The Godling Chronicles The Shadow of God

chapter 11

Gewey awoke to the sound of Aaliyah humming softly at the desk, reading a small blue book. He lay there and listened for a time, then sat up, refreshed and strong.

“You slept well, I trust?” she asked, without looking up.

He yawned and stretched. “Yes. I was more tired than I thought.”

“You have had quite an eventful few days.” She closed the book and placed it in the desk drawer. “I am sorry to say that you will get little rest while on board. We have much to do.”

She waited outside for Gewey to change, then led him to the galley. Two plates of eggs and bread awaited them. After breakfast, she took him on deck. The cool sea air sent a chill down his spine. As he looked out onto the Western Abyss he envied the sailors such a life. The dark, rolling waves and the endless expanse calmed him. The sun was just sinking over the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with swirls of orange, blue, and red. Stories his father had told him of storms and sea monsters couldn't exist in such a marvelous place.

Aaliyah walked to the port railing and leaned her slender figure over the side. The wind wrapped her thin cotton dress around her curves. “Beautiful, is it not?”

Gewey blushed, thankful she could not see his unease. “It is,” he replied and joined her. “It's like nothing I've ever seen.”

“It is not always so peaceful,” she warned. “The sea is more perilous than you can imagine. Storms can rise without warning, and there are beasts that lurk within that are larger than this ship.”

Gewey laughed. “Sea monsters?”

“Some,” she replied. “Though not all are monsters. Some are gentle and wise.”

Gewey cocked his head. “Wise? How can a beast be wise?”

“There is much about the world you have yet to learn,” she said. “One is that not all ‘beasts’ are what they seem.” She took his hand. “Come. It is time to begin.”

The crew was busy about their work, but each took a moment to greet them as they passed. Gewey had counted about thirty elves aboard, and assumed there were more below. Aaliyah led him to the bow where the navigator was concentrating on her duties.

“Is she using wind or water?” asked Gewey.

“Both,” said Aaliyah. She placed his hand on the navigators shoulder. “This is Faaliyasi. Join with her.”

Gewey obeyed, allowing his mind and spirit to drift outward toward the navigator. Her mind was different than that of Kaylia or Aaliyah. It was hard, cold, and as unyielding as steel. She let Gewey draw close, but only close enough so he could feel as she did. The flow was similar to what he experienced that morning, but a million times more complex. The forces intertwined in perfect harmony, dancing and twisting as one.

“Amazing,” he whispered. “How can you do this?”

Faaliyasi did not respond.

After several minutes Aaliyah pulled Gewey away. “She has trained for many years to learn this skill.”

“Can you do that?” Gewey asked.

“Yes, but not as well,” she admitted. “Our navigator’s begin learning their craft at childhood. What you saw was just a small thing. Should a storm arise, you will see her true power.”

Aaliyah had a small bowl of water brought on deck, and Gewey spent the rest of the evening trying in vain to touch the power of the air to heat it. He soon found Aaliyah to be as severe a task master as Lee had been, though not as harsh in temperament. By morning he was exhausted and frustrated.

When they returned to their quarters, he found that a basin of wash water had been left. The prospect of joining with Aaliyah excited him. He had not been alone inside himself since he first joined with Kaylia, and the loneliness was unbearable at times. Had he not been so utterly engrossed in his training, he was certain it would bother him considerably.

“You shall wash with cold water until you can learn to heat it yourself,” Aaliyah said.

Gewey's heart sank, but he tried once again. This time he felt it. Unlike the throbbing pulse of the earth, he felt an irregular current of energy.

“Yes,” said Aaliyah softly. “The air is not a brute like the earth. It is like a whimsical child. Let it dance through you.”

Gewey drew in the flow of the air for the first time. His fatigue washed away at once, and like when he used the earth, his senses erupted with awareness. But unlike the earth, it was difficult to control. It scattered and twirled throughout his body as a tempest. It resisted him, threatening to tear him apart.

“Do not use force,” Aaliyah instructed. “Use your heart...your soul, to have it obey your commands.”

“I don't understand.” The flow continued to build, rushing through him. Finally, he could no longer contain it. Gewey let out a horrifying scream and the air exploded, tossing both he and Aaliyah back, slamming them hard against the wall.

