Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

She gave him the most confused look he’d ever seen her wear. “It’s ugly.”

He suddenly felt compelled to smile. “That it is. It appears your father was a Guardian, a member of the secret society that hunts our kind.”

Bianca gasped. “He hunted vampires?”

“It appears that way.”

“I don’t understand. Then where’s the treasure he spoke of? Was he just telling me tales to entertain me as a child?”

Lorenzo held the ring in front of her face. “This is a treasure. Was this all you found?”

“There was a piece of paper too, with names.”

“Names?” Lorenzo spun around to pick up the sheet of paper he’d ignored earlier and looked at it now. As his eyes ran over the long list of names, his head spun. The list could only mean that those named were Guardians.

He looked down at Bianca, realizing that he still held her captive between his thighs. “This is the real treasure. The list. The names.”

“Worth more than this house?”

He nodded.

“That’s what my father always claimed. He said if he sold the treasure to the right people, he would be a rich man.”

“He was right. Any vampire in this city would pay a vast sum of money to get his hands on this list. Knowing these names, we can finally defend ourselves and know our enemies.”

“So you believe me now that I didn’t want to kill you?” she asked, her voice resigned now. Why did she not join in his joy?

“Yes, my sweet, I believe you.” He lifted himself off her and pulled her up to sit.

“Then I should pack my things and leave.”

Lorenzo’s heart stopped. “Leave?”

“Yes. You do understand that I can’t stay here any longer. You know my secret now. You know what I am. A whore. Not worthy to be your mistress anymore.” She moved to slide off the bed, but he snatched her arm and pulled her back.

“You’re right. You can’t be my mistress anymore. It wouldn’t be right.” Then he leaned toward the nightstand where he reached for the little box he’d placed there upon his return home. He opened it and took out the item it contained and turned back to Bianca.

“I wouldn’t want the woman I love to merely be my mistress.” Then he took her hand and slid the brilliant ruby ring onto her finger. “Be my wife.”

A gasp came from Bianca’s mouth, but no words came out even when she opened her lips and worked her throat. Her eyes went wide as saucers, and tears stood at their rim. Her gaze darted from the ring on her finger back to his face, and still she didn’t say anything.

“Bianca, please say something. Don’t keep me in suspense. I need to know your answer. You know I love you. You’ve seen my heart, you’ve felt the depth of my commitment to you, now please tell me you want me as your husband.”

Suddenly her hands came around his neck, and she pulled him to her.

“Is that a yes?” he asked.

She nodded, a sob escaping her. “Yes.”

His heart felt like bursting as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. But there was a tiny twinge of guilt inside him that he couldn’t suppress. Separating his lips from hers, he inhaled deeply before he spoke.

“Bianca, my love, I have to make a confession.”

Her eyelids rose, and her gaze collided with his. “Yes?”

“I’ve known about your past all along.”

She pulled away further. “You what?”

“When I found you in my house that first night, I had my friend Nico make inquiries. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I was afraid you’d be angry at me for investigating you.”

“You knew I was a whore?”

“Shh. You’re no whore. You’re pure.”

“I’m not pure. I’m soiled. I’m—”

He laid his hand on her heart. “In here, you’re pure. It doesn’t matter to me what lies in your past. You’re what I want. Be mine. Let me make you happy.”

“You mean this, don’t you?”

He simply nodded. A moment later she threw herself into his arms and held him tighter than he’d ever been held.

“I love you, Lorenzo.”

He lifted her chin up to brush his lips against hers. “For eternity.” Then he lowered her back onto the sheets and moved over her, sliding in between her spread thighs. “My love, if we ever make it out of this bed, I’ll shower you with every treasure you can imagine.”

“And what can I give you?”

He smiled. “I already have my own treasure. You.”


Three weeks later

“The men on this list don’t exist,” Raphael proclaimed, holding up the infamous piece of paper Bianca had found.

Folsom, Tina's books