Taken by the Beast




He kissed me hard on the mouth, backing me up against the wall and pressing his body against mine. Then he pulled back. My body shot into overdrive, and my hands slid over his hard chest and chiseled biceps. There was just so … much of him.


“Show me, Charisse.”


My entire body trembled. “Show you how?”


Raising his eyebrows, he leaned back against the arm of the couch beside us. “Use your imagination.”


I swallowed around the lump forming in my throat and stepped closer to him. I’d never been ordered around like this in the bedroom … or living room … before. I was turned on and shutting down all at once.


I ran my fingertips along his collarbone and then down the length of his arm, trying to work up the courage to do something—or rather, the one thing I knew drove most men crazy.


His eyes blazed, and my heart thudded wildly. But he just stood there, stone still and hard as a rock … in more ways than one. Gosh, I felt like I virgin all over again. Like some prude idiot. My hand finally found the way to his erection, gliding over it through his rough jeans. His body stiffened, and his jaw flexed. He wanted me, I knew that much.


I fumbled with his belt, unbuckled his pants, and carefully undid his zipper before tugging on his pants just a little. They hugged his thighs, and as I pulled the jeans lower, his erection sprung out. I caressed it with my fingertips, careful not to upset anything with my perfectly manicured fingernails. Then I slipped both my hands up under his shirt to push it off over his head.


Suddenly I felt the weight of all his experience against my own. It wasn’t that I was at all inexperienced, but when we’d had sex the first time, I hadn’t realized that he literally had centuries of conquests before me. Now here I was, trying to—I don’t know—impress him? Show him, somehow, that I was sorry I smacked that fine ass of his? Because, well, that wasn’t true at all. I would do it again in a heartbeat.


His hand slid to my shoulder, and his thumb caressed the side of my neck as I kissed his chest. Slowly I trailed my kisses down his stomach, across his waist, inside his thighs. His erection pulsed, and a small burst of triumph coursed through me. I was driving him as crazy as he drove me.


I stole a glance at him, and immediately regretted it. Looking up at him from my knees, with his intense gaze bearing down on me, was nothing short of intimidating. He was watching my every move.


I quickly averted my attention to focus on the task at hand. Moving my kisses to his cock, I covered the length first in soft rubs of my lips, then twirled my tongue around the head before taking him into my mouth. I’d forgotten how large he was—and not just his body. Everywhere. It made this sexual offering a little … difficult.


My fingernails scraped down the tops of his thighs as I worked him with my mouth, and he responded instantly with a low moan. His skillful fingers tangled in my hair, encouraging me to continue. Finally I felt like he was really getting into it, his hips giving small thrusts to get more from me, but then he nudged me away.


“Enough,” he said breathlessly. He pulled me to my feet. “God, you’re amazing.”


“I don’t think God wants anything to do with what we’re up to right now,” I said cheekily.


He grinned, his hands possessing me at the hips. “You’re probably right.”


“So you forgive me?” I asked. This little ‘game’ was proving to be the perfect escape from everything that lay ahead, and I was ready to submerge myself into every moment of it.


“Not yet,” he said, starting to slowly strip me of my own clothes. “I don’t think you’re actually feeling very sorry for what you did.”


Guilty as charged. Sorry was not the word I would use to describe how I felt right now at all.


“You know, Charisse, you are a powerful woman. And I don’t just mean because of your Supplicant blood.” My shirt and bra were already on the floor by this point, and now my pants joined them. “It’s who you are. It’s in your nature.”


“I suppose then you’ve met your match.”


He tilted his head to the side, his expression thoughtful. “Maybe.”


I did not like that word one bit. Not in response to what I just said. I started to pull back, but Abram held me firm.


“It wouldn’t be a bad thing for you to surrender sometimes. To let someone else make decisions. It’s not a weakness to let someone else take control of you for a little bit now and then.”


“Someone?” I asked. “Or you?”


He spun me around again, this time bending me over the arm of the couch and tugging down my underwear. My whole body went hot. His hands slid lower on my hips, the heels of his palms grazing my ass.


“You’re right. Just me. You want all of me, Charisse?”


Conner Kressley & Rebecca Hamilton's books