Gewey slid down, the breath forced from his lungs, gasping. After a moment, he regained his senses and caught his breath. Aaliyah was slumped down against the door. He sprang to his feet and rushed to her side.

“Are you all right?” he asked desperately. “Gods, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” He took her limp hand in his and reached out to her spirit. The moment he touched it, he felt the keen sense of loneliness vanish. Her spirit seemed to embrace him, pulling him to her.

Slowly her eyes fluttered open. “I am unhurt.” She managed a smile. “You are far stronger than I could have imagined.” She sat up straight. “But I should have known Shivis Mol would be.”

“I am sorry,” he repeated.

“Do not be sorry,” she said, soothingly. “The fault was mine. I must be aware that I am not training an elf child, but a young godling.” She placed her hand gently on his cheek. “And in this world you have only just come of age. I must remember that as well.”

Gewey stiffened. “I am a man.” he insisted. “Even before I came of age, I was my own master.”

She giggled, amused at his reaction. “A man need not assert that he is a man. Only a child would do so.” She struggled to her feet, aided by Gewey, and smoothed her dress.

Gewey gave no reply. Embarrassed by the truth in her words, he turned and retrieved his elf clothing from the chest. Aaliyah left the room to allow him to wash, returning just as he was climbing into his bed.

Aaliyah dimmed all the lights and climbed into her bed. “I am sorry if I upset you,” she said, pulling the blanket close. “But compared to me, your years in this world are few. There are lessons for you still to learn.”

“I know,” said Gewey. “I just feel...I don't know. I suppose I don't like being reminded that I'm so much younger and inexperienced than everyone around me.”

“You are young.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “But you are not without experience. And you are mature for your age. You should think no more on it. I will try to be more delicate with the matter.”

Gewey let the ship rock him to sleep. His dreams were fraught with images of battle, blood, and mayhem. They were so vivid that, at first, he feared the Dark Knight had found him again, but to his relief, he didn't appear.

Over the next several nights Gewey and Aaliyah continued their lessons, but Aaliyah thought it better to do so on deck rather than risk damage to the ship. Though there were no further accidents, Gewey struggled for the first few days to control the flow. The more he failed the more frustrated he became. But then on the fourth night it happened.

One of the navigators was on her way to her quarters. Her face was tense, her eyes narrow, and she appeared to be upset. Gewey stopped her.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“I am fine, Shivis Mol,” she replied.

Her name was Drasalisia. Gewey had seen her nearly every evening on his way up to the deck. Usually, he was already involved in his lesson, but this evening Aaliyah allowed him a little bit of extra sleep. “It's just that you look upset,” he remarked.

Drasalisia's face relaxed a bit and she managed a polite smile. “No, Shivis Mol. I am not upset. When you channel power from the air and water it can leave you...emotional. It takes effort to calm myself.”

“Emotional?” Gewey rubbed the back of his neck and tilted his head. There were three navigators on board. All women, and all seemed to him to be as stoic as priests of Dantenos, God of the Dead. “How do you mean?”

“The water is power and mystery.” she replied. “Difficult to understand, but easy to manipulate. The air is another matter. It is passion and fire. It burns and flows with a will of its own. When you control air, it demands that you use your own passion, or it will defy you.”

“You speak as if it were alive,” he remarked.

“Did you ever think it was not?” She huffed a laugh and walked away.

Gewey thought on this for a time, then sat next to the waiting bowl of water. He closed his eyes and felt the flow of the air around him, drawing it near. He could feel it raging and bursting with power. Then he felt it. The passion. Love, hate, joy, sorrow, all pressing in together, trying to force its way out. It was alive. He drew it inside and let his own feelings surge into the storm. It was in that moment he understood why he couldn't control it before. In his attempt to control, he had withheld the part of himself needed for the air to join with him as one. His heart. In moments all the lessons came together and he knew exactly what to do, and heated the air around the bowl.

“Perfect.” Aaliyah knelt beside him. “Soon it will become effortless. You will be able to create wonders.”

Gewey sighed with satisfaction. “It's alive. I can feel it.”

“Of course, it is,” she replied. “The world is a living thing formed by the Creator. The pulse of the earth is its heart and body. The air its breath. The water its blood.” She took his hand and pulled him to his feet. “And when you are ready, you will see its soul.”

“Its soul?” Gewey imagined the world as an immense creature atop which all people resided. “I'll be able to see it?”

