bernie grabbed Duck and hauled him across the table. His knees hit hard, and he flopped onto the other side.

“What the fuck, man?” Duck bellowed.

“You’re a piece of shit,” Bernie growled, shoving Duck hard against the wall. “Stop with the bull and give us something. Where are the drugs coming from?”

Duck’s face reddened. “Ask her boyfriend. You think he just showed up from Ireland right when the good stuff hit the streets? Jesus. Use your fuckin’ brains.”

Bernie stepped closer into Duck’s face. “I will. While I’m at it, all you Fire guys have nicknames. Why doesn’t Kellach?”

“He does.” Triumph curled Duck’s upper lip. “It’s Lasair.”

Bernie twisted his head and wrinkled his forehead.

Lex shrugged. “Never heard of it.”

Bernie shoved Duck toward the door. “It’s probably bullshit.”

“Nope.” Duck grimaced as his face hit the door frame before Bernie yanked open the door. “It’s Irish.”

Bernie propelled him into the hallway where a uniform was waiting to take him to booking.

Lex stepped into the hallway. “What does it mean?”

Duck tripped as the uniformed patrol officer hauled him down the hallway. He turned, and a hard smile twitched his lips. “Means flame. Apparently your boy has always had a thing for fire.” Duck’s high-pitched chuckle echoed down the hallway and around the corner.

Lex heaved out a breath. “Fire?”

Bernie rubbed his chin. “That’s interesting, right?”

Yeah. “Everything about this case involves fire. Apollo burns the organs of victims, and somehow new weapons throw balls of flame.” And Kell’s nickname was all about fire. Just who the hell was he? “The key is Kellach Dunne.”

Bernie leaned against a hard block wall. “Speaking of Dunne.”

Heat rose into Lex’s face. “It’s not what you think.”

“I already know that.” Bernie shuffled his loafers. “It doesn’t look good, anyway.”

“I know.” She leaned back against the wall and shut her eyes. “We’re missing something. I don’t know what, but it’s right in front of us.”

“It’s Dunne,” Bernie muttered.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and Detective Bundt sauntered down the hallway. “So, Lex. Fucking suspects now?”

Bernie instantly jumped forward and slammed Bundt into a wall. Bundt swung out, connecting a solid right to Bernie’s cheek.

Damn it. Pivoting, Lex nailed Bundt in the balls. With a hoarse “oof,” he doubled over. She grabbed his chin and threw him back into the cinder blocks. “I’m not fucking Dunne, and you know it. Watch your mouth, asshole.” She released him and grabbed Bernie’s arm to drag him down the hallway to the bullpen. “What the hell?”

Bernie wiped his cheek. “Sorry. Lost my temper.” He jerked his arm free. “You need to get your house in order, partner. Now.” Without another glance, he turned and headed toward the break room.

Lex exhaled several times, her mind whirling. Yeah. She did need to get things in order, and the idea that she’d disappointed Bernie made her nauseated. But first? She had to figure out who the hell Kellach Dunne was and how involved he was in the current case. Something told her she’d have to arrest him and soon.

Then all hell, and probably her career, would go up in smoke.

Kell stormed into Simone’s penthouse apartment, his gut churning, his head aching, and his temper fraying. Two steps inside the door, a wave of power nearly set him off. Jesus. He strode into the living room where Daire faced off with the king. Two powerful immortals, both cascading energy, and neither one particularly pleased to see Kell.

Sounds banged from the kitchen, and Kell tuned in. Garrett and Logan—a young vampire and a young demon—no doubt eating everything in sight.

Kell paused at the entryway. “Where are Adam and Simone?”

“Lab,” Daire said, lounging in nowhere near a deceptive pose by the large wall of windows, his gaze remaining on the king, who stood near the fireplace wearing a bored expression, a grape energy drink in his hand. “Want to explain why you were caught in a policewoman’s house tonight?”