Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

His fangs lengthened, making it impossible to keep the sharp tips hidden in his mouth. They pushed past his lips and nudged against her plump tits. Lorenzo worked his hips frantically, driving his aching cock in and out of her in the hope his release would help him gain control, but the more he fucked her, the more her warm sheath cradled him, the less he was able to exercise control.

Her fingernails raked over his back, holding him firmly to her, and her heels dug into his backside, pushing him deeper inside her with every thrust. Her hips gyrated against his, and the sounds of pleasure that left her lips could not be drowned out by anything but the sound of blood rushing from his fangs down into his throat.

He needed her blood. Now. Only then would he find true release with her. The realization hit him like a ship slamming into a pier.

His fangs scraped against the pink flesh of her tits, grazing her. A drop of blood appeared on her skin. It was miniscule, yet its potency was undeniable.

“Lorenzo, now, please,” she mumbled, slamming her hips into him, grabbing his ass with her hands to force him to plunge deeper.

With a roar, he jerked back. No! If he continued, he’d suck her dry, his control all but vanished. Despite Bianca’s hands and legs gripping him tightly, he pulled out of her and averted his eyes, tilting his head away from her.

Her protest was instant. “Please, don’t stop. Not now.”

“I can’t,” he pressed out and headed for the door faster than if the rising sun were on his heels. The scent of her blood chased him all the way to his bedchamber. And the scent of her cunt was still on his cock, a painful reminder that he hadn’t found release, nor had he granted her the climax she’d been so close to.

Bianca was no good for him. She was too much of a temptation. He didn’t understand why he lost control with her when he’d never had any problems keeping himself in check when he’d fucked the whores he usually frequented. Instead of sex easing the strain on controlling his vampire powers, it had made it harder to control. He’d always been able to let his vampire side emerge at will—not with Bianca. When he was near her, his entire body screamed for him to claim her.

He couldn’t let a woman have such power over him. He’d allowed it once. It had nearly cost him his life. No matter how much he wanted to slake his lust with her, he couldn’t risk it.

Bianca had to leave.

Chapter Ten

Almost dizzy, Bianca slipped off her father’s old writing desk. With shaking hands, she pulled on the shredded fabric of her dress to cover her torso. The place between her legs throbbed uncontrollably. Frustration made way for surprise, then embarrassment, then anger. How dare Lorenzo fuck her with such raw passion and then leave her before finishing?

Her chest heaved, her body still trying to come down from the peak it had nearly reached. She’d been so close to a most monumental climax only to come crashing down like a wave crashed onto the sandy shore without ever having reached its highest crest.

Bianca wanted to howl in frustration. But what she wanted even more was for Lorenzo to continue. Holding her dress together in the front, she ran out of the study and headed for the stairs. If Lorenzo had lost his erection and hadn’t been able to achieve release with her, then she’d do anything to get him back into the right mood so he could finish what they’d started.

She had enough experience to know how to rouse a wilting cock. Lorenzo’s words that he couldn’t do this could only mean one thing: his manhood had a little problem performing. Even though this seemed somewhat strange given that his cock had been harder than anything she’d ever felt, just because he was hard didn’t mean he could find release. Maybe he needed more stimulation.

Without knocking, Bianca opened the door to her father’s bedchamber and entered.

Lorenzo stood next to the bed, closing the top button on his breeches. His head spun to her instantly, his eyes glaring at her in fury. “Leave! Now!”

His voice was a thunder that would have frightened a lesser woman, but not Bianca. Most dogs that barked didn’t bite. Men were just the same. The louder they yelled, the softer they were on the inside.

“No! I refuse to let you treat me like this. And I won’t leave!”

The rumble coming from his throat sounded more like the growl of an animal than that of a man. “I apologize for what happened in the study,” he ground out through clenched teeth, the cords on his neck straining, ready to snap in an instant. “It won’t happen again.”

“Well, at least that we agree on.”

He nodded stiffly then turned his back. “Then please remove yourself from my presence.”

“I will do nothing of the sort.”

His shoulders tensed visibly as his hands balled into fists, the knuckles turning white. “What do you want from me? A new dress? I’ll buy you ten new dresses for the one I ruined.”

Bianca took a few steps toward him.

“Don’t come any closer!”

Shocked by his harsh tone, she stopped. “I’m not interested in a new dress. But I can help you.”

Folsom, Tina's books