“Oh, yes,” said Aaliyah. “When you have control enough to master the physical powers of the earth, then you shall be ready to join with its spirit. For an elf, there is no greater power. Only a few of us have touched it.”

“Have you?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “I am one who has achieved such power. Though I admit, only to a small degree. To journey through the unseen world, touching the minds of others wrapped within your own spirit is a gift we all possess. But to join with the true spirit of is unlike anything you can imagine. Once you can do that, you will be invincible.”

Gewey realized she still held his hand, and felt his heart race. He quickly withdrew. Aaliyah smiled and let out a soft, contented laugh. She looked at him for a long moment then stood over him.

“I know what you're trying to do,” said Gewey, in a half-whisper. “It won't work. I love Kaylia.”

“I have made no secret of my intent,” she replied. “But I am no trickster. Do not sully our time together with accusations.” She motioned for him to resume his lesson.

The rest of the evening, Gewey practiced channeling the flow. By the end of the night, Aaliyah had taught him to create a tiny ball of flame above his hand and send it flying through the air.

From then on, time aboard ship passed quickly. By the beginning of the second week, Gewey began rising early to study the ship and its workings. The crew was happy to teach him, and he found himself looking forward to it as much he did his lessons with Aaliyah. The crew relished telling him stories from their homeland, and were eager to learn of his life as well. Their cheer and good nature reminded him of Linis and his seekers. It was comforting to know that he did not need to convince them to be his allies. Though they did not say it, he felt as if they would do anything he asked of them.

But even though he had immersed himself in his lessons, Kaylia was never far from his mind. The absence of her thoughts and emotions was an open wound that felt as if it would never heal. Several times per day he would try to reach her, but without success. Each time he did, Aaliyah appeared shortly after to give him further instruction. Somehow she knew what he was doing. But worse, she knew what he was feeling, and could say just the right thing to send his heart pounding and cheeks blushing. Most of the time this was followed by heart-wrenching guilt. But she would occasionally catch him off guard, and he would respond more in the manner of a suitor than a student. This, naturally, caused him even more guilt and torment.

Then, by midway through the second week, the cool evenings had become warm and muggy. Aaliyah told him that they were about a hundred miles from the shores of a large delta city. Gewey assumed it was Baltria. She explained that they would remain far from shore to avoid other ships, until they neared their destination in four days. Gewey marveled that they had traveled so far in such a short time.

Aaliyah had told him that he would begin lessons with water on their return journey. Gewey had all but forgotten why they had come. He had heard stories of the desert nomads. Fierce and dangerous, they wandered aimlessly, preying on anyone foolish enough to stray too far from the oasis towns. Ravenous beasts supposedly, roamed the sands as well. Wolves the size of a pony, hunting at night, devouring entire caravans, leaving only the bones to bleach in the scorching sun. He even had heard stories of great flying lizards that breathed fire, though these were the things told to children at night. His father would occasionally delight him with desert tales, and the giant lizard stories had been his favorite.

The day of their arrival Gewey gathered his belongings and went on deck to wait for Aaliyah. He had decided to wear his elf clothing. It was cool and he hoped it would keep the sun at bay. It was just before nightfall and the air was unusually mild. He had hoped some of the crew would be joining them – the idea just the two of them braving the desert sands unsettled his nerves – but Aaliyah had explained that the crew’s place was aboard ship. Should they need help, she could certainly call them.

The small boat they arrived in had already been lowered into the water. The sea was calm and had a pale green tint, unlike the deep, rich blues he had seen before. The crew took turns bidding him farewell and good luck. He knew he would miss their good humor in the days to come, especially if what he had heard of the desert was true.

Gewey saw Aaliyah approaching from the main cabin. She was dressed in a pair of loose-fitting tan trousers and tunic, and she wore a pair of short leather boots. On her belt were two long daggers. Her hair was tied in a tight braid that danced to and fro as she moved. One of the crew followed close behind, carrying her pack.

“Are you prepared?” she asked, taking her pack and slinging it across her shoulders.

