The Arctic Incident

The reporter appeared again. This time flames billowed from the windows of a warehouse behind him. His forelock looked a bit crispy.

“Tonight the B’wa Kell have staked their claim to the East Bank by torching a warehouse used by Koboi Laboratories. Apparently the pixie with the golden touch refused to pay their protection fee.”

The flames were replaced by another news byte, this time featuring an angry mob.

“Controversy today outside Police Plaza as the public protest the LEP’s failure to deal with the goblin problem. Many ancient houses have been put out of business by the B’wa Kell’s racketeering. Most heavily targeted have been Koboi Laboratories, who have suffered six counts of sabotage in the past month alone.”

Foaly froze the image. The public did not look happy.

“The thing you have to understand, Fowl, is that goblins are dumb. I’m not insulting them, it’s scientifically proven. Brains no bigger than rats.”

Artemis nodded. “So who’s organizing them?”

Root ground out his cigar. “We don’t know. But it’s getting worse. The B’wa Kell have graduated from petty crime to an all-out war on the police. Last night we intercepted a delivery of batteries from the surface. These batteries are being used to power outlawed softnose laser weapons.”

“And Captain Short thought that I might be the Mud Man on the other end of the deal.”

“Can you blame me?” muttered Holly.

Artemis ignored the comment. “How do you know the goblins aren’t just ripping off wholesalers? After all, batteries are rarely under guard.”

Foaly chuckled. “No, I don’t think you understand just how stupid goblins are. Let me give you an example. One of the B’wa Kell generals—and this is their top fairy—was caught trying to pass off a forged credit card, because he signed his own name. No, whoever is behind this would need a human contact to make sure the deals weren’t fouled up.”

“So you’d like me to find out who this human contact is,” said Artemis. “And more importantly, how much he knows.”

As he spoke, Artemis’s mind was racing. He could work this entire situation to his advantage. The People’s powers would be valuable aces to hold in a negotiation with mobsters. The seeds of a plan began to sprout in his brain.

Root nodded reluctantly. “That’s it. I can’t risk putting LEPrecon agents aboveground. Who knows what technology the goblins have traded? I could be walking my agents into a trap. As humans, you both could blend in.”

“Butler, blend in?” smiled Artemis. “I doubt it.”

“At least he doesn’t have four legs and a tail,” observed Foaly.

“Point taken. And there is no doubt that if any man alive can track down your rogue trader, it’s Butler. But . . .”

Here we go, thought Holly. Artemis Fowl does nothing for nothing.

“But?” prompted Root.

“But if you want my help, I will require something in return.”

“What exactly?” said Root warily.

“I need transport to Russia,” replied Artemis. “The Arctic Circle, to be precise. And I need help with a rescue attempt.”

Root frowned.“Northern Russia is not good for us. We can’t shield there because of the radiation.”

“Those are my conditions,” said Artemis. “The man I intend to rescue is my father. For all I know, it’s already too late. So I really don’t have time to negotiate.”

The Mud Boy sounded sincere. Even Holly’s heart softened for a moment. But you never knew with Artemis Fowl, this could all be part of yet another scheme. Root made an executive decision.

“Deal,” he said, holding out his hand.

They shook. Fairy and human. A historic moment.

“Good,” said Root. “Now, Foaly, wake the big one and give that goblin shuttle a quick systems check.”

“What about me?” asked Holly. “Back on stakeout duty?”

If Root had not been a commander, he probably would have cackled. “Oh no, Captain. You’re the best shuttle pilot we have. You’re going to Paris.”



Koboi Laboratories, East Bank, Haven City

Koboi Laboratories was carved from the rock of Haven’s East Bank. It stood eight stories high, surrounded by a mile of granite on five sides, with access from the front only. The Koboi people had beefed up their security, and who could blame them? After all, the B’wa Kell had specifically targeted the company for arson attacks. The Council had gone so far as to grant the company special weapons permits. If Koboi went under, the entire Haven City defense network went under with it.

Eoin Colfer's books