Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

“Help me?” The incredulous tone in his voice was something she had expected. Most men couldn’t deal with issues related to their manhood. And if a woman pointed them out, they turned defensive.

“Yes. There could be very simple reasons why you couldn’t find release. I can—”

Lorenzo spun to face her so fast, she instinctively took a step back.

“You think I couldn’t perform?” His question was turned into an accusation by the way he bit it out. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched. “I assure you, Signorina, if I wanted to find release in your body, I could have done so several times.”

Bianca snorted. Arrogant rake!

All she was doing was try to help him over his problem, and what did he do? Deny he had a problem. Well, if he was going to play it that way, she’d play along. “I don’t believe you.”

“Signorina! Are you calling me a liar?”

She shrugged, letting her hands fall away to the sides, allowing her dress to gape open over her naked breasts. Lowering her lids slightly she glanced at his breeches. The bulge underneath it was still visible. He was just as hard as before.

“I’m merely stating what I see. You didn’t finish, not only leaving yourself unsatisfied, but also me.” Bianca looked past him, trying to appear unaffected by the ever growing erection behind his trousers and the wet spot that had started seeping through to the surface. “I expect a man to satisfy me. Otherwise, I don’t see how I can pretend he’s a good lover.”

From the corner of her eye, she noticed his lips forming into a thin line. She could fairly see him fuming. “Signorina! Watch your words!”

Turning as if attempting to leave, she delivered the last blow. “And you, Signore, are a useless lover.”

Before she could take her second step toward the door, Lorenzo grabbed her from behind and lifted her. A moment later, she landed on the bed, face down, her breath rushing out of her lungs.

“A useless lover? I think not!”

His hands stripped the dress from her, and more ripping sounds indicated that he was stripping himself at the same time. Then he latched onto her hips and pulled them back, bringing her onto her knees, before his rock-hard cock plunged deep into her still wet channel.

The force with which he penetrated her would have knocked her off the bed on the other side, had he not held her hips in a vice grip.

“I’ll teach you to call me a liar!”

Fury still colored his words as he delivered his next thrust with the same intensity as the first. Bianca gasped, pulling in a breath of air, unable to do anything but receive his cock. None of her previous lovers had ever dared to take her this hard, this fast, this furiously.

“God, yes!” she whimpered, surprised at the intense pleasure as his body slammed against hers repeatedly, plunging deeper with every thrust.

Lorenzo grunted as if in response to her exclamation.

Bianca tried to lift her head from the sheets she was pressed into to get onto her hands, but he pressed a hand onto her upper back, holding her down.

“You had your chance to escape,” he hissed and sliced in and out of her.

“No escape,” was all she could press out, before needing another breath. “More.” Since when did she resort to begging?

His second hand went back to her hips as his erection suddenly pulled out of her.

“No!” she howled. Was he going to stop once more, leaving her unsatisfied? She reached behind her, trying to grab him and pull him back, but he snatched her hand.

“Don’t!” he warned. “One touch, and I’ll spill.”

She felt him pull away, but a moment later, his warm breath was on her sex. He spread her wider, exposing her to him in a way she should have felt embarrassed about. But there was no time for embarrassment, because the next thing she felt was his tongue licking down her cleft.

Her body trembled from the sensual assault, but there was no reprieve. His tongue forged forward, licking over her sensitive pearl. Flames danced on her skin, turning her body into a raging inferno. Perspiration pearled off her naked flesh. And all the while, Lorenzo licked the sensitive bundle of nerves that threatened to turn her into a whimpering woman out of control.

His teeth grazed her folds, sending a shiver through her entire body. “Yes!”

When he sucked her pearl between his lips, pulling it into his mouth, everything shattered. The trembling in her body intensified, indicating the approach of a release he’d previously denied her. She didn’t fight it, but greeted its arrival, letting herself fall into the depth of its intensity.

Folsom, Tina's books