The Gospel According to St Barabbas
The Jinni searched the depths and the secret places of the earth until he found that prize the priest had wished for. Zacharias stood on the mount that all the city might hear, and cried aloud, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that killest the prophets. See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down. Jerusalem, the winds will take you. Even as the walls of Jericho fell, and the pillars of Iram fell, this Temple will fall. The tyrant who built it, he too will crumble.
And Zacharias blew upon the ram’s horn.
And King Herod ordered the troublesome priest thrown down from the mount. So perished Zacharias of the House of David.
In Galilee his daughter heard of it and was filled with wrath.
But the Lord had heard the horn. He visited Herod and Herod was visited with affliction.
The tyrant fled Jerusalem and her troublesome people. He retired to his palace overlooking the Sea of Zoar, and the servants said that his body stank worse than the sea. His privy parts burst forth with maggots and festering wounds.
And though he suffered, the tyrant thought himself safe in his stronghold. But the Lord is not denied.
Mary and Her band climbed the mountain. They stormed the palace and found him hiding there. For his life he offered gold that Mary took and threw from the mountain.
And She said, Now, false king, thou shalt follow thine idol.