Gewey nodded and they climbed down the ladder, into the boat. As before, Aaliyah channeled the flow, and the craft sped forward. It wasn't long before Gewey could make out the dunes just beyond the shoreline. Even from so far away he could see that they were massive, and tried not to think about how hard it would be to walk them. Soon they were to the beach. The waves lapped curiously against the small boat as the craft slid ashore. They gathered their packs and Gewey checked his sword. There was no driftwood about, so they pulled the boat to the base of the dunes.

“With luck, the tide will not rise this high,” said Aaliyah, “or we may be forced to swim back to the ship.”

“What do you—” he started, but saw Aaliyah's mischievous grin. “You're funny.” He looked up at the dunes and sighed. “I assume you know where to go from here.”

“I know what direction to take,” she replied, “but not the exact whereabouts of our destination.” She stiffened and her hands shot to her daggers.

Gewey instinctively drew in the flow of the earth. At once he knew what had alarmed her. On the other side of the dune, he could sense at least fifty humans. He could feel them moving up the side of the dune and heard swords being drawn and arrows notched. “Nomads,” he whispered. “My father told me stories about them.”

Aaliyah drew her daggers. “Whoever they are, they intend us harm.”

How she could tell that, Gewey had no idea, but he was not about to question her. He freed his sword and let the flow rage through him. He could feel it flowing through Aaliyah, but could not tell if she drew from earth or air.

“Pay heed, and do not lose focus,” she commanded. This brought Gewey back to attention. “When they crest the dune, follow me.”

Gewey crouched ready to spring, his knuckles white around his sword. Then, from a hundred yards to their left he heard the snap and twang of a bowstring, and the thin whistle of arrows flying. He looked skyward, fearing that a shower of arrows was about to rain down on them. But they were not the target. A dozen nomads screamed out in agony as the arrows struck home. Gewey reached out to find the source, but could sense nothing. Another volley zipped through the air, and more men fell.

“What should we do?” asked Gewey.

“We hope that whoever aids us is not doing so to keep spoils for themselves,” she replied. “I cannot tell who or what they are.”

He shook his head. “Nor can I.”

The nomads were scattering like ants, some dragging the wounded, others in a full run down the dune, completely abandoning the attack. After a few minutes there was only the sound of the sea and rustle of the wind.

Aaliyah tapped Gewey's shoulder. “Should we be attacked, drag the boat to the water.”

“What will you do?” he asked. He was not about to let her fight alone.

She held out her palm and a tiny ball of flame appeared above it. “I will be showing them that arrows are of little use.”

It was then a thin figure appeared atop a dune one-hundred yards to their north. In its right hand it held up a bow, and in its left a quiver. Gewey could hardly believe his eyes.

“Elves,” he whispered. “Here in the desert.” For the first time Aaliyah looked surprised and uncertain. “You didn't know?”

“That there were elves here?” She shook her head slowly. “I did not. But I am grateful to see them. Unless I am wrong, that is not a gesture of aggression.” She raised her hand, returning the greeting. “Still, mind what you say. Do not tell them who I am or, more importantly, who you are. If they are like the other elves of this land, being human may be enough to anger them.”

The elf made his way deftly down the dune, slinging the quiver over his back as he descended. He was dressed in white trousers and shirt, and high boots made from a material Gewey had never seen. Like leather in its thickness, but clung like cloth, and was as pliable. At his side hung a long, curved saber attached to a thick tan belt. His short cropped, blond hair was shaved to the skin on either side of his head. His face was obscured by a thin piece of cloth wrapped just below the tip of his nose, and around his forehead, but Gewey could see that the skin around his eyes was pale white.

“Have you ever seen an elf like this?” asked Gewey.

It took a moment for her to answer. “You have more experience with elves than I. I only know those of my own land, and none are like this one.”

He strode up with amazing grace and speed, seemingly unaffected by the deep sand. “How lucky you are,” he called, when he was a few yards away. “Had we not been aware that the Soufis were near, you would be slaves...or worse.” He removed his covering, revealing a broad smile. He looked young, though Gewey knew that when it came to elves, looks could be deceiving. “I was not aware elves from the west journeyed to the desert.” He laughed. “Or that they preferred the company of humans.”

Aaliyah stepped forward. “I am Aaliyah. This is...Gewey.” It was the first time Gewey had heard her use his name. He cracked a smile. “If we have trespassed—”

The elf held up his hand. “One cannot trespass in the desert. They can only step unwisely, as you have done.” He turned his head and let out a high pitched whistle. “But fortune smiles on you. Now you are our guests, rather than Soufis slaves.”

