Night's Blaze

Kellan was smiling as he turned to Lily. “I tried to resist her, but she had no idea I was falling for her from the verra beginning. She had me wrapped around her little finger.”



“You’re so lying,” Denae said, laughing.


“No’ at all, my love. If you’d known, you could’ve destroyed me.”


All the smiles were gone as Denae cupped Kellan’s cheek. “Without you, I would’ve died.”


“I wouldna have let you.”


Lily knew there was a deeper meaning to their words, and by the look on Kellan’s face, Denae’s mention of death wasn’t metaphorical. She wished she knew their story, but it was private. Would she ever have such a story? She glanced at Rhys, wishing with all of her might that her story involve Rhys.


“They always tend to forget other people are around,” Rhys said as their food arrived.


With smiles back in place, Denae and Kellan rejoined the conversation. The four talked of everyday things. Laughter was never far, and the smiles were frequent.


Lily drank two glasses of champagne while she ate. The atmosphere made it easy to forget why she’d gotten the tattoo, why she wore the dress, and why she was determined to find the person she once was.


All too soon the meal was finished. Lily feared that would end the night, but she was pleasantly surprised when they remained at the table, ordering a second bottle of champagne.


“This has been a truly fabulous day,” Denae said as she lifted her glass to Lily.


Lily responded in kind. “It was. Thank you for inviting me.”


Denae winked at her, even as Kellan pulled her chair closer to his so he could drape his arm on the back of it and gaze adoringly at her.


“You watch them as if you’ve never seen such affection,” Rhys said in a low tone.


Lily turned her head to him, wondering how his chair had gotten so close to hers. Which she was quite pleased with. “Actually, I was thinking how much those two remind me of my parents.”


“In what way?”


“In all of it.” She turned her gaze back to the couple. “The way Kellan has to touch her, even if it’s just their fingers. He needs to have her near, but Denae also desires to be near him. She gravitates toward him. Then there’s the way they share those smiles, as if they know exactly what the other is thinking.”


“He’s thinking he wants to take her to their room,” Rhys said, a grin in his voice.


Lily glanced at him and chuckled. “No doubt, but there’s deeper meaning in those looks and smiles as well. It’s a connection between two people who truly love each other. It’s amazing to watch.”


“Have you ever been in love?”


His question threw her. The smile died on Lily’s lips as she hastily took a drink.


“Doona answer that,” Rhys said a second later. “I had no right to ask.”


Lily shifted in her chair so that she was turned toward him. “I’ll answer it if you will.”


Rhys slowly nodded his head.


Lily licked her lips. “There was a short period of time when I thought I was in love. I was vastly mistaken.”


“I’ve never been in love,” Rhys said. His fingers touched the ends of her hair before his hand dropped back to his lap.


“I find that hard to believe.”


Rhys lifted one dark brow. “Because of the women you see me with?”


“Because women flock to you. You’re a beacon, a magnet for women. It’s your good looks, yes, but you’re charming and kind and … gentle. Women sense that.”


There was a beat of silence as his eyes dropped to her mouth. “Is that how you see me?”




He cleared his throat and looked up before chuckling. “Looks like we’ve been ditched.”


Lily followed his gaze to see Denae and Kellan walking arm in arm from the restaurant toward the elevators. “Good for them.” She turned back to Rhys. “If you need to go—”


“I doona,” he interrupted before she could finish.


Warmth infused Lily. She couldn’t hold back her smile. While Rhys poured the last of the champagne into their glasses, Lily glanced around and saw women of all ages throughout the restaurant gazing at Rhys with longing.


Rhys handed her the glass, their fingers touching. Lily’s stomach clenched in excitement.


His head cocked to the side, a question on his face. “What?”


“Look around,” she dared him. “There isn’t a woman here who wouldn’t gladly leave with you.” She waited for him to notice, but his gaze was locked with hers.


“I’m no’ interested in any of them.”


He stood and held out his hand to her. “Walk with me.”


As if she could say no. Lily put her hand in his and got to her feet. He looped her left arm through his while she held her glass in her right. She didn’t know where they were going, and she didn’t care. It was the best day of her life, and she never wanted it to end.


They walked to one set of large double glass doors that were opened, allowing the cool night air to fill the area. Rhys guided her out the doors to the balcony that overlooked the city.


“You wear those clothes like a woman born to them.”


Donna Grant's books