Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Lorenzo’s hand slid possessively over her stomach, and his lips went to her ear. “My sweet, I’ll be here whenever you need me. And now that we can be relatively certain that you’re enceinte, we have a decision to make.”

“Enceinte?” Bianca gasped and turned to face him.

“Yes, my love. There can be no other reason for your sickness. And if you need any more proof: you’ve not once rejected my advances in the last weeks and claimed to have your courses.”

“Oh, my God.” She looked down at herself and pressed her hand onto her stomach, then looked back up at him with wonder in her eyes. “A child.”

“Yes, our child. But we have to—”

She grabbed his hand. “Lorenzo, will it be vampire like you or human like me?”

“That is for you to decide.”

Bianca gave him a confused look. “But how?”

“If you decide you want a human child, there’s nothing for you to do. But should you decide you want a child that’s half vampire, half human, for it can never be fully vampire, you have to drink my blood while the child is in your womb. You have time to decide until you’re four months along.”

Would she want a child that was part vampire? Lorenzo knew what he wanted.

“What do you want?” Bianca asked.

“It doesn’t matter what I want. This is your decision. Your choice.” He didn’t want to influence her with his own preference, so he didn’t voice it.

“If it’s half vampire, will it be hurt in the sun?”

“No. A half vampire, half human child will be able to walk in the sun and the shadows, having the traits and strengths of both species. It’ll be stronger than either.”

“But will it age?”

He understood her concern and was glad to be able to lay it to rest. “Yes, the child will grow and age as any human child. But as soon as it reaches maturity, it’ll stop aging just like any vampire whose age is frozen at their turning.”

Bianca nodded, clearly contemplating his words. Then she looked at him, her eyes going to his neck where his vein throbbed uncontrollably. She licked her lips. “What does blood taste like?”

Lorenzo’s heart leapt. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

She nodded.

He drew her into his embrace. “You don’t know what this means to me. Nobody’s ever accepted me like you have. And now, to know that you’re prepared to have our child be half vampire, you’re making me the happiest man in the entire world.”

“I love you, Lorenzo,” she whispered and pressed herself closer. “Make love to me and let me drink your blood.”

And there was nothing else he’d rather do in that instant.


Excerpt of Yvette’s Haven (Scanguards Vampires #4)

Haven exhaled. The woman was stunning. An actress for sure, even though he’d never seen her in a movie. What else could she be with that porcelain skin and the short black hair that was styled back away from her flawless face? Her high cheekbones accentuated her green eyes, and her red lips were so plump and kissable, he felt his cock ache at the thought of her mouth on—

Haven tried to shake off the erotic vision tumbling through his mind. He wasn’t like his brother, who fell for every pretty face without thinking, but as he swept his gaze over her perfect body, appreciating the lush curves hidden under her black dress, he wondered why he’d ever faulted Wesley for his weakness. Right now, he was feeling that same kind of weakness he’d always chastised his brother for.

Haven’s cock expanded under his entirely too-tight formal suit which he’d rented at a tuxedo store down the street. It wasn’t like he was ever going to wear that kind of wardrobe again. There was no point in buying such a useless garment. But as much as he tried to concentrate his thoughts on his unusual attire, they instantly drifted back to the beauty across the room and to the way she made his cock throb with lust.

Clearly, that’s all this was: lust. His life had become too single-minded over the years—only concentrating on hunting vampires and searching for his sister—and he hadn’t allowed himself to enjoy the company of women for too long. He didn’t like being distracted by them. He had no time for family and love when all he wanted was to restore the family he’d lost.

Folsom, Tina's books