Twelve more elves appeared atop the dune.

“We thank you for your assistance,” Aaliyah said, bowing. “And would be grateful for your hospitality. We have traveled far.”

“Though not alone.” He glanced at the boat. “You did not come here in that. Will the rest not join us? We have never seen elves from the west and would enjoy knowing them. We have heard of their hatred of humans; a tale clearly not true. We would be pleased to have as many of your comrades as care to come.”

“You don't hate humans?” asked Gewey.

He threw his head back in laughter. “Hate? We have few dealing with humans. Why would we hate them? They do not trouble us. Most beyond the heart of the desert do not even know we are here. The humans that choose desert life keep to their own ways, and we have respect for one another.” He glanced at the dead Soufis. “Well, there are some that we are not fond of.” He placed his hand on his chest. “I am Pali. And I welcome you.” He spun around. “Come. The nights are cold and my belly is empty. Our camp is not far.” He paused. “That is unless you would rather brave the night alone.”

Without waiting for a reply, Pali strode off in the direction of his companions. Gewey and Aaliyah followed as best they could, but the soft, pliant sand hindered their steps. Soon, they were yards behind, but Pali didn't slow his pace. When they finally reached the dunes where Pali's companions awaited them, Gewey was already dreading their trek. Days of wading through sand would not be easy.

The other elves were dressed in the same fashion as Pali, though the three females kept their hair in lengthy braids rather than short and shaved like the men. It struck Gewey that their skin was just as pale as Pali's. How this was possible in such a climate, Gewey couldn't guess. Pali introduced them, and each greeted them in turn. They all had the same cheerful expressions and seemed very pleased to have them along.

“We can be at our camp in less than an hour,” said Pali. “We move fast across the sands, but we will slow our pace, as you are not accustomed to the terrain.”

“Thank you,” said Gewey.

Pali led them between the dunes, twisting and turning until Gewey was certain he would be lost without their guidance. The sun had nearly disappeared and the soft orange glow of twilight reflected on the yellow sand, making the world seem surreal and unnatural. The elves began singing loudly, and though Gewey didn't recognize the tune, the words and images were easy to understand, mostly about traveling in the desert with friends or living free from troubles. Aaliyah remained quiet and expressionless, and walked close by Gewey's side.

Just as Pali had said, an hour later, they rounded a large dune, Gewey spotted several palm trees in the distance. He could hear the sound of voices laughing and talking. They arrived not a moment too soon. The temperature had begun to plummet uncomfortably.

“Don't worry,” said Pali, noticing Gewey rubbing his hands. “Soon a warm fire and a hot meal will cure your chill.”

As they approached the camp Gewey could see about twenty elves, scattered about a small oasis. The scent of camp fires mingled with the pleasing aroma of spiced meat. A cacophony of boisterous greetings rang out, followed by murmurs of curiosity as the camp spotted Gewey and Aaliyah.

“These are our new friends from the west,” Pali announced. “They will be joining us as long as it pleases them to do so.” He turned to Gewey and Aaliyah. “Feel free to explore what little there is to see here. There is a small spring just over there.” He pointed north to an area behind the last fire. “I only ask that you use it sparingly. It's a slow spring, and takes several days to replenish itself.” He inhaled deeply. “And I can tell you are accustomed to bathing. I'm sorry to say that water is too precious to be used that way.”

Gewey sniffed the air. “You seem clean to me.”

Pali laughed. “I didn't mean to say that we don't clean ourselves. Just not by the same means. If you wish I can show you.”

“Perhaps later,” said Aaliyah. “For now, a meal and your company is sufficient.”

“Our meal will be ready soon,” said Pali. “Until then, you may find a place by a fire.” He stopped a passing elf and whispered in his ear. “I will have wine brought to you right away. But now I must tell our Sand Master about the encounter with the Soufis.”

Aaliyah and Gewey found a vacant spot near one of the fires beside six elves. The much-needed warmth lifted Gewey’s spirits, and he was quick to introduce himself. Aaliyah was not as forthcoming, choosing only to say her name and be silent. Gewey could tell something troubled her. The elves, two women and four men, greeted them warmly.

“I'm Dreta,” said a short thin, dark hair woman. “How lucky we are that you chose this fire to warm yourself. We'll be the envy of the camp.”

