The Warring States (The Wave Trilogy)


The Gospel According to St Barabbas


To escape the agents of Herod, Mary returned home to Galilee. She fled into the highlands, hiding no longer but searching now. Etruscan legionaries avoided these dry hills for fear of Sicarii. These desperate men, known for their cruel hearts and ready daggers, were led by a great thief, Barabbas. For forty days, Mary searched in the caves and lonely places.


When She came upon them, Barabbas said unto Her, Woman, How did you find us, and how is it you are not afraid, for we are desperate men? And Mary answered, Because my murdered husband Josephus was one of your secret brethren. Here is his dagger. I would learn to use it for I too am desperate. Your cause is my cause.


So She lived with them, learned their skills of disguise, dissimulation and assassination. She had much practise for in those days many had taken the Etruscans’ silver. Her deeds became known from Dan to Beer Sheva.

Aidan Harte's books