Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles #1)

"She's resting. I don't know if she'll be able to go. I'll let you know. We still have two hours. I get the situation, Mrs. Arashi, and I understand this is something that must occur every three months, but Crimson's health comes first. If Mr. Arashi can't understand that...then I have nothing else to say. I'll text you if Crimson is able to make it. Sayonara."

James ruffled his hair angrily, jabbing the screen of his phone with his free hand and tossing it to land on the table.

"I swear, they don't even give a shit," he grumbled.

"James?" I whispered.

He turned to meet my eyes; his once angry gaze softened into a remorseful look.

"I keep waking you up, I'm sorry. How are you feeling?" He reached my side in two seconds and knelt down in front of the couch. He placed a hand on my forehead.

"Just exhausted. I don't feel like I have a fever or anything."

James nodded at my response but didn't look convinced. "Close your eyes and relax your mind," he instructed.

I gave him a soft smile and did what he instructed.

I felt his hand warm up; a wave of calm went through me to help ease the tension in my shoulders. I could feel the prickling sensation of magic crawl along my skin, which was James’ way to heal me and ensure I was physically okay.

He sighed in relief, removing his hand from my forehead which was an indication he was done. "You're okay. Nothing wrong internally. I think your anxiety has something to do with it."

I let out a soft giggle, shaking my head and began to slowly sit up. His hand rested behind my back for support and he helped me sit up on the couch.

"My anxiety and other so-called ‘issues’ as my father calls them, is NOT the cause of my fainting. I thought we already ruled that out?" I joked.

A playful grin formed on his lips as he sat next to me. "Yes, I think we ruled that one out after the bloody nose," he agreed.

I groaned, shivering in disgust. "That was the worst." I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing them and shivering to add extra dramatic effect.

James actually laughed, shaking his head. "Sorry Miss 'I'm afraid of blood.' One swipe of your finger against your nose and slump. You were knocked out. I thought you died."

"You are even more overdramatic than me. You called my mom, acting like I was truly dead and she had to coach you how to take my pulse." I rolled my eyes and watched his cheeks grow red.

"That— I couldn't think properly, okay? Let's forget about that. Are you still planning to go? I was talking with your mom moments ago," James confirmed.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment. "I don't know. I have to. I don't want to deal with my dad right now, especially with Storm Yuna's passing, but he'll be a complete ass about it for a good year if I bail. Even if I can barely breathe, he'd rather witness it himself with his own two eyes and send me home than have me not show up," I explained.

"Well, you’re gonna have to leave soon if you go. You’d rather be early with them."

"I know." I put my face in my hands. I felt James' hand rub against my back soothingly.

"Hey...what's wrong?" he whispered.

I shook my head, trying to calm the nerves that rattled me. I wasn't going to cry, but I just need to mentally prepare myself like I always did. James knew this, having experienced it enough times that he would know whether I was in the mood to cry or just be silent for a few seconds to center my breathing. I lifted my head to meet his concerned gaze. "I'm fine. I'm gonna go change," I announced, slowly rising to my feet.

He stood close to me to make sure I didn't faint or lose my balance. "Okay. If you need anything just call me." His voice was filled with worry.

"James, I'm okay. You don't need to act like I'm gonna disappear. You’re such a worry-wart," I teased playfully, before heading to my room.

"That means I care!" he called out.

"Sure," I drawled, entering my room and closing the door to give me some privacy. I rested my body against it; my shoulders slumped as I stared at the floor.

He always shows so much compassion when I'm ill, but can't even publicly say we’re dating. I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of dark denim jeans, a simple white top that dipped rather low by my family’s standards. After throwing those on, I pulled on my black leather jacket. I walked over to the mirror, smiling at the feather tattoo on the right side of my neck.

It was made up of three feathers; the largest one was in the middle of the two smaller ones. The outline was in black and the feathers alternated between orange and pink. I'd gotten it when I was eighteen with James, as a reminder of starting a new beginning and to prove that I was now free to do what was right for myself.

It was sad that even after all these years, I still felt like a caged bird with no way out. I fixed the folds of the jacket to hide the majority of the tattoo and took a deep breath.

"Crimson. You okay?" James called out.

"I'm fine. Almost done," I called back, taking a final look at my overall appearance before I closed my jacket, while appreciating the silver zippers of the pockets. This had always been my favorite leather jacket, given to me by Hakua.

All set to put on a show and NOT impress my parents, yet again. Four times a year isn't that bad. At least I'll go have a nice drink, come home, take a nice long bath with some wine, and tomorrow sword dancing class resumes and I can see my wonderful best friend. I can do this! Maybe I'll even score a date with James.

I noticed my phone in the charging dock on the nightstand, mentally thanking James for charging it when I'd been knocked out. I grabbed my card holder, a few bills, and some pink lip gloss with a goldish undertone to put on before I reached the bar.

"Let's get this over with," I whispered to myself, sliding the items into my pockets before heading out of my room.

When I reached the living room I tilted my head in confusion; James was sliding on his own leather coat, fixing the collar before he noticed my presence.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"With you."

I almost coughed in shock. "What? What do you mean you're going with me? You don't join us unless it’s a huge family get together," I reminded, walking over to where he stood to grab my combat boots with silver zippers to match my jacket.

"I thought it would be nice. A little change doesn't hurt." He chuckled.

"A little bit of defiance is gonna get both of us yelled at," I replied, standing from zipping my shoes to face him.

He grinned. "Defiance is such a harsh word. I'm just trying to grind their gears. Less dramatic." He took a step forward, sliding his hand in mine which came to me as a shock.

"Is James Hamilton holding my hand? What is the world coming to? We're all doomed, sacrifices to our ancestors." I sighed dramatically.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." He spoke in a bored tone.

"I'm seriously okay, James. You don't need to hold my hand," I reassured him.

I knew the moment we got within five miles of my family home he'd start walking a little faster and put his hands in his pockets, to keep his distance and prove he wasn't associated with me romantically.

He always did that whenever we went there together. It didn't matter how many times he promised he wouldn't, it was always the same. I knew in my gut that today would be no different.

"I know. I just feel like it today," he muttered, his red eyes glancing away and his cheeks tinged a light red.

I grinned, having to mentally remind myself not to kiss him. Even if my body knew this was the perfect situation and tingled with the hope that eventually our relationship would be something more, I couldn't risk screwing up again.

"You'll be able to handle Mr. Arashi," I mocked.

"With ease and grace. He's in the middle of a deal with my father and I bet he'll want to leave a good impression with me right now. Maybe he'll treat you better today?"

I laughed. "You can wish, but I've known him my whole life and he's more stubborn than stone. Either way, your presence will help me, a lot. Thank you," I whispered my gratitude, squeezing his hand.

He nodded with a smile. "You’re welcome, Crim. Let's make our way there, shall we?"

I nodded in response, hoping this would end on a positive note.