Wicked Ride

She could make him come right then and there, but she pressed back against the wall, which pounded with the hard rock being played, and fought to free her hand. The guy was a badass, really bad biker gang member dealing in drugs. “No. Not going to happen.”

He released her, only to plant both hands on the wall on either side of her head, bracketing her. The scent of male and ocean caressed her senses. “Come home with me.”

“Are you joking?” She coughed. Her body bellowed a hell yes and actually bowed toward him, while her mind moved to shut down all sensation. “Yeah, me at Fire doing the walk of shame tomorrow. Step back, asshole.”

“I have a flat across town.” He leaned down until his breath brushed her lips. “It’ll be our secret.”

She met his gaze directly, even as her mouth tingled with need. She thought she’d gotten rid of her penchant for bad boys. “I don’t have secrets.”

His gaze warmed. “Sure you do, baby. I promise.”

“I’m nobody’s baby,” she said, finally getting her body under control.

“Now that’s a true pity.” He brushed hair back from her face. “A girl like you is made to be cosseted, protected, and loved until the world is a safe oasis of pleasure.”

She blinked. “Jesus. What century are you from?”

Amusement tilted his lips. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

She shook her head. “You’re a bad guy, Kellach. Your gang sells drugs and guns . . . which lead to violence and death. There’s no safe oasis in your life.”

“No.” His lips curved in almost a gentle smile. “My job as an enforcer means no oasis for me. But I was talking about you. I could give you that.”

“I’ve never wanted safety.” She noted, almost sadly, that he didn’t dispute her statement about guns or drugs. “Who’s the distributor of Apollo?”

His head lifted at her use of the drug’s name. “You’ve been doing your research.”

“That’s my job.” She flattened both hands on his hard pecs. “Tell me what you know, and I’ll get you a deal. Away from here and somewhere safe.”

He grinned, a flash of white through the darkness. “You’re offering me immunity and a new identity?”

“Yes.” She tried to press her advantage.

“How about I take you out of here, get you somewhere safe until things quiet down with this drug?” He leaned in, his lips hovering above hers. “I’ll get it off the streets for you.”

“Bull.” She shoved him, and he stepped back. “Don’t lie to me.”

“Never.” He brushed hair from her face, his hands cupping her head. “You need to stay away from Bear, darlin’.”

“Why?” she breathed, going on instinct. “You jealous, Kell?”

He blinked. Slowly. It was an oddly curious sight, a foreshadowing of a dangerous temper. “You like to play with fire, Alexandra?”

The way he said her name, all Irish brogue and lilting consonants, caused desire to burn in her abdomen. “Lex. It’s Lex.”

“No.” He shook he head, his hold tightening. “You’re all Alexandra—each and every syllable.” He leaned down, his lips nuzzling hers, his big hands tethering her in place. “Want me to be jealous? Give me something to protect.”

A definite dare. She’d never been able to turn from a dare, and being challenged by a guy like Kell? Yeah. She could meet his challenge and raise him one. Screw it. They’d just see who won this battle of wills. She pressed her lips against his, her eyes fluttering shut. Heat and male—all spice.

With a low growl, he tugged her into him, his mouth overtaking hers. He overwhelmed her in power and strength, kissing her hard, half-lifting her against the wall to settle his groin at the apex of her legs. Her thighs trembled and tightened against his hips, her hands shooting into his thick mass of hair. He shoved up her dress and pressed his cock against her panties, gyrating against her swollen clit. One firm hand dragged back her hair, while the other palmed her breast.

A mini-orgasm rippled through her, making her gasp into his mouth. Then another uncoiled, sparking flashes of electricity through her. She shook her head, trying to regain control of her body. She couldn’t climax there. No way. No way could she let him know he had that much power over her.

He leaned back, one hand tethered in her hair, the other on her breast. “Problem?”

She gasped and tried to remain perfectly still. “Put me down and back away. Now.” Her breathy voice didn’t sound like her. At all.

He eyed her, awareness dawning in those deadly eyes. “How close are you?”

Too close. Way too fucking close. She swallowed. “Nowhere near. Now put me down.”

“Aw, darlin’,” he breathed, his gaze hardening. “If you wouldn’t have lied, I woulda put you down.” The Irish brogue licked along her skin, and she shivered. “Now? Now you’re gonna come.” He released her breast and tapped her lips with his fingers.

She opened her mouth in surprise, and he dipped in one finger. “Hey—” she started.