Night's Blaze

“The word was ‘impossible,’ actually,” Dennis said.


Kyle’s dark eyes were hard as granite when they looked at Dennis. “Nothing is impossible to kill. There’s a weapon here that will do it, but I think there’s another way.”


“Kyle, please,” Lily begged. She couldn’t believe this was her sweet brother who used to beg her to play games with him. What happened? Where was the kind boy who loved to laugh?


His cold look froze her heart. “Did you really fall for my act? You’ve not seen me in four years, and you thought I was the same young kid as before. Na?ve and stupid.”


“You were never stupid. Na?ve, yes, but we’re all that way. You were innocent and sweet.”


“Until Dennis showed me the world.” Kyle sneered at her. “I’m the one who sought out Dennis six months after you left. It was to see you, but he took me on a few jobs with him. Then I joined in the ranks.”


“No.” Lily didn’t want to hear any more. She couldn’t. “Stop talking. It’s all lies.”


Kyle stormed to her and peered down at her. “The lies are what you’ve been telling yourself. Had you bothered to talk to our parents, you would’ve learned I haven’t been home in three years.”


Lily felt sick to her stomach. “So you were part of the plan.”


“Of course,” Kyle said with a mocking laugh. “This was all my idea. I knew you would do anything for the family.”


Dennis smiled and looked on approvingly. “He’s a quick learner, your brother. I’ve known few who took to a gun the way he has. It’s a gift. He hits anything he aims at.”


“How nice for him,” Lily said, letting the contempt lace her voice.


“Careful,” Kyle said and waved the gun in her face.


She stepped back and spread her arms. “Kill me. If you’re such a big man, then pull the trigger.”


“Finally got that spine back, huh?” Kyle asked. “About time. Let’s get to the weapon. It’s taken too long already. I don’t like this place.”


“You’ll never get off Dreagan,” Rhys said.


Kyle slowly turned his head to him. “For a minute, I’d forgotten you.”


“I’m still here.”


Kyle’s contemptuous gaze locked on Rhys as he asked Dennis, “Do you know where the weapon is?”


“At the cottage,” Dennis answered.


“Are you sure?”


“The dragon’s worried I’ll kill Lily. He didn’t lie.”


Kyle’s lip turned up in a sneer. “He’s a dragon. They all lie.”


“Do you want to stand around and argue about it?” Lily asked. “I wonder how much time it would take to have you surrounded by dragons.”


Kyle gazed at her silently. “So you believe?”


“Does it really matter?”


“Have you seen them? Have you watched your new lover shift into a dragon?” he pressed.


Lily turned her eyes to Rhys. She was amazed that neither Dennis nor Kyle realized the predator they had near them. Did they not sense Rhys’s tightly leashed savagery?


She was aware of the violence building, saw the wildness escalating. Recognized the fury swelling.


Whether Rhys could shift or not, he was the ultimate warrior. She might not have touched his scales herself, but she saw him in her dreams. She rode through the clouds with him, felt the wind upon her face.


“Yes,” she finally answered.


There was the faintest flicker in Rhys’s eyes. His presence reminded her of what was at stake. A hidden world of Dragon Kings who protected the world. Dragons. And to think she had a dragon of her own.


“Don’t you realize what they are?” Kyle asked in shock. “You’ve sullied yourself.”


Lily jerked her head to her brother. “Sullied myself? Did you really just say that? Are you so screwed up that you think it’s all right to kill someone, but not for me to share my bed with Rhys?”


“I’m not the one screwed up. Your head has everything backward, and you don’t even know it.”


“You’ve always been obstinate, Kyle, but even you have to see the flaw in your rationale.”


Kyle gave a loud snort of contempt. “There’s no flaw. This is our world, and there’s no place for dragons on it.”


“What about the Dark Fae?”


“Fae?” Kyle asked with a bark of laughter. “You believe there’s Fae?”


Lily glanced at Rhys to see him give a barely discernible shake of his head, warning her not to say more.


“That’s rich, Lily. Crazy, but rich.”


It was Dennis who stood stiff. “Actually, Kyle, there are.”


“I’ve had enough. Move!” Kyle shouted and shoved Rhys.


Donna Grant's books