Wicked Ride

Detective Donny Masterson slicked back his already slicked back hair and peered down at her with light blue eyes. “The brass wants results, and even in those very nice dresses you’ve been wearing lately, you’re not getting anywhere. We’re here to help.” His navy blue suit probably cost more than she made in a month, and he wore it pressed to within an inch of its life.

“Don’t need your help,” Bernie growled.

“Right.” Masterson’s partner, a blond surfer type named Bud Bundt, sighed and eyed Daisy’s ass as she bent over to examine the asphalt. “Too bad you’re not wearing one of those dresses right now, Lex.” He turned and focused on her tits.

“You’re both such dicks,” Lex sighed, turning to her partner. Unfortunately, they were dicks with an impressive arrest record.

Bernie nodded. “Obviously compensating for something.”

Lex snorted and nodded at Daisy. “Let’s get out of here, Bernie.” Her mind ran as they exited the alley. “We can’t do much until we receive the ME’s report.” Reaching the main street, she glanced down both sides of the darkened road. Empty. Everyone out had scampered the second the police lights showed up. “We’re not gonna find his dealer tonight.”

“No. How about we hit known associates tomorrow?” Bernie opened her door. “Get some grub, get some sleep, and we’ll go hard tomorrow.”

She frowned. “I might head to the station and start a search.”

“No. We’ve been on for almost twenty-four hours, and you need a little shut-eye. And makeup.” He grinned and slammed her door, ambling away toward his car.

She chuckled. Oh yeah. She’d washed her face and had forgotten to even apply lip-gloss. Her eyes felt gritty and her temples ached. Maybe a little sleep wouldn’t hurt. She ignited her engine and drove slowly through emergency vehicles, stopping at the corner.

Her passenger door flew open, and Kellach Dunne dropped into the front seat. She reached for her gun, and he placed a hard-boned hand over hers.

He smiled, dark eyes unfathomable in the moonlight. “Evening, Detective.”

Chapter 7

Kell kept his hand over Alexandra’s as she decided whether or not to fight for the gun. He didn’t much want to get shot, even though he’d survive any normal bullet. He peered closer at her pale skin. Sans the makeup, the woman looked about eighteen. A fine blue vein pulsed at her temple, and her hand trembled under his. The detective needed sleep and probably a good meal.

“When was the last time you ate something?” he asked quietly.

She blinked those stunning blue eyes at him. “None of your business.”

“That’s what I thought.” Blast but the woman needed a bloody keeper. He sat back, figuring if she shot him, she’d have to deal with more paperwork than she wanted so near to dawn. “You choose the place, and I’ll buy you an early breakfast.” Or later dinner. Either way, the sexy cop wasn’t going to waste away on his watch.

Not that he was watching.

Of course he was watching. Alexandra was beautiful and didn’t know it. Add in a stubborn chin, sharp intellect, and what appeared to be a nearly obsessive drive to solve crime? Yeah. He was hooked. Even without the feminine pull drawing him like never before, the woman intrigued him.

“I’m not hungry,” she ground out, her hand moving from her weapon to the steering wheel.

Irritation lifted his chin. “Ah, darlin’. Last time you lied to me, you orgasmed. Are you going for another one?”

If he’d expected to shock her, he failed. She slowly turned toward him and lifted a shoulder. “Wasn’t good enough to do again.”

He smiled, amusement filtering through him. God, she was something. He’d felt the power of a good orgasm move through her, and then she’d been weak as a kitten for a few moments after she’d come. He knew it was good. “Breakfast, and I’ll tell you everything I know about Apollo.”

Her lips tightened into a line, and she hit the gas pedal.

Yeah. He’d figured out she wouldn’t be able to pass on such an offer.

A small smile hovered around her mouth, and he gazed, curious. Just what was she up to? Good thing he was a patient man and had no problem waiting to find out. He settled into the seat, allowing the scent of woman to tease his senses. He rolled her scent around his tongue. Violets. Sweet and wild, just like they grew along the hillsides he’d roamed as a boy.

Her eyes were so blue as to be nearly violet as well. Should’ve been her name. But, no. She’d been named Alexandra; a warrior’s name. How could somebody so delicate be a warrior?

It was a true pity she wasn’t an enhanced human. What would she be like mated to a witch and therefore immortal? Powerful and sexy as hell. His jeans tightened, and he shifted to ease the sudden pressure in his groin. While he might be attracted to her, he wasn’t looking for a mate, anyway. Especially one who wore a gun and appeared all right with shooting him.

He cleared his throat to stop his rioting thoughts. “My cousin ran a background check on you, and she shared a little bit of it with me. About your father.”