Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

‘So he could be anywhere,’ added Gulamendis, ‘but he needs you to be working your arts to know exactly where you are.’



Pug said, ‘My thought, entirely. But how is he able to spy upon you, or know when you’re actively conjuring a demon . . . ?’ Pug shrugged.


Gulamendis slowly shook his head. ‘That is very subtle and very powerful magic craft, even for my people.’


Pug said, ‘I have been a student of magic for most of my life, and am well into my second century of study, yet there is so much we do not know.


‘I also have difficulty imagining how your brother is able to do this,’ said Pug.


‘My magic signature, for lack of a better term, would be as familiar to Belasco as his is to me,’ said Amirantha. ‘As yours and your wife’s is to your son, Magnus.’


‘But how is he able to know where you will be when you actually begin to conjure?’


‘That,’ said Amirantha, ‘is the question.’


‘Spies?’ offered Jommy.


Amirantha said, ‘Only Brandos, and perhaps his wife Samantha, know where I’m going to be when next I conjure. I trust them as family.’


‘What about demon spies?’ asked Jommy. ‘I mean, I don’t really know how this conjuring of demons works, do I? But maybe he’s got a demon somewhere whose job is to alert him when you’re calling up some other demon.’


Amirantha and Gulamendis both looked thunderstruck. The human Demon Master spoke first, ‘I don’t know . . .’


‘Is that possible?’ asked the elf.


Jommy shrugged. ‘You two are the demon lore experts. You don’t know?’


Gulamendis seemed insulted by the remark, but said nothing. Amirantha said, ‘As Pug observed, there is so much more to know.’


Jommy shrugged. ‘So, why don’t you ask?’


‘Ask whom?’ Gulamendis’s tone was cold. Jommy grinned. ‘Ask the demons.’


Amirantha looked stunned. Then he laughed aloud. ‘Oh, gods and fishes,’ he exclaimed. The star elf also looked astonished at the suggestion, then he started to chuckle.


Amirantha said, ‘I suspect my new friend here has fallen prey to the same failing as I, to wit: we are so focused on mastering our particular arts - which is part of staying alive - that we neglected to be more curious about the smaller creatures we employ to do our bidding.’


‘What do you do now?’ asked Creegan. Amirantha stood, said, ‘Why, we summon a demon and start asking questions!’


With a single gesture and a word, he executed a spell. Pug and Jommy both felt the familiar sensation of hair rising on their arms. Tomas remained standing, but his hand fell to the hilt of his sword as the powerful spell was cast.


Creegan stood reflexively and stepped back as a puff of black smoke revealed a small, blue-skinned imp. ‘Nalnar!’ shouted Amirantha. ‘You are summoned.’


‘Master,’ said the creature, looking around the group.


Gulamendis laughed in obvious delight, it’s Chokin!’


‘Chokin?’ asked Pug.


‘I have an imp that serves me, two actually, Choyal and Chokin. This one looks like Chokin.’


Hearing that name, the imp regarded Gulamendis. ‘Chokin?’ he asked, in a high-pitched voice.


‘Do you know Chokin?’ asked Amirantha.


Nodding vigorously, Nalnar said, ‘We be of blood, and he is my elder. Choyal is my younger.’


‘Brothers?’ asked Gulamendis.


‘What is brothers?’ asked the imp.


‘You are of the same mother or father,’ said the Warlock.


‘Mother? Father? Not understand, Master.’


‘Apparently they don’t have parents,’ said Jommy, fascinated by his first look at a creature from the demonic realm that wasn’t trying to kill him.


‘What do you mean he’s of your blood?’ asked Amirantha.


‘We spawn together. Choyal, Chokin, Lanlar, Jodo, Takesh, Tadal, Nimno, Jadru, and Nalnar! We nine. Jodo and Lanlar no more. Seven only now.’ He lowered his head, an expression of sadness totally unexpected on a face that alien.


‘What happened to your . . . brothers?’ asked Amirantha.


‘Eaten,’ he replied. Looking from face to face, the imp asked, ‘Master needs Nalnar?’


Amirantha looked at Pug. ‘Could we have something for Nalnar to nibble on? He’s more cooperative if we feed him.’


‘Certainly, what do you require?’


Looking at the imp who now had an eager expression on his blue face, he said, ‘I think a plate of cheese and bread, perhaps a small slice of sausage, and any fruit would keep him occupied.’


The imp looked positively thrilled at the prospect of food. Pug used his arts to summon a student, and then sent the young woman to the kitchen to fetch the food.


While they waited, Sandreena appeared, now wearing a new suit of clothing and fine, highly polished armour. She even sported a new tabard with the symbol of her order on it. Father-Bishop Creegan looked at Pug and said, impressive. How did you happen to have the tabard?’


Sandreena said, ‘More, how did you happen to have an entire suit of armour that fits me perfectly?’


Pug smiled. ‘We have resources.’


Raymond E. Feist's books