Night's Blaze

That made Rhys hesitate, uncertainty tightening a band around his chest. Why would Dennis want Kyle here? He quickly sent a warning through his mind to the other Kings. “What does Kyle have to do with this?”



“Kyle’s watching, isn’t he?” Dennis laughed. “So predictable, just as my boss said you would be. You want Kyle to see me act the monster. As long as he’s watching, you’ll never shift.”


“My, my,” Rhys said with a tsk. “You’ve certainly outthought us.”


Dennis gloated with a half-smile. “I’ve been told that you’ll go to great lengths to protect humans. If you don’t want to see Lily dead, you’ll take me to the weapon.”


“What weapon?”


Dennis’s face blotched red with fury. “The weapon I came to find!”


“You assume an awful lot.”


“I knew one of you would come for her.” Dennis smirked. “You’ll be the one to lead me to the weapon, or I hurt her.”


No longer did Rhys pretend he didn’t care for Lily. He clenched his teeth and vowed, “If you harm one hair on her head, I’ll rip you to shreds.”


“Just show me the weapon.”


Rhys glared at him for several moments. It irked him that Lily was put into such a position, but if anyone was strong enough to endure it, she was. Even with this new development, his plan was taking shape.


Dennis wrapped his fingers around Lily’s arm and squeezed, causing her to gasp with pain. Rhys bit back a growl, his hands fisting as he imagined wrapping them around Dennis’s skinny neck. He was going to draw out the time it took him to bring Dennis to the cottage, but Rhys didn’t think he would be able to hold back his rage and not kill Dennis if he hurt Lily again.


It was only Lily’s slight nod of her head, indicating that she was all right that allowed him to breathe easier. Slightly. He was still going to enjoy killing Dennis.


Rhys finally pointed to the right. “It’s that way.”


“Lead the way,” Dennis ordered.


He walked past Lily and grazed her fingers with his. Rhys didn’t like her being in danger, but as long as Dennis needed her as leverage, she was safe. He would feel infinitely better if she were with the rest of the mates, however.


With another glance at Lily, Rhys led them to the cottage that had been prepared for the trap. Dennis thought he had everything in order, but he was too cocky and too sure of Ulrik’s intel.


“Why didn’t your boss come himself?” Rhys asked.


Dennis made a noise of annoyance. “He’s the leader. He doesn’t do the dirty work. That’s what I’m for. And I’m good at it.”


“So you’ve been working for him for a while?”


“Since I was twelve.”


Rhys helped Lily down a set of rocks that served as steps. He looked at Dennis and glowered. “You’re nothing more than a pawn.”


“We all have our talents.”


Rhys deftly navigated the rocks to move ahead of Lily and guide her.


“Lily was another mission,” Dennis said.


Rhys struggled to keep his anger in check. “You’ve had this planned that long?”


“No, mate,” Dennis said with a laugh. “I was asked to pick a girl from an aristocratic family and see if I could make her fall in love with me. By the by, Lily, you were way too easy.”


Rhys glanced at her to see her jaw clenched and hatred shining in her eyes.


“I told your father you were a bet,” Dennis continued. “I knew for sure he would tell you, but neither of your parents did. He assured me that you would see me for what I really was. Too bad he was wrong.”


Lily jerked her head to him. “My sisters hated you.”


Dennis shrugged. “Yep. Either way, I not only got you to fall in love with me, but you moved in with me against your family’s wishes.”


“Did you no’ want her family’s money?” Rhys asked before Lily could say anything else. Her black eyes skated to him, and Rhys wished like hell he could fly her far away. Perhaps back to the hotel in Edinburgh where he could make love to her for days, only allowing her to get up from the bed to eat and for them to soak in the large tub together.


“I have plenty of money. I didn’t need hers then, and certainly not now,” Dennis said.


Lily halted and faced him. “And the beatings? The scars you’ve given me?”


Dennis’s smile was pure evil. “I’ve always had a need to hurt things. I like it, in fact. It’s not my fault you were too stupid to leave.”


Lily launched herself at Dennis. Rhys deftly grabbed Lily around the waist and pulled her back. He turned her away from Dennis and held her tightly against him. “Just a little longer,” he whispered in her ear.


She sighed loudly. “Only for you.”


He knew what it was costing her to be near Dennis, and it killed him to put her through it. But he was going to make it up to her when all of it was finished. He was going to show her only happiness and pleasure and laughter.


“Quite protective, aren’t you?” Dennis asked Rhys as he came to stand beside them. “Lead on, Dragon.”


Reluctantly, Rhys released Lily, but kept ahold of her hand. He had to touch her somehow, and even that little bit was enough to calm the storm within him.


Donna Grant's books