Night's Blaze

“We can no’ all be you, can we?”



Con’s chest expanded as he took a deep breath. “You were awake. You heard the calls I put out, you knew Rhys was in pain and dying.”


“It’s why I’m here.”


“Weeks later. Where were you before? You knew all that was going on, Darius, and you chose to ignore it.”


Darius snorted. “If you were so worried, why no’ send someone to wake up the ones who sleep?”


“Because it’s a choice I’ve always given each of the Kings,” Con stated tightly. “I allow you to choose whether to help your brethren or no’.”


“Some of us have … torments … that shouldna be brought into the world again.”


Con sighed and shook his head. “Doona believe you’re the only one who has suffered. Every damn one of us has. Including me.”








Lily was having a difficult time managing the rocky hillside in her heeled boots, but she wasn’t going to ask Rhys to slow down. She knew his hurry. And she welcomed it.


Dennis’s eyes were on her as she let Rhys get ahead of her. She looked at his blue eyes and noticed how … pallid and colorless they were compared to Rhys’s magnificent blue.


“What?” Dennis demanded angrily.


Lily shrugged. “Nothing. I’m just realizing how very unattractive you are.”


“Lily,” Rhys warned.


She knew she shouldn’t bait Dennis, but she was so weary of it all. The fear, the anxiety. The pain.


“It’s all right, sweetheart.” Dennis reached out and gripped her arm again, his fingers biting into her flesh. “Keep trying to hurt me with your words.”


He dragged her along cruelly, causing her to twist her ankle. She glanced up and saw Rhys watching her, his eyes filled with concern and a hint of fury tightly leashed.


Lily touched the knife hidden up her sleeve. She could use it right now. She could plunge it deep into Dennis’s heart and it would all be over. That would be the easy thing to do. However, she knew Rhys and the others had a plan, and she needed to consider that before she did something to ruin it. As much as it infuriated her to wait.


A look back at Dreagan Manor in the hopes of seeing dragons, instead, she saw someone running toward them. He moved low and fast, as if he were hiding from something. She didn’t point him out since it could be another King trying to sneak up on Dennis.


She did turn her gaze to the sky. For just a moment there was a break in the thick gray clouds to show a spot of sky. That’s when she caught sight of burnt orange scales. Her breath hitched and she stumbled again since she hadn’t been looking where she was going. Dennis let her fall to her hands and knees, and it was Rhys who rushed to her.


With her chest heaving, she looked at him in wonder. She hadn’t believed his story at first. Then she’d listened to him and heard the certainty in his voice that made her consider it. Somewhere along the way she began to deem his tale truth.


Believing and seeing were two different things however.


There were dragons flying above her. One for sure, but she had an inkling that there were more. Whatever fear she had vanished. She was on Dreagan, surrounded by dragons who promised to protect her.


Lily’s smile was slow, but it grew. Rhys’s befuddled look dissolved as he returned her grin.


“What are you two smiling about?” Dennis asked angrily. “Get on your feet, and let’s get moving.”


Once Lily was up, Dennis grabbed her arm again and waited for Rhys to take the lead. They walked in silence, the hills growing steeper and higher with each one. At the next rise, Dennis stopped.


“We’re no’ there,” Rhys said.


Dennis laughed. “We have someone approaching.”


Rhys stiffened slightly and turned to look. Lily was hoping to recognize the face, but she was aghast to see it was none other than her brother.


“Kyle,” she said and tried to run to him. Dennis held her in check and withdrew a gun from his coat.


Dennis waved Kyle closer with the gun. “Come join us.”


Lily couldn’t rein in her shock. She waited until Kyle was close before she asked him, “What are you doing here?”


“Those from Dreagan wanted me to see what a monster Dennis was,” Kyle said, anger tinting his voice.


Lily couldn’t believe this was happening. “Why didn’t you stay with them? Why didn’t you stay where you weren’t in danger?”


Kyle’s face suddenly broke out into a grin. “Then I wouldn’t have been able to join in the fun.”


Lily watched, horrified, as Dennis tossed the gun to Kyle. They shared a laugh as she stared, speechless. When Rhys tried to go to her, Kyle stopped him by pointing the gun at him.


“I saw the other dragon get shot multiple times. He barely flinched,” Kyle said. He rubbed his chin with his free hand. “We’ve been told you’re hard to kill.”


Donna Grant's books