Sensual Danger (Venice Vampyr #4)

Trying to push away those thoughts, he captured her mouth more fiercely now, kissing her with more passion and determination. To his surprise there was no resistance. This was easier than he’d imagined.

Sighing, he allowed his hands to roam her body. As one of them reached the round swell of her breast and cupped it, Oriana ripped her mouth from his.

A split-second later, a sharp pain in his foot made him jump back. Shocked, he stared at her. Oriana had driven the heel of her slipper into his foot.

“How dare you?!” she cried out.

Anger charged through him.


Oriana saw the fury blazing from Nico’s eyes and instinctively shrunk back. His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched.

To her utter shock and dismay, she’d enjoyed his kiss. Or maybe she’d been so surprised by it, that she’d been unable to react the way a lady would—with indifference. But when she’d felt his hand on her breast, her brain had suddenly started working again, and she’d done the only thing she could: defend herself.

Narrowing his eyes, Nico approached. “Oh, I dare even more, my sweet wife!”

Suddenly afraid, she froze. She’d unleashed a wild beast in him. Now he would truly hurt her! Before, he would have simply taken her dignity, now he would do much worse. Her heart beating into her throat, she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see what was coming.

A moment later, she felt herself lifted up, then she heard dishes and cutlery crash onto the floor. When he deposited her on the table, she steeled herself for her fate: he would take her right here on the table. She wouldn’t even get a bed to cushion her back, instead he’d use her like a common whore. Oh, the indignity!

“No!” she cried out, but Nico didn’t stop.

He pushed her skirts up to her waist. Then she felt his hand on her drawers. He ripped them, laying her bare to his view. Shame flooded her. Nobody had ever seen her like this.

“Oh God, you’re beautiful.” His voice sounded anything but angry—it sounded reverent.

Her eyes flew open. She’d expected to see him opening his trousers to take out his manhood so he could do what men did, but instead she saw him look at the place between her legs, legs he now spread wider.

“And I’m sure you taste as beautiful.”

Before she understood what he meant by his words, he sank his head between her legs and brought his lips to her sex. For a long moment, she was frozen in disbelief. What he was doing was impossible. Maybe she had fainted so she wouldn’t have to face what was happening to her.

She sensed him inhale sharply, pressing his face into the triangle of hair that guarded her woman’s place. It was really happening. She hadn’t fainted.

When she felt warm air blow against her, she realized that he was kissing her there. Kissing a place that was unthinkable. Forbidden. Her friend Ilaria had never mentioned her husband doing anything of the sort. Surely, this was not done!

Oriana was about to protest, trying to lift herself up from her lying position, when his fingers parted her female folds and something warm and moist swiped against them.

“Ohhhhh!” she sighed.

Nico was licking her with his tongue! It was outrageous, but she couldn’t gather the strength to push him away, despite the fact that his hands weren’t holding her down. He was using no force on her, his fingers too busy caressing her instead. She could easily push him off her and free herself. So why didn’t she? Why was she allowing him to do this to her? To kiss her in such a scandalous way?

As if it had been turned off, her mind gave no answer to her questions. Instead her body dictated her reaction. Like a wanton woman, she moaned, her body writhing against his mouth and tongue, her pelvis tilting toward him to achieve a closer connection.

Her body was aflame, burning from the inside out. At the same time, her nipples were chafing against her corset, begging to be freed, yet there was no way of doing so. But she needed relief. Without thinking, she rubbed her palms over the breasts, cupping and squeezing them as much as was possible through the fabric. It wasn’t enough to give her any sense of relief, so she allowed her fingers to trail higher, ignoring the little voice in her head that called her “wanton” and instead touched the part of her skin that was exposed. Then she hooked her thumbs underneath the corset and pushed it farther down. Another pull, and her nipples popped over the rim of the corset. Cool air blew against them, making the hard tips even harder.

She moaned in response. At the same time, Nico licked with more intensity and pressed harder against her exposed flesh. She felt liquid pool there. With it, embarrassment swept through her. What was she doing? How could she allow him to see her like this, to touch her like this?

And on the dining table of all places! That thought sent a shockwave through her body. What if one of the servants entered and saw them?

“We can’t . . . “ she stammered.

Tina Folsom's books