Not What She Seems

chapter 24

Mason was waiting for her right where she expected him to be. He leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the lips as she climbed into the SUV.

“How is he?”

“As well as can be expected, I guess. They’ve got him in a medically induced coma for the next few days. He had heart surgery to repair the damage from the stabbing.”

“And how are you doing?”

“Okay. Kind of overwhelmed at the moment.”

“Try not to worry. He’s in one of the best cardiac units in the nation, they’ll take good care of him.” He patted her hand gently as he pulled away from the hospital.

“So, I was thinking. I can’t imagine you’re in a rush to go back to your apartment to gather your things, given what’s just happened.”

She shook her head. Her apartment was the last place in the world she wanted to go. “I have my stuff from our trip to Marjory’s. That will last me a few days at least, and I can always do laundry.”

“I was thinking the same thing, but it’s not enough. Tomorrow, if you’re up for it, I’d like to send you out with my driver to get some new things to get you through until you’re ready to retrieve your things from your apartment. I’ll call my credit card company and clear you to use my card, so you can go get whatever you need.”

“Mason, that’s too generous. I can’t do that,” she protested. Shopping was the last thing on her mind at the moment, even though any other day the offer would have been tempting. But it was enough that she was already using Mason to try to win the Challenge; she wouldn’t allow herself to use him for his money too. He didn’t deserve that.

“I insist. Come on, you’re not a dumb woman. I’m guessing you’ve noticed I live very well, beyond comfortably. I can well afford it, and you need it, and I hope it might cheer you up a little bit. What good does all my money do me if you won’t let me help you?” he implored insistently.

“It’s too much,” she told him firmly.

“That’s up to me, not you, and we don’t have to decide it right this minute. Just think about it, okay? I would skip my classes tomorrow if I could, but I’m expected to do a presentation, so it’s out of the question. I worry about you, sitting home alone all day with all the stress you’re under right now. Please consider it. It would make me very happy if you’d take me up on my offer.”

“I’ll think about it,” she conceded. “So where do you live, anyway?”

“Beacon Hill.”

“Sounds nice.”

“I think you’ll like it, I sure do. It’s a lovely neighborhood, very safe,” he added to try to put her at ease.

Mason was correct; Sylvia really did like his large brownstone in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the city. He parked the SUV in his private two car garage and showed her inside. She was unable to gather much comfort from the fancy alarm system he had to protect his home as hers had done little to safeguard Tucker, but she did find comfort in the fact that the Hunter wasn’t likely to be searching for her in Beacon Hill.

“Make yourself at home. This is your place too, while you’re here,” he announced grandly as he led her from room to room, giving her the tour. The brownstone was equipped with the best of everything, from Macassar ebony hardwood floors to enameled lava stone countertops. Each room had a different feel to it in terms of style, but everything was posh and expensive.

“It’s so beautiful!”

Mason shrugged. “I wish I could take the credit for it, but in reality all I did is luck out and hire an exquisite interior designer. He picked out what’s what, I paid the bills for it. I must admit though, I’m happy with the results.”

“You did a great job picking out such a talented designer, everything’s lovely.”

“So, ah, I’m hoping you’ll sleep with me, in my room, but it’s okay if you’d prefer to stay in a guest room. It’s completely up to you. I’ll understand if you’d prefer a space of your own, for privacy’s sake.” She could sense how nervous he was even broaching the subject.

“I’d like to stay with you, if you really don’t mind.”

Mason broke into a huge grin. “No, I wouldn’t mind at all. I was hoping you’d say that. Come on, I’ll show you the upstairs.”

The master bedroom was huge, with its own bathroom and dressing area. Three of the four walls were wallpapered in a dark, muted paisley with gold accents, and the fourth wall was covered in cork wallpaper to offset it. Antique oriental rugs covered the rich hardwood floors and the space was lavishly decorated. Mason showed her a walk-in closet that rivaled her one back home.

“I don’t even really use it, so there’s plenty of room for your stuff. And that, I never use that, so it’s all yours.” He gestured to an antique gold-scrolled dressing table in the dressing area. “And to think,” he joked, “I didn’t believe the designer when he said I’d one day have a use for it.”

He led her down the hall to show her the guest bath and the two guest bedrooms. Each one was as richly done as the rest of the house with its own mood. Sylvia loved it all, but her mood was significantly dampened by the events of the day.

“A cleaning service comes on Tuesdays and Fridays, and the grocery service delivers the same day, so let me know the night before if there’s anything in particular you’d like so I can order it for you.”

“Thanks, I… thanks for everything, Mason. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to not have to go home right now.”

