The Godling Chronicles The Shadow of God

chapter 12

Kaylia awoke screaming and crying uncontrollably. In seconds Linis and Theopolou were at her side.

“It's gone!” she cried. “It's gone!”

Theopolou pulled her close. “What's gone?”

It took her a moment to stifle her sobs. “My bond with Gewey. It's gone!”

Theopolou closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He placed his hands on her head. “It is not gone. It has been...somehow blocked.”

At that moment Nehrutu approached. “Is everything all right?” His shimmering red pants and shirt, along with his effortless, regal movements made him easy to recognize. As graceful as the elves of this land were, they appeared awkward by comparison.

Kaylia tried to rise, but Theopolou held her fast. Her eyes burned. “Aaliyah is behind it! I know it!”

“What has happened?” asked Nehrutu.

“I believe Aaliyah may have somehow blocked the bond between Kaylia and Gewey,” Theopolou explained. “At least that is the only explanation I can imagine.”

Nehrutu leaned down and placed his hand on Kaylia's shoulder. He closed his eyes for a full minute. “Yes, she has.”

“That witch,” Kaylia hissed.

“Can you undo what she has done?” asked Theopolou.

“I could...perhaps,” Nehrutu replied. “But I will not.”

“Why?” Kaylia screamed. “Why will you not help me?”

Nehrutu sighed. “Aaliyah has done this, and she has her reasons. It is not for me to interfere. Take comfort that she did not break your bond. She is certainly strong enough.”

“Why would she do this?” asked Linis. “What purpose does it serve?”

Nehrutu thought for a moment. “The only reason would be to help Shivis Mol. If the bond hindered his training, she would not hesitate to block it. I would do the same.”

Kaylia's anger boiled. She pulled away from Theopolou and jumped to her feet, standing inches away from Nehrutu. “And if you did, the powers of the Creator would not save you. Nor would they save Aaliyah, if she were here.” Tears welled in her eyes, as the pain of Gewey's absence grew.

Nehrutu's face was expressionless, and he met her eyes unflinchingly. “Then it is both fortunate that I did not do this, and that she is not here to face your wrath.”

Linis gently grabbed Kaylia's arm. “There is nothing to be done. I am certain Gewey will find a way to undo this.”

Kaylia stepped back and walked away into the darkness. Over and over she reached out, but to no avail. Finally, she collapsed on the ground and wept. The vast emptiness was more than she could bear. The bond with Gewey was a part of her. It was as if it had always been, and until that moment, she thought it would always be. For nearly an hour she wept in the darkness, until she heard footfalls approaching. Expecting to see Linis or Theopolou, she wiped her eyes and stood. But instead she saw Nehrutu.

“I do not want to speak to you.” Her voice seethed with hatred.

“You may change your mind when you hear what I have to say,” said Nehrutu.

Kaylia folded her arms and turned away.

“You are aware of Aaliyah's intentions toward Shivis Mol,” he said.

“His name is Gewey,” she shot back.

“As you say.” He took a step closer. “We are not all in harmony with her intentions. Particularly me.”

Kaylia turned. “And why is that?”

“Before we became aware of...Gewey,” he replied, “I was Aaliyah’s betrothed. We were to be joined.”

This took Kaylia aback. “And now?”

“Aaliyah is determined,” he said, lowering his eyes. Kaylia could see the pain in his expression. “She truly believes that it is her duty to join with Gewey, and she will not relent. That he loves you is your greatest ally. But Aaliyah is clever and powerful. She will not make it easy for Gewey to refuse.”

“What can I do?” she asked, desperately. “How can I stop her?”

“You must learn to use the powers that the Creator has provided.” He took her hands and looked into her eyes. “I can help you, but only if you let me. I do not want to lose Aaliyah, and I fear I will. But if you show yourself to her as an equal, she may very well step aside.”

“How can I do this?” Her voice cracked. “I am no seeker, nor am I an elder.”

“You have the ability inside you,” he assured. “If only you will allow me to show you, you will discover your true gifts. Then perhaps we can both find peace and contentment.”

Kaylia nodded slowly. “I would be grateful for your help.” She pulled away and rubbed her arms from the chill night. “How is it she simply abandoned you?”

Nehrutu gave her a sad smile. “You should not judge her harshly. She is dedicated to the well-being of our people. She looks to the needs of others above her own desires. Everything she has done has been for the good of our people...though I often wish it was not so.”

Kaylia choked back her tears. “When shall we begin?”

“As soon as possible,” Nehrutu replied. “With your fire we should accomplish much.”

They walked back to camp together. Kaylia felt more at ease, though the loss of the bond still wrenched at her heart.

Since Gewey and Aaliyah's departure the elves began making preparation to retake Valshara. Mohanisi, through the power of the flow, was able to get word to his ship and send it back to his homeland. Kaylia and Linis both remarked at the advantage of such communication.

The elders immediately sent messengers to muster the elves, and bear news of the events at the Chamber of the Maker. Theopolou had one of his guards bring a letter to Selena in Althetas, informing her of their intent. They reckoned it would take at least four weeks to ready a viable assault, and decided to use that time to gather intelligence on the temple occupation.

