Wicked Ride

His head lifted, while his eyelids lowered to half-mast. Then his moistened finger wandered down her front, between her breasts, over her abdomen, and slid inside her panties.

“No—” she hissed, just as he pressed his wet finger against her clit. Sparks lit through her. She shoved her head back against the wall and shut her eyes, arching into his palm. “Please,” she breathed, truly not knowing what she was asking for.

He pressed his thumb against her clit and slid the finger inside her. “Now, baby.” He pinched, nearly forming a circle with his fingers.

She exploded into a million pieces, her mouth opening on a scream only to be covered by his. He kissed her deep, even as his fingers worked her, drawing out the waves until she sagged against him, allowing him to take all of her weight. Her mind fuzzed, and her body turned boneless.

He removed his hand and slowed his kiss, gently setting her on her feet. Two seconds later, and he’d set her dress to rights. “You’re a keeper, Alexandra Monzelle,” he whispered, stepping back.

She shoved hair away from her face, blinking up at him. What in the hell had just happened?

As she watched, he slowly licked his hand. “You taste like heaven.”

Bernie rounded the corner. “Lex? You all right?”

“Fine.” She slid toward Bernie, grateful for the escape, her face blushing fiercely enough it hurt. Her heart thundered hard enough, everyone had to be able to hear it. “Just talking to a Fire member here in Grizzly territory. Weird, huh?”

Bernie eyed Kellach, his hand perched precariously close to the weapon secured beneath his jacket. “Yeah. Weird.”

She hustled toward her partner and away from the heat. Either Fire was making a move on Grizzly territory, or Kellach was up to something else. Her instincts hummed that there was a hell of a lot more to the Irish enforcer than she’d initially thought.

What the hell had just happened?

It was as if her body had taken over, giving in to him, knowing something her brain didn’t. She had to get away from him and now.

“Detective,” Kellach said from behind her.

She turned to meet his gaze, not saying a word.

“Those secrets of yours?”

Her knees trembled, so she held her stance.

“You’d better run wide and fast, or I’ll unravel each and every one.” With that, he turned and headed in the opposite direction.

Chapter 6

Kell dropped his leather jacket over a table in Simone’s entryway and stalked toward the spacious living room, his body still rioting after making Alexandra come. The taste of her still lingered in his mouth.

“Hang up your damn jacket,” Simone said without heat, her gaze on a pile of papers in her hand, a wide wall of windows behind her. The witch lounged in a yoga outfit that probably cost as much as a car, the darkness of the Puget Sound behind her appearing vast and mysterious.

Daire strode in from the wide kitchen and tossed him a beer.

“Thanks.” Kell dropped onto the leather sofa and put his boots on the coffee table until she glanced up from the papers and lifted an eyebrow. He paused. With a sigh, he settled his boots back onto the wooden floor. He could take the feisty witch in a fight, but she fought dirty. As he’d taught her. He twisted off the cap and drank deeply, allowing the brew to cool his throat.

He’d been fucking combustible since tasting Alexandra.

Daire sat in an overstuffed chair and slammed his boots onto the coffee table.

Kell bit back a grin. His older brother had lived in Russia on his own for much too long. “Your cousin is going to kick your ass.”

Daire lifted his head and looked toward Simone. “Why?” He was truly perplexed.

Kell shook his head.

Simone huffed out air, looked at Daire’s boots, and then his face. Her expression softened. “Nothing.”

Once again, Kellach wondered what had happened centuries ago in Russia when Daire had rescued Simone from something. Or someone. The two cousins had always been close. She remained vigilantly protective of Daire, and he her. Not that he needed protection, considering the power the witch held.

Kellach studied the two. While their dark hair was similar, Simone had nearly black eyes, and Daire’s were a mixture of different greens, and always alert. Simone was tall for a woman at just under six feet, but Daire was at least six-six—an inch taller than Kell. The family resemblance was obvious in the classic features, which on Simone were feminine and beautiful, and on Daire deadly.

Daire focused on Kell. “Did you find anything at the bar?”

Yeah, a sexier than hell detective he wanted naked and screaming under him. “No, and it appears Bear has his people locked down under fear of death for anybody going near Apollo. Nobody is dealing in Bear’s territory.” Kell stretched his neck.

The front door opened again, and Adam Dunne loped inside, his phone to his ear. He shut the door and shrugged his leather jacket onto the floor.

“Damn it,” Simone muttered, shooting Adam a glare.