The rest eagerly called out their names in turn – Freda (the other female), Hali, Ghenti, Deransil, and Freuli.

“How is it your people came to live in the desert?” asked Gewey.

“Some legends say that we were exiled thousands of years ago for protecting humans from slavery,” said Dreta. “Others claim that we were put here by the Gods as punishment for defying their will.” She shrugged. “But who knows what the truth really is. Our people belong to the sands now, and this is our home.”

“So you never go west?” asked Gewey.

“No,” said Dreta. “Why would we? As I said, this is our home and we love it dearly.”

Gewey couldn't imagine living in such a desolate place, let alone loving it. “But wouldn't life be so much easier away from the desert?”

The elves burst into laughter. “I doubt life is easy no matter where you live,” said Dreta. “But even still, we live a good life. The sands have made us strong, and through that strength we have become one with the Creator. No. There is no other life for us.”

“And if you could learn the real reason you are here?” asked Aaliyah. “What then?”

“What does it matter?” Dreta shook her head and grinned. “This is where we are, and this is where we'll stay. You would be hard pressed to find any among us who desires to leave.”

Aaliyah leaned forward. “And if someone did?”

“We do not hold our people captive,” Dreta replied. “If anyone wishes to leave, he is free to do so. It has always been our way.”

Just then Pali joined them carrying, two bottles of wine. “The Sand Master is in a foul mood now.” He passed a bottle to Gewey and opened the other himself. “She was hoping the Soufis would stop venturing this far south, after what we did to them the last time.” He turned up the bottle then passed it Dreta. “We must have killed fifty of them.”

“Why would they come then?” asked Gewey.

“For slaves,” he replied.

Aaliyah stiffened. “They take elves as slaves?”

“Of course not,” said Pali. “There are several small human settlements, and a few nomadic tribes in this region. They raid and take what they want.”

“And you protect the humans?” asked Aaliyah.

“We try,” Pali replied, eyes down-turned. “But we cannot be everywhere at once. And the Soufis are clever.” He looked up and his smile returned. “But enough tragedy. I am curious; why have you journeyed so far?”

“We seek a very special place,” said Aaliyah. “A temple of sorts. I know it is in this area, but not exactly where. It is urgent we find it.”

Pali thought for a moment. “There is only one place in the southern desert I know of that would hold interest. But I advise you to abandon the idea. It is an unnatural place...evil lurks there.”

“What do you mean?” asked Gewey.

“It is a place where the shadows live.” He wrapped his arms. “We have not been there in many years. But those who went did not return.”

Aaliyah refused the bottle when Gewey passed it. “Can you tell us how to get there?”

“Yes,” said Pali. “But it is some distance from here, and you are not accustomed to the desert. I doubt you would make it alone.”

“We are stronger than you might think,” said Aaliyah.

Pali chuckled lightly and shook his head. “If you mean you can steal life from the earth, that will do you little good.”

Gewey could see that Pali's words bothered Aaliyah. “What do you mean steal?”

“Our people once used power to control and dominate,” he explained. “To us, using such power is unthinkable. We believe the sands live, and we would never take life from it for our own selfish needs.”

Gewey understood Aaliyah’s apprehension. “So you consider it a crime?”

Pali laughed loudly. “A crime, no. We have few laws beyond murder. But it is...immoral.” He grabbed Gewey's shoulder and gave it a fond squeeze. “But don't worry. We do not judge the ways of others, so long as they do not hurt our people, or our friends.”

“That is good,” said Aaliyah. She relaxed noticeably.

“You didn't think we would extend our hospitality only to do you harm, did you?” This brought another round of gay laughter. “You should spend more time among us. That is if I can convince you not to complete your quest.”

“Sadly, it is a matter of great importance,” said Aaliyah. “We would not ignore your warnings if it were not so.”

Pali sighed heavily. “The Sand Master will not take you there.” He put his hands on his knees and pushed himself to his feet. “But I will. Though I can only take you to the edge of your destination, I will not have new friends brave the desert alone.” He took one more drink from the bottle. “And I thought the Sand Master was in a foul mood before...” With that he left.

“What is a Sand Master?” asked Gewey.