The first night of Kaylia's training was more frustrating than anything she had ever experienced before. Nehrutu took her away from the camp and sat her on a soft patch of grass.

“The earth will be first,” he said. “It is the simplest to achieve. Once you master it, you will be able to do many things that were far out of your reach before.”

“I have seen Linis and Theopolou use such power,” she said. “I know—”

“You know nothing,” he said, cutting her off, though he did not raise his voice. “The elders and your seekers, have no idea of how to harness this power. In my land, elf children can do more.” He leveled his gaze. “I am at odds with Mohanisi by my instructing you, exclusively. Do not make me regret this by thinking that you know what you do not.”

“I am sorry,” said Kaylia. “I will listen to your instructions.”

“Good,” said Nehrutu. “Now close your eyes and reach out with your spirit as you do through your bond. Only touch the world around you.”

Kaylia tried, but could feel nothing. For hours she concentrated, but with no results. Finally, Nehrutu stood and held out his hand.

“I am sorry,” said Kaylia. “I tried.”

Nehrutu smiled warmly. “You did well.” She took his hand and he pulled her up. “Most cannot sit so long without breaking their concentration. You are using a power you have forgotten. Should you not use your legs for a hundred years, would you walk the first day?” He offered her a flask of honeyed water, which she gratefully accepted. “You will get stronger very soon. This I promise.”

Over the next three days, Kaylia's frustration grew, but still she did not give up. Hours upon hours she reached out, hoping to feel...anything. It was on the fourth day it happened. It was nearly time to end the lesson when she felt it. It was almost intangible in the beginning, so slight and quiet at first she doubted she even felt it. Then it grew stronger. Gewey had once described it as a pulse, but to Kaylia it was a heartbeat. The heartbeat of the earth.

Her eyes popped open. “I felt it!”

Nehrutu smiled broadly. “That is good. And sooner than I expected.”

“It was wonderful.” She trembled with excitement. “It was as if I could feel the living earth all around me.” She closed her eyes, but Nehrutu placed his hand on her shoulder.

“That is enough for tonight,” he said.

“But—” she protested, but Nehrutu's stare silenced her.

“Tomorrow will come soon enough,” he said. “And I am weary.”

The next three days were like nothing Kaylia could have imagined. Though she felt ready, Nehrutu warned her against actually drawing the flow inside.

“Only see it for now,” said Nehrutu. “Hear it sing its song. Let your own heart beat with the same rhythm. Once you can do that, then you will be ready to go further.”

By the end of the third week, she was ready. Drawing in only small amounts at first, then a bit more and more, until her entire body was saturated with power. For the first time, she thought she understood what Gewey experienced, and the intoxicating effect it had on him.

The field, by that time, was quickly filling with hundreds upon hundreds of elves, and many still had yet to arrive. Bellows had been erected and the sounds of the smith's hammer echoed through the field and the smell of war filled the air. The pavilion had been taken down, and the rubble cleared away, and the field was dotted with tents and piles of provisions. By the time they were to march, their force numbered twenty-five hundred. More than enough, Kaylia thought, to retake Valshara. And still not nearly a portion of what was to eventually come. On the morning of their departure, Theopolou addressed the elves. He thought long on what to say. He had not spoken of war in five-hundred years, and he knew he must inspire.

“I have received word that the High Lady of Valshara has petitioned the King of Althetas to aid us,” Theopolou announced. His voice was clear and forceful. “And he has agreed. The city guard will be awaiting our forces north of the temple.” He looked out over the gathering. “This will be the first time in our history that we have fought alongside humans. But rest assured, until the Dark One in the north is defeated, it will not be the last. I know that many will resist this notion, but the time for old hatred has passed. We fight for more than the possession of one human temple. We will show the powers that seek to divide and destroy us, the peril they place themselves in when choosing to take what is not theirs. And we do not belong to Angrääl. We will not believe their lies. We will not be played for fools. And we will not allow them to annihilate our people.” This was met by a roar of enthusiastic cheers. “Though our brothers and sister on the Steppes had been brought under the yoke of the Dark One, we will not suffer the same fate. So now we march.” He stood silent. The gentle breeze bent the tall grass and the smell of oil and leather permeated the air. “To war!” His voice boomed and echoed over the field. Another round of cheers and war cries sent his heart racing. It had been five hundred years since he had spoken words of war, and though he hoped he would never do so again, the fire in his people’s eyes told him that it was time. Time to live in the world again. Time to fight for the right to survive...and it begins here.

In less than an hour, the elves had formed ranks. Unlike a human army, there were no wagons and horses. No banners fluttered in the breeze. No. An elf army, was marching death; fast and efficient. Theopolou, Linis, and Kaylia led the way, while Nehrutu and Mohanisi followed close behind. The rest of the elders marched among their individual tribes.

Kaylia looked back on the field, to where she and Gewey had spent their first night truly bonded.

Nehrutu, touched her shoulder. “Your love will return,” he whispered.

She grasped his hand lightly. “As will yours.”

Theopolou raised his hand high. “Forward!”

It was done. The elves now marched to meet their destiny.

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