The Warring States (The Wave Trilogy)


The Gospel According to St Barabbas


In the distant land of Etrusca, the old Emperor Catiline was vexed by reports of the rebellion that erupted upon Herod’s assassination. For though a tyrant, Herod had kept the Jews biddable by constant building and murder.


Catiline’s soothsayers read in entrails the same prophecy that Herod’s astrologers had read in the stars; that a new kingdom would soon arise to overshadow all others.


Catiline was greatly disturbed, for while Judea burned, Herod’s sons fought for their late father’s throne and he sent word that henceforth the Jews would have no King and Judea would be a province ruled by an Etruscan prelate.


The new prelate was a man named Pilate and he was charged with quashing rebellion. This Pilate sought to do by cutting off its head.


He sent his legion swarming over the mountains and lonely places of Galilee. Mary and Her band fled into the southern desert and only in the shadow of Sinai did they stop to rest.


The angel of the Lord appeared to Mary in a dream, saying, Arise, Woman, arise and flee into Egypt. Would that Thy husband had done so sooner.


But Mary said, My husband was murdered protecting My son. Where were you then with your warnings? Tell your master that henceforth I choose my own path.


So Mary led her band into the Empty Quarter. Though the Sicarii were bold men they were sore afraid, for long had the children of Israel and Ishmael been enemies; yea, even in the womb had they quarrelled.

Aidan Harte's books