Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

Pug considered how alien the Dasati realm of the second plane of existence had been, and how the demon realm was even further removed, and said, ‘Perhaps it is something we shall never understand.


‘Let us go back to our present concerns. The Saaur are a race of warriors and magic users that are the equal of any I’ve encountered, and the demons crushed them after seventeen years of struggle. The Saaur’s empire encompassed an entire world and millions died fighting the demons.


‘Our concern of course is, why are demons now appearing with increased frequency here in Midkemia?’


Amirantha said, ‘There are several possible theories.’


‘I’d like to hear them all,’ said Pug, ‘but for the moment, I’ll have your most likely, please.’


‘Someone is bringing them here.’


‘Your brother?’ asked Pug.


Amirantha nodded. ‘At least the one that tried to kill me, the event that had me off looking for Kaspar to tell someone something bad was occurring. And if he’s able to subvert my spells and . . .’ He sighed. ‘He’s either grown far more powerful than I thought possible, or he’s allied with others. Either way, it’s to no good end.’


Father-Bishop Creegan asked, ‘Who does he serve?’


‘Himself,’ said Amirantha.


‘Runs in the family, I see,’ said Sandreena.


Ignoring the barb, Amirantha said, ‘Belasco is not mad the way Sidi was, but he isn’t entirely rational, either. He flies into rages that cause him to do things . . .’ He shrugged. ‘Sidi was completely irrational, and as a result unpredictable. I’m not sure if he even knew why he did half the things he did. Since childhood he was driven by strange impulses, needs and desires that I can only begin to imagine.


‘Belasco, however, is driven by hatred. He hates whatever he cannot have, whatever he cannot control, or whatever he cannot understand.’


Jommy sighed. ‘That’s a lot of hate.’


‘Indeed,’ said Amirantha. if someone or something, an agency we have encountered before or identified, perhaps this organization of Black Caps as you called them, Sandreena, has offered him greater power, greater wealth, or greater understanding, in other words appealed to his vanities and desires, then he would serve.


‘And I am certain that, if he is in service, eventually he will plan to surpass and supplant whoever or whatever he serves, but that’s another topic. For the moment, he is either working on another’s behalf, or for himself, but either way he seems determined to facilitate bringing some very nasty creatures into our world.


‘The demon I encountered, the one that began this adventure for me, he was unlike anything I’ve run afoul of before; he was a battle demon and a spell caster. I can’t emphasize how unprecedented that is. In no tome, nor during my own personal experience, have I seen or heard of such a creature.


‘Demons tend to fall into two groups, with the magic users being the smaller. Their race is dominated by raw power, and often magic is more subtle. Those that use magic tend to be cleverer, more manipulative, even seductive with their arts.’


Sandreena said, ‘Which reminds me, how is Darthea these days?’


Amirantha hesitated a moment, then ignored the comment. ‘I’ve often wondered how the little creatures like Nalnar survive.’


Pug said, ‘We think it’s a system of fealty, being useful, buying protection from more powerful demons further up the hierarchy. Maarg rules through his captains, and they in turn have minions. We assume those like your imp serve a useful purpose, probably as intelligence gatherers, but perhaps nothing more important than carrying out the waste.


‘Whatever the truth, we do know that we are confounded by ignorance and need more intelligence.’ Looking at Amirantha, he said, ‘What can you do to help us?’


The Warlock said, ‘Whatever I can. Even were my brother not involved somehow, I would find this entire prospect fascinating. I don’t believe there’s anywhere else I’d rather be at this moment.’


A student stuck his head around the door and said, ‘Sir!’


‘What is it?’ Pug asked.


‘Sentry reports a dragon heading this way.’ Pug rose quickly and said, ‘Dragons do not cause us trouble. It can only be Tomas.’


‘Tomas?’ asked Amirantha.


As he, Miranda, Pug and Jommy made their way towards the door, Father-Bishop Creegan turned and said, ‘Why don’t you two come along. This is something you may never see again in your life.’


They hurried outside where Pug and his family had quickly gathered. Amirantha saw Brandos had joined them, as well as the young man named Zane. In the distance they could see a speck in the sky, slowly growing larger, becoming bird-like, and then resolving itself into something akin to a wyvern or drake on the wing.


But it kept growing in size and each time Amirantha thought it now close enough to begin landing, it grew some more. Finally, it loomed above them, its massive wings impossible to measure, cracking like thunder as it halted its descent.


Raymond E. Feist's books