Sensual Danger (Venice Vampyr #4)

Instead of an answer, Nico moved his position and licked higher up, reaching a spot where her heartbeat pulsed violently. He licked over it, sending a charge through her body as if she’d been hit by lightning.

“Ohhh!” she cried out, pleasure racing through her.

No, she didn’t want him to stop now. She wanted more of this, more of what he was doing right now. Whatever he was doing. She had no words for it. But it didn’t stop her from begging, “More. Oh God, more!”

She knew there had to be more of this kind of sensation, this joy that traveled through her body and made her toss her inhibitions out the window and into the canals below. There was something she couldn’t put a name to that was just beyond her reach. Something wonderful, something pleasurable. Her body knew it as if it was a primal instinct. And her body now drove her toward it, ignoring all manners and decorum.

Nico was doing this to her. Her husband was giving her something she’d never experienced. Was this what married couples really did? Then why had Ilaria made it sound like it was all pain and shame? The shame she could understand, because even now she felt ashamed at her lusty behavior, like that of a common trollop and not the lady she was. But there was no pain. Nico’s fingers stroked her gently as if he knew what she needed, where she wanted to be touched. Indeed he seemed to know better than she did, because his caresses reached places before she even knew she needed his touch there.

Just like he now stroked along her folds while his tongue licked over the small bundle of nerves that was so sensitive she felt she might explode any moment. But whenever she thought it would happen, Nico pulled back and decreased the pressure. Over and over he did this, varying the intensity with which he licked and stroked her, as if he wanted to hold off the inevitable.

Oriana felt one finger probe at the entrance to her body, sliding between the moist folds. Instinctively, she spread her legs wider and pulled her knees up so they pointed toward the ceiling. She didn’t care that no lady would ever expose herself like this—all she cared about was that she gave him better access to her sex.

Nico’s next groan reverberated through her, and at the same time his finger slid into her. The invasion was foreign at first, her muscles clamping around him instantly. Before she could decide whether she liked what he did, the pressure on her center of pleasure intensified and she let out an involuntary moan.

She barely noticed how Nico’s finger moved in and out of her, because the pleasure from him licking and sucking her drove every sane thought out of her mind.

Her hands went back to her breasts, strumming her nipples while her hips bucked against Nico’s mouth, encouraging him to go faster. Her chest heaved, and small beads of sweat built on her face and neck. She ignored them and instead squeezed her breasts harder.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted without thinking.

Who was this lusty woman who’d taken over her body? Who was controlling her now? Because for certain it wasn’t the studious young woman who’d never shown any interest in men.

A grumble came from Nico. “Yes, my wanton wife!”

Then everything changed. Nico sucked her sensitive flesh into his mouth and pressed his lips together. At the same time, his finger drove deep and hard into her. With a cry, she exploded. Waves of pleasure raced through her body, threatening to incinerate her. But no flames consumed her body, instead she felt as if floating on a cloud. Weightless. Without any thoughts, without any worries in the world.

Her vision blurred, and she realized that tears were running down her cheeks.

When she finally floated down back, her limbs felt boneless. She was overcome with emotions, but of one thing she was certain: she wanted more of this, and more of Nico.

Nico’s head lifted and he looked at her. Concern spread over his face when he noticed her tears. His hand reached to wipe one off her cheek.

Then, with a pained expression, he turned on his heels and stormed out of the room.

“Nico!” But he was already gone.


After receiving a missive from Marcello in the late afternoon, Nico grabbed his hooded cloak and left the house in his closed gondola. Marcello’s note had sounded urgent, and it gave Nico the perfect excuse to leave the house and not face his wife.

He’d made her cry! Even though she’d climaxed under his lips. He’d felt it; there had been no mistaking the shudders that had made her body tremble. Her interior muscles had spasmed around his finger, squeezing him so tightly that he’d nearly come in his smalls.

Tina Folsom's books