This time it was Ghenti, a broad shouldered elf with a hawk like nose and piercing gray eyes who spoke. “The Sand Masters are our guides in the desert. They know the sands better than anyone. Though we all can navigate our way, the Sand Master can find the easiest trail, nearest water, and best shade without hardly a thought. When an elf turns eleven, the child is blindfolded, taken deep into the desert, and left alone. If the child finds its way home, training begins as a Sand Master.”

“What if the child doesn't make it?” asked Gewey, afraid to hear the answer.

Ghenti met Gewey's eyes. “Then the child dies.” His tone was harsh and low. He didn't look away for several seconds, then slowly his face broke into a smile. The others began to giggle and smirk. “We bring the child home, of course.” He tossed Gewey the bottle, then addressed his comrades. “I do believe the boy thinks us savages.” His tone was teasing and light, as were the voices of agreement from the others.

Gewey felt foolish and embarrassed, but forced a smile.

Soon after, the meal was ready. Aaliyah and Gewey ate and talked around the fire for a few more hours. From time to time a new face appeared by the fire for a while. They kept the conversation away from serious matters, and though Aaliyah seemed more at ease than before Gewey could tell something still bothered her.

Just before they were about to lay down to sleep, a short, stout elf woman, with deep brown hair and care-worn eyes approached. Unlike the cheerful expressions held by the others, her demeanor was grim. She sat across from Gewey and Aaliyah, crossing her legs, and studying them for several minutes before speaking.

“I am Weila, Sand Master,” she said finally. “Pali tells me that he is to lead you to the Black Oasis.”

“If that is the location of what we seek, then yes,” said Aaliyah, “though he did not call it that.”

“I assume he has warned you of the dangers?” she asked.

“He has.”

“Then you should also know what he does not,” she continued. “The Oasis was always a queer place, but in the past few years, a new evil has arrived.”

“I did not know—” said Pali.

“Of course, you didn't,” snapped Weila, cutting him off. “You only think you know everything.” Her stone gaze made Gewey uneasy. This was clearly a woman to be reckoned with. “You are strangers here.” Her eyes drifted to Aaliyah. “And though you are an elf, we are not the same. Certainly, you have sensed it. Your kind steals life from the Mother. We do not, and that leaves you blind to our presence.”

Aaliyah started to respond, but Weila held up her hand.

“You cannot deny that it has caused you concern,” she continued. “I can see it in your face. But our way has kept our people alive and strong for many generations. If you go to the Black Oasis, you will do so alone and the creatures that now haunt it, will know you are coming.”

“If you cannot draw power from earth, air, and water how can you know this?” asked Aaliyah.

Weila sneered. “You think us unaware of these powers simply because we do not use them? You are blind to us, not us to you.” She leaned forward. “You will face an enemy there with no fear and no remorse. It will not hesitate to destroy you.” Her eyes shot to Pali. “Or anyone with you. I will allow Pali to guide you, but you must swear to me one thing.”

“What is that?” asked Aaliyah.

“Once you come to the edge of the Oasis, you cannot allow Pali to continue.” Her face became strained. “Swear it! No matter how much he pleads.”

“I told you, mother—” Pali protested, but another glance, once again silenced him.

Aaliyah nodded with understanding. “I swear to you, he shall only guide us as far as the edge, and no farther. And though you may feel my use of the powers wrong, I also swear that I will use them to keep him safe.”

“I do not fear for my son in the open desert,” she replied. “But I thank you.” She leaned back. “I know I must appear hard and inhospitable to you. But I assure you I am not.”

“You have no need to explain,” said Aaliyah. “I, too, am responsible for the lives of others, and understand the need for caution when it comes to the safety of my people.”

Weila's countenance softened. “Then I shall let you rest. Tomorrow you will get proper clothing for your journey.”

Aaliyah and Gewey bowed as the Sand Master rose to her feet.

“That went better than I thought,” remarked Pali.

“You're lucky to have a mother that cares so much,” said Gewey. He thought of his own mother and her absence from his life. “Mine died when I was very young.”

“I am sorry to hear it.” Pali cocked his head. “You share much with our kind. I see that you are accustomed to the company of elves. That is good to know. Most of what we have heard of the west are stories of hatred and war.”

“The stories are true,” said Gewey. “But things are changing.”

They sat up for a few more minutes, then bedded down for the night.

Brian D. Anderson's books