“I know. Let’s see how it goes, maybe this can be a permanent move? I know, I know, it’s too early to tell, but I hope it works out that way,” he said softly as he pulled her into his arms and smoothed her hair away from her face.

Sylvia tried not to squirm beneath his grasp and forced a smile. “Let’s just see where this goes, okay?” Inside she was filled with self-loathing, an emotion that wasn’t familiar to her. He had been so good to her, treated her so well, even opened up his home to her, and she was just using him for his Innocent status. She didn’t deserve him, and she knew he deserved better. She wasn’t accustomed to worrying about the men she used, but Mason was different. In growing to care for him she had opened herself up to feel empathy, which she never had before. Succubi were selfish and uncaring towards humans by nature; to feel for one as she did was unheard of.

“I assume you’re not going to work tomorrow?”

Sylvia recalled she had told him her usual story, that she worked for a PR firm. “I have a lot of time off accrued, I’m sure I can use some of it.”

“Good. I think some time off would be good for you right now. Or maybe I’m just being greedy, wanting to see you as much as I can. My schedule varies from day to day, between classes and my business, but I’ll be around as much as I can.”

“I’d like that.” She leaned against him and closed her eyes. For just one moment, she wished she were human. Things would be so much easier if she were.


Mason ordered Chinese take out for dinner, and they sat on the plush leather couch in front of the big screen TV, eating dinner and watching a movie together. Sylvia was glad for the company. He was a good distraction from her troubles, and she felt at ease in his home.

“So have you thought about tomorrow?”

“What about it?”

“Would you like to go shopping, get the things you need, since you’ll be here for a bit?”

“It’s a very kind offer, but I can’t do that.” She shook her head.

“I told you, it’s no big deal. I know you won’t go running off and max out all my credit cards. Please? It would make me happy if you’d do it.”

“Mason, I can’t. I just can’t, it wouldn’t be right.”

“All right. But if you change your mind, you call me, okay?”

“Okay.” As much as she hated to give up a free shopping spree, she felt good about turning his offer down. She was taking enough from him already. She wouldn’t take his money, too.

Mason let her shower first in the master bath. When she was done, she saw he had laid out a soft cotton shirt of his for her to wear to bed. She smiled to herself as she put it on, touched by his kindness.

As she climbed into bed next to him that night Sylvia briefly wondered if she should try to seduce him again. She decided it would be best to skip it, at least for that night. It was too soon, and she was exhausted. If Mason insisted on waiting for the perfect time, she knew this wouldn’t be it. Despite the snippet of energy she took from him during their good night kiss, Sylvia fell fast asleep not long after her head hit the pillow.


Mason was already gone for the day when she woke up the next morning. He left a note for her on the kitchen counter to remind her about the shopping offer and urging her to call him if she needed anything. He also left the contact number for his driver in case she wanted to go anywhere, even if she wouldn’t go shopping as he suggested.

She didn’t want to go shopping, or anywhere else for that matter. It would have been good to check in on Keith again, but Lilith was right, it wouldn’t be a smart thing to do. She spent the day wandering around Mason’s brownstone, examining all of the beautiful things it contained, and when that no longer amused her, she ate some leftover Chinese food and watched bad daytime talk shows.

The doorbell rang shortly after three o’clock. Sylvia found herself frozen in terror, unsure of what to do, so she decided the best thing to do was pretend no one was home. If she stayed quiet, maybe they would go away. Unless it was the Hunter.

But it wasn’t the Hunter. Sylvia ignored the persistent visitor, who rang the bell and banged on it manually for a long time, until Mason sent her a text:

Go ahead, open the door. It’s safe, promise. See you tonight!

She was bewildered but did as he instructed. She trusted him completely, and if he said it was safe to answer the door than she believed it to be so.

A small stout woman, laden with packages from various stores around the city, bustled in as soon as she opened the door. She dropped her load of packages inside of the door and stepped back out to bring in another armful.

“My heavens! I thought you’d never answer! Heather Levangie, personal shopper, at your service.” She extended her hand and Sylvia shook it reluctantly.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“Ah, well, Mr. Kent did mention it would be a surprise. Let’s take a look and see if you like them, shall we?” She picked up the packages and moved into the living room, where she began pulling out piece after piece of high end, name brand clothing. “I do hope Mr. Kent got your size right, but seeing you in person, I’m sure he did.”

“This is all for me?” Sylvia asked, flabbergasted.

“Oh, yes. He called me personally late this morning and instructed me to pick up some things for you. Do you find them suitable?”

