The Long Utopia

Then, following Jules’s lead, they stepped again, and again. Stan was a natural stepper, who only carried a box for cover. Rocky was a lot less capable, but Roberta Golding had supplied industrial-strength anti-nausea drugs, and these first steps, at least, weren’t difficult.


It took only a few minutes to reach the West 10 footprint of Miami.


Here, Roberta Golding and Marvin Lovelace met them in the middle of a prairie; a scrap of shade from a clump of trees sheltered them from the light of an intense sun. Roberta wore her thick spectacles, and Marvin his card-sharp uniform of shades and small black homburg. They both wore nondescript travelling gear, and carried small packs.


Roberta smiled at them. ‘Good morning. You’re ready to go onwards?’


‘I was expecting you,’ Stan said to Roberta. ‘But not him,’ he jerked a thumb at Jules, ‘or him,’ and he pointed at Marvin.


Roberta laughed, good natured. ‘Well, Jules is one of you who knows us, and who we can trust. He’s here as kind of a middle-man who might be able to tell us if something goes wrong – better than you might be able to articulate for yourselves for now.’


Marvin grinned. ‘And you know me, right? Good old Marvin, who saved you from getting beat up more than once for winning out fair and square over some stalk jack in the poker.’


‘Anything we can do to help you feel grounded,’ Roberta said. ‘Which is why we encouraged you to bring a companion.’


‘I’ve known Rock here all my life. He’s like the brother I never wanted.’


That was classic Stan. Rocky smirked, and punched his arm.


Stan scowled. ‘But it doesn’t make me feel grounded to keep hearing all this talk of us and them.’


Roberta said evenly, ‘This kind of reaction is common. It’s possible for you to back out, at any stage. We will trust your discretion.’


Marvin nudged him. ‘Come on, man. Don’t bail now. Won’t you always be curious about what you’re missing?’


Stan shrugged. ‘Fair point. Let’s do this.’


‘Good,’ Roberta said firmly.


Rocky looked at Roberta dubiously. ‘We’re going through the soft places, right? What do we have to do?’


She smiled, evidently trying to be reassuring. ‘Just hold my hand.’


They emerged in another prairie, with a subtly different ensemble of waist-high green plants, differently shaped trees – and, in the distance, a herd of tremendous beasts of some kind walking in the mist, dimly visible, like mountains on the move …


A passage through a soft place was different.


Regular stepping was like consciously striding from one stone in a stream to the next. Now Rocky felt as if he had fallen through some flaw in the world. He couldn’t have described what he saw during the transition. But the vertiginous sense of falling was real enough, as was the bone-sucking chill he felt now, a harsh contrast to the warmth of the fall day on West 10.


To his shame, Rocky found he was still clinging to Roberta’s hand, like a kid with his mother. He let go hastily.


‘You have just travelled a thousand steps from West 10,’ Roberta said. ‘In fact a little more.’


Rocky asked, ‘Which way did we come? East or West?’


‘Does it matter? And we have moved geographically too; we are far from the footprint of Florida.’ Roberta looked into their eyes. ‘Are you both OK? The chill you feel is real; a soft-place transition extracts energy as a simple Linsay step does not, or not measurably. Also it will have felt as if you were in motion for some time. Seconds, perhaps longer; the feeling is subjective and varies between individuals. But in fact, if you had checked your watches, no physical time passes during the transition.’


‘Teach me how to do this,’ Stan said.


Roberta glanced uncertainly at Marvin, who shrugged.


Stan said, ‘Look, you don’t have a monopoly on soft places. I’ve heard of them before. Some humans who don’t have the pretension to call themselves a separate species can find them too, right?’


‘It is a question of training. Of mental discipline. You will not be ready until—’


‘Just tell me.’


Roberta evidently wasn’t used to being interrupted. But she said, ‘It is all a question of imagination. Just as our hominid ancestors could look at a rock and picture the tool inside, so we can consider this world and imagine another. The more advanced the intellect, you see, the more detailed the visualization. And at last when the visualization is rich enough—’


‘You step.’


Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter's books