Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

‘Didn’t you try to destroy the gates?’ asked Pug.


‘Yes,’ said Gulamendis, ‘but it was too late. They had found their way.’


‘And if they overrun the gate from Andcardia to Midkemia before you can close it,’ said Pug, ‘they’ll be here.’


‘Or they are here already,’ said Amirantha. ‘I think you’d know if they were here,’ said Gulamendis dryly.


‘Not necessarily,’ said Amirantha. ‘That demon I told you or, the one conjured by my brother, have you ever seen its like?’


Gulamendis said, ‘I can’t be sure, but I think not.’


‘A battle demon that is also a magic user?’


‘No,’ said the elf. ‘I have not seen its like.’


Amirantha said, ‘I have a theory. It is only surmise, but it fits what we know so far.’


‘I would welcome it,’ said Pug.


‘There is another agency at work,’ said the Warlock. ‘Your brother?’ suggested Pug.


He shook his head. ‘Perhaps, but unlikely. Belasco is many things, but he is not a fanatic. However, he would willingly serve those who are.


‘Sandreena’s description of the failed summoning means that someone is desperately trying to get demons into this realm, and is willing to risk making mistakes - even catastrophic ones - to achieve their goal.


‘What I should have pointed out is that had the summoner been slightly more gifted, those demons he conjured would have remained in our realm a great deal longer.’


‘And grown more powerful,’ added Gulamendis.


‘Which is beside the point, really,’ said the Warlock. ‘The point is that some agency knows this world exists and is trying to bring demons here, and is willing to unleash madness to achieve that goal.


‘Moreover, it may be completely unrelated to the danger our elf friend has come to warn us of.’


‘Why do you say that?’ asked Father-Bishop Creegan, his doubts about Amirantha’s presence set aside for a moment.


‘Because if I have my time-line correct, these occurrences preceded his people’s arrival by a decade?’ He looked at Jommy.


‘Yes,’ said the redheaded noble. ‘It was about ten years ago when we ran into that bunch of Black Caps off the shore of the peninsula.’


‘And your brother arrived here, what, less than a year ago?’ said Amirantha to Gulamendis. The elf nodded. Looking around the room he said, ‘The demons were trying to come here before he reached his homeworld.’


‘I’m not convinced these are unrelated problems,’ said Pug, ‘but even if they are, they both must be confronted.


‘We can’t have lunatics running around trying to bring demons into our realm whenever they please.’ Amirantha’s expression revealed he was unsure if Pug put him in that category. ‘And if the Demon Legion follows the star elves to this world . . .’ He left the thought unfinished.


‘Two problems, then,’ said Jommy.


Tomas said, ‘What do we do?’ His question was directed at Pug.


Pug hesitated for a moment. As leader of the Conclave of Shadows he had been expected to give instructions for decades, but he still found it difficult sometimes to order men of vast power and experience, rather than let them suggest their best course of action. Finally he said, ‘Father-Bishop Creegan, Amirantha, Sandreena, and whomever else they wish to recruit from here should return to Akrakon and start looking for any sign of who is trying to summon demons there.’


Jommy said, ‘I’ll go, too, if you have no objection. I saw that first monster come ashore ten years back and think it might be time to finally get to the bottom of who these Black Caps are.’


Pug nodded. Looking at Tomas, he said, ‘I think you and I should travel with Gulamendis to greet the newcomers and assess the possibility of the Demon Legion following them here.’


Gulamendis said, ‘There could be difficulties.’


Tomas said, ‘You’ve made me aware of those possible difficulties. Still, we have no choice. We cannot ignore an incursion of this size. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Isles will not ignore it once Alystan of Natal’s report wends its way to the prince in Krondor. A detachment of riders will certainly be dispatched to ride from Carse or Tulan to investigate. Dolgan’s dwarves will also send someone up to keep an eye on your people.’


‘That would be unwise,’ said Gulamendis.


‘Why?’ asked Pug.


‘Because the Regent Lord has issued orders than any who blunder across our valley are to be killed on sight.’


‘What!’ said Tomas. ‘Your valley!’


Gulamendis said, ‘We are a people facing extinction! We will dig in and we will fight if threatened, by humans, dwarves, or even our distant kin. It would be better if you let me approach the Regent’s Meeting first, to let them know I’ve made contact and that you are interested in helping prevent the demons’ arrival here.’


Tomas glanced at Pug who nodded slightly.


Raymond E. Feist's books