Sylvia fingered the tags on a $600 sweater. There were sweaters, tops, blouses, jeans, slacks, khakis, and even a few more formal items for nights out. Mason had even taken the liberty of having the personal shopper pick up an assorted bunch of panties and bras for her, as well as luxury bath and beauty items.

“They’re fabulous,” she managed to utter. It was unbelievable. It felt like Mason had purchased half of Newbury Street, just for her. “But I can’t accept them.”

“Mr. Kent thought you’d say that, and I’m under specific instructions to tell you that you’re to take it up with him.” She held her hands up in front of her in a ‘hands off’ gesture. “I’m not allowed to take anything back. He was very clear about that.”

“But it’s too much,” she protested.

“Honey, when it comes to designer clothing and the like, it’s never too much.”

Once the personal shopper was gone, Sylvia sat in the middle of the living room in the vast mounds of clothing.

I thought I told you no clothes? But thank you! She text Mason.

A few minutes later he replied: N I told you to think about it. Never heard back, so took care of it myself. You are very welcome.

She spent the rest of the afternoon trying on her new clothes. He must have looked in her travel bags to find out what size she was, and noted what colors she preferred to wear, because everything fit well and was to her taste. She put everything in the walk-in closet and chose a soft lavender angora sweater and a pair of expensive jeans to wear so Mason could see her wearing some of the new clothes when he got home. She knew it would make him happy, and it made her feel good to please him.

Her assumption had been correct, and when Mason arrived back at the brownstone he swept her off her feet and swung her in a circle in his arms. “Marjory said Heather Levangie was the best personal shopper in town, and she wasn’t kidding! You’re gorgeous.” His kissed her enthusiastically. “Oh, and the clothes are nice too,” he teased as he lowered her back to the floor.

“Thank you, Mason. Everything’s lovely, but it’s too much. I can’t accept such an extravagant gift, really. I wish you’d let me take the rest back; it must have all cost you a fortune!”

“It did,” he admitted to her with a wink, “But since I have a vast fortune of my own, and you refused to go shopping yourself, you left me no choice but to hire the city’s top personal shopper and give her a carte blanche to get whatever she thought you might need for your stay here. You can’t take it back! It would be rude to do so and my feelings would be hurt,” he pouted playfully.

“All right,” she finally relented, afraid of coming off as ungrateful. “I’ll keep everything, if you promise me you won’t do that again!”

“I can promise you no such thing, sorry.” His joy was contagious and she couldn’t help but laugh. It had been a long, lonely day and it was good to see him again. But she couldn’t let this one slide.

“No, I’m serious, Mason. It’s really generous and thoughtful of you, but I don’t want you to do anything like this again, okay? I’m just not comfortable with it, please respect that in the future.”

He let out a defeated sigh as pulled her close once more. “I wanted to treat you, Sylvia. You’re a special woman and you deserve to be treated well. Let me do it the way I do it best.” He paused, his eyes seeking hers. “I just want to take care of you and make you happy, whatever it takes. I think I’m falling in love with you, and I want to spoil you rotten. Please allow me to show you how I feel about you however I wish, even if it means expensive gifts.”

His proclamation left her speechless. Many men had confessed their love for her before but it was usually hollow and false, thrown out into the atmosphere in the throes of passion. Mason meant what he said, there was no doubt about it. Part of her felt the same; her feelings for him had been blossoming quickly over their brief time together. That was frightening enough, but to hear him say out loud what she both longed and dreaded to hear shocked her to the core.

“Can you at least keep it to a minimum next time?” she teased weakly as she tried to avoid responding to his bold statement.

“Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal. Now, what should we do about dinner tonight?”

It was hard for her to be present, in the moment with Mason, for the rest of the evening. Her mind kept turning back over that one single sentence, the one that confirmed her worst fears. No matter how or when this thing between them ended, regardless of if she won the Challenge or not, he was bound to be seriously hurt. She had always been comfortable with what she was. Succubi seduced and used men to feed from their energies, it was simply a different link on the food chain and she understood it as such. But the thought of causing Mason pain bothered her immensely and made her feel like a monster.

Once in bed they fooled around, and Mason’s stolen energy helped her to calm down a bit. It was hard to worry about the aftermath of their relationship when his pure, untainted energy was pacifying her. She refrained from pushing the subject of intercourse for his comfort and opted to finish him off orally when it became clear he had no intention of losing his virginity that night. She could almost hear the hourglass emptying out for her with each day that passed without a formal union between them. She knew she had to break it off with Mason sooner rather than later. Each day that passed allowed him to become a little more in love with her, and she needed him if she wanted to keep what was rightfully hers. But she worried about her growing attachment to him as well.

T. R. Raven's books